Wednesday, December 28, 2016

I Wonder if They Know

As I lay in my bed at night, ready to sleep, muscles twitching, sometimes aching, feeling tighter every day. 

Having worked so very hard to get back into the best physical condition, possible. I wonder how other people feel when they have accomplished something as difficult & time consuming as what I am still striving to do.

Yup, ha ha! This again!

Having worked from morbid obesity to where I am now, almost at my goal. People who have been strong, fit, healthy, then, hit a "hiccup" if you will, fallen into bad habits as I admit, I have. Spiraled up into an unhealthy weight, then felt so powerless, hopeless, to get back to being healthy as well as feeling their self confidence in wearing clothes that look better & feel better.

Then, one day, due to a life event or just tired of their condition.

Most doctors take full advantage of this misery. Instead of helping someone to lose the weight, get bayyyck into a regular exercise program, they prescribe meds out the wazoo!

That was an experience, which, I, also had.

The doctor was alarmed at my morbid obesity plus the family history of obesity. He wanted to prescribe medication for high cholesterol, high blood pressure, depression. He also wanted to test me for thyroid issues.

It was a definitive moment for me. Though, I took some time to take action, it was a turning point. 

Finally, I defied the multiple errand running for 4 children, a selfish spouse, laundry, dishes, house cleaning.

No one HAS the time to work out, one has to MAKE the time.
The time was made.
No one WANTS to go through the difficulty of getting healthy.
The time was here, I wanted it!

Prior blog entries describe my process, no need to be redundant.

In present day, aka December 28, 2016, the motivation, the constant effort. The sacrifice of a marriage to a verbally abusive spouse. The daily workouts. The change in eating habits. The self discipline. The clinging to friendships with those who were supportive, letting go of detractors.

It has all contributed to getting healthy again.

I see progress in new muscle development, I see my belly shrinking to more blissful flatness, every day. I see my favorite jeans becoming loose on me. I see my inner thighs becoming more firm & YES, my bootay is more lifted! Thank you Yoga Booty Workout!! Thank you, Sans Barre Workout! Thank you, regular squats! Thank you, you dastardly grueling cardio!

When people are surprised at my progress, at seeing the strides I'm making, I wonder if they realize the pain I put myself through?

Do they realize how much commitment & motivation I summon, just to keep going? 

Summoning commitment & motivation through times of depression, times of loneliness, times of having colds or flu or injuries?

Olympic athletes get where they are by persevering!

Hold on there, I am NOT an Olympic Athlete. However, I do push myself very hard. No matter what is going on or not going on in my life. I go to the gym most days. 

Fudging more on what I eat is something I still grapple with. I love ice cream, cheez its, fudge, cookies, candy, taco doritos, Taco Bell!
I give in far more than I should.
There's the confession!

In my home? In day to day? 90% healthy. Have to live a little!
Just a little.

When people tell me that I look really good, that it's obvious that I work out regularly. 

OMGoodness! They don't know. Or, maybe they do!

I don't always LOVE to work out. Only have to do it.
Learning to love foods that are more healthy for me, is something I wish I could convey to other people without sounding judgmental, condescending or too pushy.

Telling other people how I have MADE myself enjoy healthier food & drink choices, would come from a place of loving care, loving concern.
It would come from a place of wanting to share what worked for me.
What works for one person, obviously won't always work for another, or it might. Sharing that which has worked, is working for me, would be like having a big ol' Texas cookie, breaking it in half to share with someone else out of love for them as my friend.
Yeah, that!

My gym, Anytime Fitness is starting a barrage of classes, soon. One of them is "Body Pump", which intrigues me! 
I'm a little bit anxious, yet, it might be what I need to get my physical condition right where I want it.
At my goal!

Time will tell!

Stay tuned!


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