Friday, August 5, 2016

The Most Beautiful Thing

Is now

Now is what we have in our present day
It's everything we do it's everything we say

It's how we speak our words when we say
I love you I like you hope you have a nice day

It's the feeling you get from being so kind
That the serotonin spins inside your mind

It's making love with the one in your heart
Counting the hours til together when apart

It's the sweetness of babies being as they are
Created from stardust on that wishing star

It's finding the joy in an overplayed song
Easing time in traffic when it's been too long

It's a sweaty workout at the favorite gym
With my hot sweaty thoughts of him only him

It's beautiful to live in this rhyme as I say
I like you I love you have a nice day!!!


Yes, I wrote this.

Brenda M Garten - Bautista


  1. I love sweeps me away in its lyrical symmetry...well done

  2. I love sweeps me away in its lyrical symmetry...well done

  3. Thank you. High praise from an eloquent mind. :)



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