Tuesday, January 29, 2019

What you see, might not be what you see

Life can be a funny sequence of events. Appearances can, often be deceptive. There's makeup, spanx, wigs, wine, chocolate, promises which one never intends to keep.
It's rather tricky to discern the lipstick on a pig from the genuine.

To quote my grandfather who was a seasoned Detroit Policeman for 25 years ~
"Don't believe anything you hear & only half of what you see."

Grandpa was wise. I'm sure that he was simply quoting wise words he had heard from others. Nonetheless, he was quite intelligent as well as, I believe, also had "street smarts."

I believed every word my grandfather told me.

Compassion is still alive, still exists, yet, is in shorter supply in todays world than it used to be. People tend to leap, now, ask questions later. Often, there are no questions asked as guilt is erroneously assumed. 
People throw their personal acquaintances away as if they were discarding a soda can or an empty egg carton. Before an acquaintance can blossom into a friendship, it's discarded because of a sad, mutual misunderstanding. Sometimes it's inconvenient.

It can be different.

Each person has the opportunity to make it different. View others with the eyes of understanding, compassion, forgiveness.
This touchy feely idea is in no way advocating being a door mat.
What it is saying is that each person can make a difference. 
Gotta loooooooove redundancy.  ♥

Please read the words below. Thank you. With my whole heart.

Saturday, January 26, 2019

How can you be happy?

People often ask me why I am happy.
These are people who know me, they know what I have been through. Heartbreak, loss, death, physical challenges, the usual.
Or, is it?
The answer is complex as well as simple.

If you wish to be happy, then be. 

Let your attention be drawn to that which is happy, positive, uplifting, inspiring, supportive.
All that a person gives attention to, will become a part of them whether a bummer or joy inducing.
There are many references to it, such as, 
"As a man thinketh, so is he."
The Law of Attraction
When you smile the world smiles with you

One concept which requires a bit of effort is to phrase in my mind, speech which is positive from that which is commonly negatively phrased when it is spoken.
It takes far less effort than it used to.
Speaking in the positive can make a very pronounced difference in a persons attitude, mood, even their view of the world!

Case in point, the pony story.
Yup, ha ha!

A man had 2 sons. He wished to give a gift to both, the gift of positive thinking to possibly improve their view of the world.

Both sons were presented with identical horse stalls filled with hay, oats and a load of horse manure. 
One son remarked with disgust, "Why would you give a horse stall filled with hay, oats and manure as a gift??"
The other was tearing through the hay, oats and manure with a fervor, laughing as he did so.
When the father asked the boy what he was doing, he replied:
"I'm looking for the pony!"
Positive attitude!

Tricky to accomplish, easy to attempt, or is it vice versa?

You decide.

Hold a good thought for me. ❤

Direction, Please.

Which way am I supposed to go?
Diamond Head?

It's such a mystery.

Should I work at one job for all of my life
Should I become a mother and a housewife
Should I start with college then figure it out
New to adulting unsure of what it's about
It's so scary to get out there on my own 
Knowing it's wise to form my own home
Dating is so very confusing so very complex
For one who knows little of those of male sex
That which I was taught is odd to those out there
They only wish to use me they're so unkind so unfair



When the earth is caught between moon and sun
The visit of a beautiful full moon has begun
Though it lasts only for the span of one night
It's romantic it's mysterious it's a beautiful sight
Lovers will plan a sweet meeting at this time
Which mystifies many with reason or rhyme
It's the tidal pull it's the tug on a romantic heart
That brings lovers together who have been apart
The illuminated night will delay many a heartfelt pain
Until the next night when the world dims all over again
Viewing the moon as a heavenly time keeper of our nights
Loveliest of that which is lovely while the sun brings delights
Starshine is so mystic perhaps the most understood of all
They give the greatest delight whenever they die then fall
Oh! Make a wish! Make a wish when you see one dart
Make a wish to yourself, write it on your heart

Friday, January 25, 2019

The Times, My Times

Green seems like a good color to use for this blog post. Green is the color of re-birth, renewal and hope. It seems appropriate.

There are times when I stay awake for 3 days straight, a few times, it has been 4 days.
Being half Native American, it's only natural to tune into the beliefs of the people. It is said by many that when a person cannot sleep it's because they are awake in someone else's dream.

DAMMIT! Stop dreaming about me! 😁

It may be true, it may be false, yet, still, it remains that getting to sleep is hard for me. Staying asleep is easy...……...like taking a journey.
The journey is sometimes tiring, arduous. Arriving is bliss. If it's blissful enough, you only wish to stay. Warmed in the sweetness of family, friends or simply being somewhere different that is respite.

Sometimes, when I'm desperate, a shot or 2 of Jameson helps, yet, it's a band aid on a bullet hole. Sometimes, I use an OTC sleep aid.
Then, there's the method I can only use in the winter.
Heating the bed with a heated mattress pad and an electric blanket.

Temptation calls when the bed is so soft, warm, inviting. Even the comfort of a warm bed fails to chase the ensuing nightmares, once sleep takes over. 
In dreams, I'm re-living horrors of the past, hearing this terrifying screaming that goes on and on. Waking up in a drenching sweat, I realize that it was my own, real life screams that I was hearing, that woke me.

So, it's take OTC meds, a couple shots of Vodka or Jameson or stay awake for 2 - 4 days, fearing the nightmares if I sleep. Never knowing when the nightmares will happen or if a "good dream" will happen. Those are few & far between, brothers!
What are they?
Too XXX Rated to tell, here. This blog is truthful, yet G-Rated.

Then, there are the somewhere in between, dreams. 
The sweet dreams of riding my favorite horse through the tall summer grass. 
The dreams of being on a longboard riding the banzai pipeline, the one time I was in the barrel at Mokapu beach, North Shore, O'a'hu!

Those are the dreams that are worth falling into blissful slumber for. Dreams that I wake from with a smile, infused with energy, ready to get everything accomplished during the day.
There must be some way to cause these good dreams to happen. Foods to eat, bedtime routines. If there are, I'm still searching for them, whatever they might be. I will try just about anything.
An essential oil?
Warm bath with lavender oil?
Scented bath bombs?
Chamomile tea?
Soft music to soothe?

I used to turn to chat lines when I couldn't sleep. 
I was just looking for someone to talk to. 
The people on those chat lines were a conglomeration of married cheaters, hard dicks, trannies. 
Definitely NOT what I was looking for, NOT what I needed.
So, I stopped.

With the help of a good counselor, I'm slowly solving this conundrum. Medication might be the answer for some people, it's an answer that will remain for others. 
Maybe it's the Native American blood in my veins, I prefer to live as naturally as I possibly can. Eating fresh raw veggies, lean natural protein, wild caught salmon 2 - 3 times weekly. Nothing processed.
Medical Doctors are trained to prescribe medication. Surgeons are trained to perform surgery.
Counselors are trained to heal the minds of the broken, the ones who suffer with PTSD/MST,  traumas of other sorts.

Healing a wounded mind & a broken heart is something I will do as naturally as possible. With the compassion of a caring professional counselor, I feel the healing influence. 

Every day, one day at a time, it's easier.

Friday, January 18, 2019

Body Shaming?

I am who I am as no less though no more
Than a jumble of numbers or a credit score
My body is only a part of my total being
More guts and heart than what you are seeing
In the very core of this vessel cased in skin
There's a holy place my babies formed in
The stretchmarks across my belly and thighs
Are the stripes of a tigress this I realize
Melasma formed on my face as my babies grew
In safety and security so that they never knew
Never knew the pain and all the sleepless nights
Their mother bore to give them their human rights
Human rights to be born in the safety of such a place
Where some only care to have their baby's life erased
It has been a few years since each baby's birth came
Now the place where they formed is subject to body shame
Disregard the excitement at expecting each child
Milk flowed from both breasts as hunger was satisfied 
The body shamers will only condemn spent belly and breasts
That were once the sweetest haven for baby heads to rest
Body shamers who are supposed to appreciate her sacrifice
While the mean words were said to hurt her and to criticize
Make no mistake oh ye who think you are such perfection
It's the ugliness of a prideful one with a dark soul infection
She earned her stripes and womanly belly that you so despise
She has earned her queenly status to which she will humbly rise
For the tigress she is, in her imperfect body with a strong spirit
If you dare body shame her she roars and you will surely hear it

Hello, to you, reading this. Yes, I wrote this. Yes, I have endured the pain of body shaming. 
A daughter, 2 boyfriends as well as a few miscellaneous haters who were supposed to love me. In their imperfection, they took it upon themselves to body shame me.
Did it hurt?
Hell, YES!
Did I take it to heart?
I admit, momentarily, I did.
Then, I considered the sources. None of these body shamers had ever grown a child inside their body with all the extreme changes as the baby grew. They had never experienced the hormonal changes, the metabolic slowdown nor the joy of creating life. Thankfully, the joy, the agony, the pain, the relief was all mine.

These are not stretch marks, they are the tigress stripes I earned!

Thursday, January 17, 2019


The original tale of Rigoletto is an Italian opera composed in 1851 by Giuseppe Verdi.

The more current story of Rigoletto varies greatly from the original concept. The modern tale features heart tugging music, touching on  the lives of a town full of people working hard to scratch out a living.

There is no curse or evil spell
That's worse than one we give ourselves
There is no sorcerer  so cruel
As the proud and angry fool

Here is where the would be spoiler stops.

Having loved this presentation as well as shared with others who similarly were touched by the music, the plights of every day people, I was very happy to find it on You Tube!

If you enjoy an uplifting tale with such beautiful music with stories within stories that unfold in layers, I hope you enjoy this.


Sunday, January 13, 2019

Gloriana, Alleluia, Gloriana

Masterpiece Theater has bloody done it, again! The link below is the beautiful intro to the first season of Victoria. In which she becomes queen of Great Britain at age 18, meets & falls in love with, then, marries Prince Albert of Saxe Coburg und Gotta.


From an early age, whether my dear grandfather, Sherman Kendall, knew it or not, predicted it or not, caused me to study the life in depth of Alexandrina Victoria Wetlin.

She was the daughter of a single mother, then, became a single mother, herself after the death of her beloved. 

The relatively new series is exquisite! As less of a fan of television watching, this series, simply titled drew me in: 
Such a simple name for such a complex person as Queen Victoria of Great Britain.
The movie: The Young Victoria with Emily Blunt was excellent!

The BBC Masterpiece Theater series is going into its third season. It continues to draw a crowd during filming as well gain even more viewers! This is such an appropriate tribute to such a phenomenally accomplished woman. She ruled an empire while being married to a demanding though very beloved husband as well as being mother to 9 children!

Having studied her life since I was age 5, she impresses me, even up to today.
Her accomplishments are unlimited yet are still effective in 2019:

Public Libraries
Public education
Pain inhibitors which are safe in child bearing
Sewing Machines
Aircraft success

There is, indubitably, much more.

The reigning Queen Elizabeth may have been a reigning queen longer than Queen Victoria, yet, she has accomplished less with less odds stacked against her.

Spoilers will remain as a secret. The DVDs for the series, Victoria are being sold in a Season 1 as well as a Season II boxed purchase.

Because this series fascinates me so much, I have bought Season I as well as Season II on DVD as gifts thrice!


It's so good, I have to share!

Perhaps, because it's 99% devoid of profanity or nudity, it appeals to me. It's romance, adventure, action, passion! Thought provoking social situations.

As soon as I publish this blog entry, I'm going to buy stocks in Masterpiece Theater! JP!

It is a great series!!

See this appetizer for yourself.


Guilty Pleasure

We all have them. C'mon, just admit it!

One or many guilty pleasures.

Some people indulge in ice cream among many sweets
Cake or cookies or candy bars as very lovely treats
Some people indulge all night in pointless video games
A fantasy world of fake bodies with their totally fake names
Some folks collect critters to fill an empty desire or need
Filling a void to care for others with someone to love & feed
Some of us are hopeless collectors of beautiful shoes
With so many styles that give joy it's just too hard to choose
Some people love their fire arms with ammo & clips galore
They get a contact high when they visit any gun store

If your pleasure of choice wasn't covered, no worries! You can still feel free to indulge away in your blissful celebration of you!

Maybe you have begun to wonder if I have any guilty pleasures.

You may wonder. 😏

My hidden guilty pleasure may surprise you. I'm the sort of person who will try almost anything once, if I like it, I'll keep doing it!
As far as life practices of mine, I will keep up with a fitness practice, a sport supplement or even a personal friendship as long as it's going well.
When I became legally single, I tried dipping my toes in the dating world.
It was fraught with drama, heartbreak, pain. The cheaters, liars and players got to be too much. It was too much pain to bear. After 5 years of torture, I realized I was better off single, happy & stable.
Once the last heartbreak wore off and I allowed myself to adjust, to move past the hope, the desire, the deep loneliness. 
One practice that helped was to pour my sexual energy into workouts at the gym, yoga, pilates, strength training, free weights.

Dang! It whipped me into shape!

The pleasure of living life in peace, stability, traveling from time to time with few glitches, if any, convinced me that being single is a gift! A gift of a new me with far less worries, if any.

With that said, this may be a surprise.

My one guilty pleasure among many is to watch wedding videos.
Wedding videos abound on You Tube! 
Also, I love to go to weddings! Such happy occasions. Everyone is happy. Beautiful clothes, flowers, music!

Although I have long ago let go of the idea of getting married again, there are many good single guys out there, it just so happened that I didn't meet one.
So, I gave up.

I still love weddings!

The photo below is on the only time I was a bride.

This past year I was rather sad at not being able to go to a friends wedding, yet, hey, someone had to go to Hawai'i!
Her wedding was absolutely beautiful from what I saw of the photos & video. 
Aww, nuts, maybe there will be another one, soon!

For now, I will binge watch wedding videos on You Tube. I will catch episodes of Say Yes To The Dress, buy Bridal magazines. I will drink in all of the beauty, the happy faces, the beautiful flower arrangements and, of course, the wedding dresses!
I have heard that weddings are less stressful if you're not the bride. 

That works!

Thursday, January 10, 2019

Love U

Recently, I have been listening to & watching a renowned dating & life coach. He is ~

Evan Marc Katz

Evan has a great deal of insight into life, human behavior and has had very notable success.

He has developed a series of classes called Love University or Love U.

Just to be clear, I am no longer in the dating pool. No interest in dating, mating, meeting a gentleman. I'm financially secure, emotionally, spiritually, psychologically secure as well as stable. Life is good. It's working well for me, I'll keep it!

This man is rather fascinating to listen to, to watch, to hear the insights of guests on his videos as well as his podcasts. For me, it's more about learning about psychology, human behavior, navigating the different dynamics between people. Also, to learn more about how to handle some difficult social situations.

Evan is transparent in his presentations. He is brutally honest at times. Have to be in it to win it! It would be very interesting to see a podcast with both he and Dr. Laura together!

Something Evan said was really a good viewpoint on something that is said a lot by dating coaches as well as relationship counselors. In place of saying that women who find themselves in abusive relationships attract that to them, he says:

You don't attract abusive behavior in men, you accept abusive behavior from men.


There's also his podcast along with another dating coach, Dr. Sheri Meyers.

When does chatting become cheating.


I really enjoy hearing his viewpoints, his insights, his experiences with counseling women. I'm a sapiosexual!

Although it's not of interest to me to be in the dating world, ladies, this guy has some really great advice! 
If you're single and looking, this guy is genius!


Wednesday, January 9, 2019

Who & When

When someone I associate with irl begins reading my blog, often, I get questions such as:

Who was that blog entry about?
Did that really happen?
Does the person it's about read your blog?
Who can comment on your blog entries?

Simple answers to complex questions! Think about that for a bit. Let it sizzle. 😊

If my poem or blog entry is about someone, I will ask that person for permission to post the entry. I rarely use the person's name. 99% of the time, the poetry & entries are pure flights of fantasy. Often they are reactions to a good flik, music that inspired me, artwork that touched me or just because I'm in a romantic mood.

The romantic aspect of life is sweet repose from the world.

My romantic musings are just that, romantic musings about no one in particular. I think about positivity & happiness more than anything. 
Chris Martin of Coldplay is the exception. His positivity along with his very kind, humble, playful humor are inspiring!!!!

I think about him a lot! 
He and I are best friends, he gave me permission  to write about him. He's actually my neighbor right next door to my oceanfront property in Arizona. When I bought it, they threw the golden gate bridge in for free!!!

Loving you just as you are.

Something that is a valuable life lesson is to love someone as they are. Warts, tatts, flaws, all of it. Loving someone as they show up.
Being a human, I have flaws, too.

Many people fall in love with who they THINK someone is. Fall in love with who they perceive someone to be whether accurate or not.

My aunt Maydean says:
"People don't fall in love, they fall in horse shit, many people don't know the difference."


Having many flaws, It's pure truth that the realization is real. 
Ha ha!

Many people have flaws. If they are conscious of it or not is to be yet, unveiled. Viewing them with compassion is all I can do.

The quote:
Everything is love or a cry for love.

This causes the loving person in ME to come out.

Being a loving person borne out of innocence, a broken heart, a fractured spirit, causes compassion in my flawed heart.

Whatever the flaws of my heart are, feeling a desire to help is part of my character, part of my very being. 
Joie de vivre.

Loving others just as they are, leaving up to them as to whether they change of their own accord or not, it's a personal choice.
Having had connections with those who are very controlling has taught me that I wish to be un-controlling of others.

I will love you, just as you are.

Peace & Love, y'all!!!!


I know I fell in love with you
From the moment we were face to face
It was wrong wasn't long
Until my fast fall from your grace

It was churning inside me from GO
It was magical from the first hello

It was an experience to learn a lot
From all that you are that I was not

In such happiness in the enjoyment of you
In the misery of a fall from your high grace
You were so far out of my dating league
I felt as I was always in the last place

With a broken heart in such pieces
Going forward in life was my only choice
In the vocal opps of your private world
I was a presence yet was never a voice

So I moved on while it was so pain filled
You are so far out of my dating league
It was a desire I had willingly killed

Although every spiritual law told me I needed you.

Monday, January 7, 2019

My accent is back..

Backus Mountain, Meadow Ridge, West by God Virginia
As a child, living in Michigan, my daddy & his kinfolk were mostly from West Virginia.

They are/were Native American mostly. Proud people who worked in coal mines, brewed home distilled moonshine. Many of them were born on Backus Mountain (in the Appalachian Mtns.), they lived there, married there, raised their sweet babies, died there. 

Occasionally, some of them would come down from the hills for something other than work. For the most part, they stayed in the hills.
It's truly beautiful up there!
I remember seeing this, or something very similar, the river gorge bridge, West Virginia.

Family ties are stronger, life is much more simple up there.
I was just an infant when daddy moved mom, my older brother & sister up to Michigan.
On my birth certificate it lists my parents as living in:
Backus Mountain, Beckley, West Virginia:

That's West By God Virginia to you! Ha ha!

Born in Raleigh County Hospital. 

Daddy came from a large family. My cousins 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th etc. all moved up to Michigan at around the same time. Then, the successive ones born came along.
My cousins were almost my only playmates for most of my childhood. Have to give credence to small town life. 🎔
All of us had that sweet little twangy West Virginia inflection in our voices, in our speech patterns.

"Y'all wont some cawfee?"
"Y'all wonna stay fer supper?"
"Turn the picture box to the news."
"Kids! It's purt near time for bed."

Daddy's family were very intelligent, resourceful people. They did whatever it took to take care of themselves, their loved ones, the dogs, the cars. Daddy was an especially talented mechanic. He could fix anything mechanical. He was just that good. He could also get just about any edible plant to grow en mass! He had a huge garden every summer.
Life was far from idyllic, we had our struggles.

Having family members (aunts, uncles, cousins ad even a few neighbors) come over for a barbecue or to sit around the table was a regular activity. Daddy would get his guitar out, plug it in to the amplifier, other family members who also played guitar & sang would be jamming until as long as 0300 hrs.

The air would ring with their guitars, their voices. Daddy would tap his toe to stay in time with the others. Just for fun & because I was quite certain I could get away with it, I would step on his toe, throwing his rhythm off! I was a bit of a mischief maker. 
Ah, yes!!!
Some things stay the same! 😁

My mom would sometimes mock daddy by doing her best to speak with a West Virginia accent. She knew how to press his buttons.

It was a revelation to me, when I left my parents home, that I had the same accent as Daddy & all of his kinfolk. 
While going through USAF BMT people would sometimes chuckle at the way I talked. Then, in USAF Tech school, I began to lose the accent. 
It would surface briefly if I was angry, very tired or simply unaware that I had slipped back into it. 

Traveling all over the world, my vocal inflections changed according to where I was living. I could speak other languages like a native. Also, I could speak English (or Amerikanische as the German people called it) with a different accent, depending upon where I was or to whom I was conversing.
When I lived in Hawai'i, I spoke Pidgin. That was fun!!!!

Having lived mostly in the Midwest & North part of CONUS when I was in the USA, the accent had diminished to a slight lilt.

In 2012, due to many circumstances, I moved from Colorado to Texas. Once again, I have started slipping back into the southern accent I had up until the age of 18.

With that said, I have started to reconnect with family who are mostly living in Michigan. Last night, I was messaging with a cousin whose mama, I was very close to as a child. He messaged me that his mama often asked about me. 
In truth, I thought that all of my family in Michigan had forgotten all about me. I have only gone back to Michigan a few times, since leaving to serve Unkie Sam at age 18.

My cousin gave me his mama's phone number while urging me to call her, that she would just love to hear from me.
Being a bit unsure, yet knowing that my cousin had always been a good guy with honest intent to help others, it was well worth it!

In truth? I was scared. I was shaking as I punched her number into my phone. 
While fear of rejection may rattle many people, it paralyzes me!
While actually being rejected can sting others, it decimates me.

When his mama, Shirley answered, I felt a warmth wash over me. Her sweet smiling face came back to my memory. She is still one of those people that just about everyone loves. She smiles all the time. She always had a cheerful countenance about her.
Some things stay the same.
She and I had a very nice conversation, catching up.
After awhile, she told me that her son, David, wanted to talk to me.
He and I spoke for a few minutes when he said:
"You still have that country accent, don't you?"

Some things may change, then, go back to the way they were.

I think a trip to Michigan might happen for me in 2019! 

Saturday, January 5, 2019

Spin it around


It seems that society has influenced people to think, speak, act in the negative. The first clue is the words used in your head, spoken, also written. When you speak to yourself, inside your mind, the words you say to yourself are very powerful.

It's a tough lesson to learn.

Please, refrain from outright believing these words you say to yourself.

When you use the words:


If you use these words, you limit yourself through negativity.

If you will believe me, trust me that speaking in the positive can be done, I sincerely believe you can transform your life.

A few examples, with their positive counterparts going round & round in my mind. Always finding new ways to make statements that I have been told in the negative form, turning these phrases into the positive.

You have this!!!

Here are a few common conversions.

Don't be late ~ Please be on time
Don't trip ~ Please be careful & watch where you walk
Not a problem ~ This is a good thing
No worries ~ You are doing just fine
Can't you be still! ~ Please be still.

In the mind that I have, I spin negativity into positive, as I hear it!!!

From straw into gold!

Still, I'm just a girl.

Just one person.

In a world where most people speak in the negative, regurgitating what they have heard as well as ben taught, my hope is to show people who wish to see it, a way to speak positively.

There are roses
There is rain
We can bloom at will
Soothing our pain

At times, it's necessary to use the afore mentioned words, yet, just as too much fire will burn, I use the words sparingly.

When dealing with little children, I try to be very careful to use positive words. If I have a child with me in a store, I will tell them:

Look with your eyes or "Touch with your eyes"

A screaming child?
ID the problem. Are they in physical pain? Are they over tired? Are they hungry? Bored? Scared? Needing some reassurance? 

Children can sometimes have difficulty identifying their needs then verbalizing whatever it is that they need to bring their world back into balance.
These little ones are so fresh from their chrysalis! 
They are still learning how to be.

I'm issuing a challenge to you, who are presently reading this.
When you have thoughts which you wish to verbally express, try to phrase it in the positive.
Your world will begin to change.
At first, it will only be within you.
Slowly yet with a surety, your positive thoughts in your head where only you can hear will affect you for the better.
Then, as your words reach the ears of others, they might notice, they will feel the positivity that your change in speaking imparts.

Try this, see the changes, if you wish to tell me of the differences in your life, I would welcome your findings.

Be patient with yourself, it will take time.

Peace, love, happiness, y'all.

Friday, January 4, 2019


I'm a planner.
And you are?

Having been taught from the time I was a small child, by my beloved Grandfather, to plan, I'm still a planner.
Make the plan, execute it. This means follow through, not kill!

When I'm going to accomplish something, sometimes, making a list of actions to take is necessary. This depends, of course, upon the task.
When a task will involve more than just a few steps, yup. Bring on the lists, break it down into steps. Baby steps or bigger strides, whatever's clever. 
For travel, whether it's a day trip out of town or across the globe, making plans, using a paper folder, if needed will make everything much more smooth. It can leave "wiggle room" so that if events veer from the plan, plans can be altered.
Mostly, it's very possible to stick to a plan. 

I live in a very small town, day trips are good to avoid feeling that isolated feeling, a form of cabin fever. My bff & I will leave in mid morning for a 2 hour drive into south Dallas. Civilization!!!!!!

The traffic sux, yet, when we are sitting in Bonefish Grill enjoying a sumptuous meal, then, enjoying some Sephora time...…..yeah!

It's totally worth it! 

When bff & I planned our trip to Hawai'i, I went the dual folder route, so that we both knew what we were doing, day by day. It took some time to schedule, arrange, print out, then, put our trip together. It was so worth the time spent, we really did have a great time!

It's in my nature to stay busy, to always be doing SOMETHING.
Whether that "something" is working on a needlework project or translating documents or doing the daily part of a fitness challenge (squats or push ups or planking etc), there's ALWAYS something to do!
When I'm engrossed in a needlework project, got my needle warmed up with the rhythm......I have to keep going! Usually, it's either that I can't stop or I don't want to stop.

Often, if the phone buzzes or there is a knock at my door, I ignore it, I feel the need to keep going. Sometimes, I will turn the phone off, take a 3.5 hour nap, so that I can go at a second workout or be fresh for a marathon of house cleaning or stitching. Starting fresh, well rested, works wonders for accomplishing a task!

At times, I receive a text or call when I'm at a stopping point in whatever I'm doing or I can sense that someone's request really needs my attention. That's rare. I can veer off the course of the plan, yet, I would rather plan at least 24 hours in advance.

48 hours or more is even better, depending upon the event.

Remaining flexible in a plan is also necessary, not always possible, yet, it does help. Especially when planning a day trip or an extended out of town trip.

Event planners know that scheduling is elemental to success. This is why tickets are sold, seats are assigned, venues have to be scheduled. It's all about making a plan, then executing the plan. There are some elements that happen such as rain or power outages, over booking, etc, yet with good planning which can include a back up plan or Plan B, Plan C even a Plan D.

As one who is most comfortable with planning, I can be flexible, yet, it does rattle me slightly when the plan is changed at the last minute. 
It makes me feel less secure. On shifting sands, shaky ground.

When I can?

I roll with it, baby!
(Hate it, though, shh)

What the "L"?

Thursday, January 3, 2019

Work it out!

What are your interests? You know, your hobbies, practices, your passions? What inspires joie de vivre in you? (enjoyment of life).

Okay, I'll tell you just one of mine! (I have so many!)


Working out, working into a sweat, then, when the second sweat sets in, the feeling is a natural high. 
Cows milk is for calves ~ Exercise does a human body more good!

Slowly, I'm getting back into my workouts. After hitting a bit of a speed bump, I had stopped working out at all.
Baby, I'm back!

When starting to work out a few years back, I tried to work out with a friend or a gym buddy. What I found was that I do much better on my own. My gym music is all I need. Mp3 player.

Working out is a personal activity for me. I take it seriously.

When other people want to be my workout buddy, it doesn't work for me. When they are inconsistent or don't show up when they say they will without letting me know, it kills my motivation. It siphons off the emotional energy I pour into workouts.

I take my workouts very seriously so, when someone wants to work out with me and they are making jokes or I have to slow down for them, it's a big motivation killer. 
When I work out on my own, I go at it, hard !!!

I was asked, today, if I enjoy working out by myself.
The response?
"I actually have company! There are 12 bands & music artists in my Mp3 player!"

For real, it's all I need. 

Music & me. 😁

Wednesday, January 2, 2019

Which part is mine?


I'm McLovin on Michael McLean's beautiful music.


Because it's poignant, because it's still relevant, though it was composed & recorded more than a decade ago. The words, OMGoodness, the words! The music, the subtle melodies with rich vocals. From deep baritone to high soprano, contralto, tenor, it's very moving. It moves me. Maybe, it will move you, too.

As one who is sensitive to language, listens closely to the words in every song, this song is epic!

To skip the lyrics and listen to the actual song, scroll to the bottom.


She was only a dairyman's daughter
She was only a child of 13
But the stars on the radio brightened her nights 
With a dream
So, she called up her best girlfriend, Jenny
'Cause she thought they would make quite a pair
She said, let's you and me try to sing harmony
At the amateur night at the fair
But she only had the range of an alto
So the part she knew best went to her friend
And when Jenny's soprano'd drown out the piano
They'd have to start over again
And the dairyman's daughter would then
Say, which part is mine?
And, Jen, which part is yours?
Could you tell me one more time
I'm never quite sure
And I won't cross the line
Like I have before
So, please help me learn which part is mine
And which part is yours

She grew up and got married to Bobby
Kept him working on his MBA
They had 2 little red headed children
And one on the way
Everybody said she could work wonders
And she wondered what everyone meant
She played so many roles it was taking its toll
And she feared that her time was mis-spent
So she opened her heart to her husband
They discussed everything on her list
From the kids to the job 
To her feelings for her God
But, what it really boiled down to was this
She said, which part is mine?
And Bob, which part is yours?
Let's review it one more time
I'm guess I'm not sure
And I won't cross the line
Like I have before
If we'll just define which part is mine
And which part is yours

Every sleepless night knows many mothers
Who are wondering if they've done alright
And the dairyman's daughter 
Knew more than a few of those nights
Had she given her son too much freedom
Had she smothered her 2 teenage girls
Had she spoiled them too much
Or not trust them enough
To prepare them for life in this world
So she opened her heart to the heavens
And she spoke of her children by name
And the prayer that she prayed that her kids
Would be saved
Had a very familiar refrain
She said, "Let's review this again."
Which part is mine?
And, God, which part is yours?
Could you tell me one more time
I'm never quite sure
And I won't cross the line
Like I have before
But it gets so confusing sometimes
Should I do more or trust the divine
Please just help me define which part is mine
And which part is yours.....

Did you hear me?
I can feel you near me
It is the answer that I've been longing for
Just to know you hear me
And to feel you near me
It's all the answer that I've been longing for
Did you hear me?
I can feel you near me!
It's the answer that I've been longing for
Just to know you hear me 
And to feel you near me
It's all the answer that I've been longing for

After I've done my best
I know you'll do the rest


If you took the time to read all the way down, you made it!

Here is a link to the actual song starting at 5:37


PJ & Me

Animals are such wonders; most are truly gifts from God.  I mean that.   Loving animals as I do, being able to communicate with them during ...