Monday, August 29, 2016

Luck at the Library!

Libraries seem to be lucky spots for me.

Oh, I love books, books on CD, magazines I don't have to dispose of. The internet connection is faster at the library.

For me?

The library seems to be a hotspot for meeting guys.

Weird, hmm?

A few cases in point.

Before I moved to Texas, I was at the Library on the Air Force base. I was all enthused about some new needlework patterns I had found online that were free! I was genuinely in my own world, very excited, happy, etc. 
Dude next to me, leaned over, asked if I was looking at PORN!
That's how it started.
He got my email address, emailed me so we could "talk" without disturbing the other library patrons. We emailed back & forth, it was fun! Less intrusive than giving him my phone number.
He started to go into the sexual realm....ugh. Not a gentleman.
I left.
The next time I saw him, at the library, he emailed me, apologizing.
I left, again, he followed me out, we talked for a few minutes. He apologized in person. I was still skeptical.
After 2 weeks of "cooling off" time, he emailed me, again. 
I waited until I saw him at the library, again.
He was more "in check", well mannered.
He asked if I was single, we started seeing each other, I let him know I was going to be moving in 3 months. He was cool with it.
We spent some fun times together until I moved to Texas.

4 months after moving to Texas, my SF guy was out of country, told me that he didn't want me to be lonely while he was gone. I was at the town library one morning, when a guy at one of the computers, seemed to be having a bit of trouble figuring things out. Yeah, right, I didn't believe it, either.
He was around 30 yrs of age, hot looking, in a rugged cowboy sort of way. Clean, nice smile, smelled lean!
He asked me for help, printing some documents, I helped him. Then, he asked me if I would tell him where a decent place to eat, in town, was. Then, he asked me to eat dinner with him.
Why not?
We spent a bit of time together.
My SF, "T" wasn't due back for another 4 months.
I'm a faithful type of woman, but, I did kiss the cowboy a couple times. *smile* "T" probably did much more than that when out of state, so, we had an understanding, he was cool with it though I could tell, he wasn't real happy about it. Awww.
Cowboy and I kissed a couple times in vertical. He shocked me one night by asking me if I would run off to Las Vegas with him!
Whoaaaaaa, Cowboy!
He left town a week later.

I'm at the library, today.

A guy sat down, next to me, just 10 minutes ago, OMG! I can smell the testosterone just ROLLING off of him!
He keeps looking over at me as I type, smiling. I'm pretending not to notice.
"Hey! Sweetheart! Are you single?" he says.
I looked over at him, smiled.
I know trouble, when I see him.

*Stay Tuned*



He was charming, funny, he was also only in town for 3 days, lol. Yup, ha ha! I knew trouble when I saw it.

We talked, flirted a little. Just a brief diversion.

Am not looking at all. 
Have been single by choice for 10 years. 
Celibate since August 2012.

I like my peaceful life with my passion channeled into fitness, fitness practices, self improvement.

Am very happy, easy to please. Simple things make me happy.

*Peace Out*

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