Saturday, August 13, 2016

A State of Being to Address

People often ask me if I'm single, then, the inevitable, "How can you possibly be single?"

Like, there must be something wrong with me that's hidden, which would explain my disease.

Yep, you read that right. People often speak of being single as a disease, whether it's themselves or someone else.
I prefer the term ~ 
"Independently owned & operated."

Personally? I am single because I won't settle like I did when I married the first time. I have had offers, yet, am less willing to give up, my freedom to remain a growing evolving free spirit.
As a married woman, I felt stifled. Everything had to be about him or he was unhappy and would freeze me out for sometimes 2 weeks at a time.
So, at that time, I began losing sight of who I was, what I liked, what I disliked. I lost my identity.
Every time I began to grow & change, it threatened his sense of security, then, the freeze out.

Being free, again, I felt a surge of energy, a surge of renewal, growth, change ~ DELICIOUS!
Having had some truly wonderful guys want me to enter marriage with them, I felt fear, panic, complete resistance to the the idea. All, except one. My archangel, my Michael!
This is not to say that I don't ever wish to marry, again. It simply says that I'm much more selective as well as less willing to put up with shenanigans!

So, the answer as to why I am remaining "Independently owned and operated" by choice is that I'm unwilling to settle a second time.

Freedom to do as I wish, when I wish, with whomever I wish, for the duration I wish to do it.
This freedom is an aspect that allows me to grow, change, to further develop on my path as a person.

Being a free spirit, such as, I am, is an aspect that every person should have whether married or not.
Spouses who keep the other in chains add a smidgen of poisonous stagnation to the marriage.
Better to be thelemic.

For now, I will fully enjoy being "Independently Owned and Operated" until someone happens into my life who is wonderful enough to make me wish to change that.
Not perfect. 
As I certainly am not, yet, perfect for me.

Enjoy your single status. ;)

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