Saturday, August 6, 2016

Grey! Spoiler Alert

I will confess right here, right now. I love the way guys think. Fascinating, to me. Yeah, it may very well be a bit rough to my feminine mind, at times, yet, I love it!

Guys think about sex, a lot! So effing what?

It's neither bad, nor good. It's part of what makes them male & I love it .....I love it a lot!

On an analytical plain, it might be because I have high testosterone & so, I understand them better than most girls. Better than the guys out there think that I understand them.

Oh, it's not like I'm thinking of humping everything humpable. LOL!
I know that wasn't a real word, yet, I color outside the lines a lot!

When having a conversation with the previously mentioned former PJ, he exclaimed to me, "Yeah, but, you don't have testosterone!"
If he only had known!
I held back, lest I give the wrong conveyance of meaning to him.

In 2008, there were some college students doing a project. They were doing a study on testosterone in the female population. As I answered their ad with trepidation, it seemed so fascinating. Being on a relatively renewed journey of self discovery after losing my identity in an abusive marriage then working to re-discover who I am and making a bit of $$$ at the same time. Seemed like a good idea. Actually, it was a good idea!

A bit of info about moi? I hate having needles stuck in me. I have been known to pass out when having blood drawn or other forms of being stuck with a hypo! No tatts on my body. Most likely, never will.
Even pierced my own ears when I was 12 years of age. The thought of someone else coming at me with a needle was no bueno.

During the study I participated in, it required blood draws.

UGH!!!!! OUCH!!!!! PANIC!!!!! PAIN!!!!!!

So, the mofos had to pay me well for me to participate.

The outcome?

I do, indeed, have very high testosterone. I was in the top 98 percentile. It simply proved what I already was aware of.

Purty cool, hmm?

Soooooo, it's probably a facet of why I'm digging the 
"50 Shades of Grey" series.

Most recently, as well as my very favorite?


The "50 Shades of Grey" saga, as told from Christian Grey's perspective.


The raw thoughts, unspoken opinions, viewpoint of the male mind.

It took a bit of getting used to, have to admit. It's raw, alright!
Yet, so very honest.

I could do without the "cock twitch" mentions which number in the high hundreds throughout the book. I thought, 

"Geez! Can't you be more diverse in your descriptive writing?"

Going on a limb, here.

Putter flutter
Trout out
Rockout with my cockout
Trousal arousal
Dick flick
Hard guard

Anyway, I didn't write the book, yet, I am reading it and enjoying it, too!

The Christian Grey character is a tormented soul. Trying so very hard to overcome his rough start in life. Born to a crack whore, was found cuddled up to his mothers corpse, by the police, at the age of 4. The scars on his back, were from when his mothers pimp would grind cigarette butts out on him starting when he was just a few months of age.

At 15, his mothers "friends" indoc into the BDSM life added to his torturous self  consternation.

Yeah, it's enough to mess a guy up!!

Enter, Anastasia Steele. A smart, sweet, college girl & virgin.

Christian has all the money, power, fame, charisma, prestige, adoptive family totally messed up about women!

This unlikely pair each has what the other needs without knowing it. Anastasia is wanting that right guys love, Christian is confused about what he does want, not realizing what he will want, soon.


It's a love story, with a twist.

When all the hate mongering religious groups were yapping about the series, it caught my interest. Thank you so much!!! *smile*

When I began reading, I began to identify with Anastasia as well as with Christian, 50/50 with both.

The crux is this. I loved all three 50 Shades books.

I TRIPLE LOVE the "Grey" book as told from a male POV!!!!
The BDSM lifestyle? I will pass.
The books? Yes, please. I hope there will be more!

The books may not be every body's crack

There is crack on the pages, I need my fix!

Laters, baby!


  1. I didn't think you were in the Fifty Shades series but nice analysis, nonetheless. You're the first to look at it in a less sexual way. ha

    1. Thank you for your comment, Michael! In my opinion, the 50 Shades series as well as the Grey series are all a love story. Maybe I'm a bit idealistic, yet, I see a very tortured guy who found his healing in the comfort of a good womans love. Christian & Anastasia had to both make adjustments & compromises to find their middle ground. Loved it!



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