Sunday, December 11, 2016

100! Yup! Ha ha! Happy Feet!

It's quite a temptation when bringing the iPad to the gym. Free wi fi is cool.

It's also a distraction!


Delayed gratification 


Work & reward

Before leaving home for the gym this morning, the body told the brain, it wanted squats. The body is the boss! Doing as many deep squats while holding a 20 lb weight, I counted 70.
While in my morning Yoga practice, the body said, "Can you do 30 more squats?"
The brain replied, "Challenge accepted!"
The party was today, the pain will set in a dimain!
So, while still in pain, cardio will be on the stair master tomorrow!
A bit of a reward for the boo-tay torture (a nice ass is worth it), my reward is a bit of guilt free Pinterest browsing!
It has been earned!
A good sweat sesh?
Yes, please!
Pinterest browsing?


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