Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Pedophilia or Who's Perving Who?

The rash of school teachers having sexual & romantic relationships with students, whether underage or not, has been in the news a lot lately.

Guess what?

It's been going on for decades, even, possibly centuries.

Lord Byron, a famed English poet had an ongoing sexual relationship with his Governess.

There are countless more accounts of this.

It's only recently being brought into the light. Receiving attention in a less than positive way. Female teachers having inappropriate relations with male students, male teachers having inappropriate relations with female students.

It's been going on for a long time.

Yes, I have had experience with this sort of thing.


I never, ever did go for it, nor would I EVER go for it.

Yet, the temptation threw itself at me, I strongly resisted.

While working as a substitute teacher in the Junior High and Senior High, I saw, first hand, how bold the male students are.
I also saw, how bold the male students can be if allowed.
I didn't allow it.

This experience gave me an understanding of how a female teacher who is reasonably attractive as well as single or if she is in an unhappy marriage, could fall for the seemingly innocent interactions.
She might be single and feeling a bit lonely, which would make her vulnerable, when a hot male student comes on to her.
I would say the male students know what they are doing 50% of the time, yet, 50% of the time they have much less of an understanding of the repercussions of their actions.
The repercussions will be much more severe for the female teacher if she gives in, plays along or fails to nip it in the bud!

The repercussions will also be slightly psychologically & emotionally damaging to the male student, although, he may not realize it at the time.

I'm a girl, so, I see this from a female perspective.

I have been told I'm very hot looking and look 20 - 25 years younger than I am, chronologically. In excellent shape & excellent health from my clean eating & daily train-hard sweat sessions at the gym. No wrinkles on my face, a positive, happy attitude toward others & life in my heart, always.

In my heart?
I am a simple, sweet, smart, single former farm girl from Michigan. That's how I see myself.

I tried to keep my personal details to myself as much as possible when I was substitute teaching. The students are excellent sleuths. They found out that I am single and the slight flirtatiousness increased from the male students.
I nipped it as best I could without being a bitch to them.

During the time I was substitute teaching, a few of the male students tried to get my phone number, tried to give me theirs. Tried, I say.
A few of them tried to get me to meet them somewhere after school or for me to let them come to my home.
That would NEVER happen.

All of this gave me an understanding of how so many female teachers, full time, substitute or any school role, could be so disarmed by the boldness of the male students.
The male students are so charming, so disarming in their naivete, so flattering with the way they take an interest in the female teachers & substitute teachers.
It's a refreshing approach from the methods of more skilled guys out there, who are over 18, who are so skilled at playing with a girls feelings. So skilled at manipulating her when she is stupid enough to fall for whatever his agenda is for her.

The male students have no idea what fire they are playing with, nor do they realize how much ruin it can bring to a female teacher if she goes along with what he has in mind.

The temptation is there if she is vulnerable.

I am a stronger person when it comes to male manipulation. I have seen waaaay to much combat in the war zone that is the dating world, today. 
I know how to resist.
I know how to see through the BS of the married males.
The BS of the players.
The trapping of hidden agendas.

Many of these female teachers seem to believe themselves immune to the charms of a hot looking, bold, male student. Many seem to believe that it's okay to engage in a little dalliance.
Guess what?

When I was substitute teaching in the HS, a male student, whose mother I see at the gym, had changed her cell number, gave me his mothers new cell number.
A female student, who didn't like me, went straight to the Admin Office, told them I was accepting the phone numbers of male students.
The very thing I was so against, so resistant to, was what I was accused of, tried, convicted, without even a conversation.
It sucks.
That was the end of my days as a substitute teacher.

Sometimes, I believe that I had that experience to gain understanding of the female teachers who did give in to the flirting, the flattery. Their vulnerability to the attention.

Ahh, yes, all good things, my friends.

I subbed, I learned, gained understanding.......then
reported the school administration to the Texas Board of Labor as well as the Texas Board of Educators.
Yup. Ha ha.

Out with a *BANG*!!!!!!!

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