Tuesday, August 2, 2016

Going, Going, Gone & Gone

A continued theme, packing, sorting trashing.
Packing, sorting, trashing, donating
Sorting, packing, trashing, donating
Sorting, trashing, filing, donating
Sorting, filing
Clearing, donating
This has been my life for the past couple weeks. Also have to fit in some document translation, blogging, a bit of socializing. Just to keep some sanity, some motivation to keep going.
After my marriage ended, I dated ......A LOT! I felt so sure that there was someone out there, looking for someone like me.
They were, alright, yet, most had less than honorable intent.
I rolled with it.
The guys could want what they want, yet, we didn't want the same things. They could want, I could want, it didn't necessarily mean they or I would get what either of us wanted.
Personally, I didn't get what I was seeking, I didn't give them theirs, either.
There were expensive gifts, lunches & dinners in pricey eateries. I can feed myself. It was nice to be treated and sometimes, I treated.

Lots of good conversation, sometimes deep, sometimes just small talk. On phone or in person. Each of these were fun times.
Needless to say, I didn't get what I truly wanted, the guys didn't get what they truly wanted, either. All is fair, ah s'pose.
When sorting through so much "stuff" I had to donate so much!! A lot of it was gifts from that time in my life, after divorce, when I re-entered the dating world. 
Thoughtful gifts of a personal nature.
Several pieces of jewelry, I genuinely love. Although, from certain guys, the feeling for it was a love for the beauty of the jewelry, itself, nothing to do with the one who gave it to me.
Some of it DOES have a connection to the giver.
Am simply not a materialistic person.
At least, not AS materialistic as the average person in the USA. Every time I move from one place to another, I rid myself of "stuff", yet, still end up feeling as if I have too much!
I find myself keeping all of the smaller items, yet, the larger items get donated. The items, themselves, are beautiful. I took good care of them, so, they are in "like new" condition. The person who finds these treasures, will probably wonder.
"How can someone part with something so new, so beautiful!"
My answer is, I loved the person, I kept the memory. The memory is the most beautiful gift of all.
The time spent with each person changed me, what a gift! Having learned to use things & love people is a gift in itself.
The opposite is too often true in todays world.
Not this chik. *smile* 
I will love people with my whole heart always.
They matter less & less with time.
People are precious.
Peace out.

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