Thursday, December 1, 2016

Inspiration ~ Giving & Taking!

What does inspiration mean to you? What comes to mind when you think of it? 
C'mon, now, gimme whatchu got!

Taking inspiration seems a bit easier than giving inspiration. When taking inspiration, it's often unknown by its source. When giving inspiration, it's unknown how it will be perceived or received.

Giving inspiration, without sounding like a know-it-all takes introspection, practice, introspection, then MORE practice! It puts the giver of inspiration in a vulnerable state of mind when it's done in person, face to face.
Remember face to face?
As in 2 or more people actually physically in each others presence at the same time!
Remember that??

This morning, when going in for my morning workout, going into the group exercise room, there was a girl in there. I could tell from the defeated look on her face, the slump of her shoulders that she was struggling.
The gym can be an intimidating place. It can be even more intimidating when a person is just starting their fitness journey. When layers of body fat have piled on, energy level is low, unhealthy eating habits have been ingrained.

This girl said she felt lost, discouraged, had no clue where to start, everything seemed too hard.

Truly, I felt her pain!

In 2004, I WAS her! or at least very similar.

The compassion reflex which is a large part of who I am, kicked in at that moment.

When I was tired of being the fat girl, I had very little encouragement. People were all about telling me to get the fat girl surgery - aka - stomach stapling, gastric by-pass, the sleeve!
The doctor I went to only wanted to put me on this med, that med, YAY FOR BIG PHARMA!
Cha ching!

Umm, NOPE!

I had never set foot in a gym to work out until 2004. I was going to do this!
Very low self esteem
Very little encouragement
Clueless as to how to do it
Sabotage from those who should have been more encouraging
Body shaming from people who were supposed to love me

My dear friend, Janice, was an inspiration. She had 5 babies, I had 4, yet, she had done it. She inspired me, gave me information, ideas, encouragement. She is still a wealth of ideas!
Love you, girrrl!

This morning, the pained look on the girls face told me everything.

For all the years, all the struggles, all the research I did to be able to lose the weight, I wanted to share, yet, do it while not sounding like a know it all.

I told her how my knees ached, my back ached, my feet ached and I was just plain tired & discouraged, when I started. 
Yet, I knew that I had to start from where I was.

I told her that if all she did was walk on the treadmill for however long she had, to do it. Go fast or go slow, JUST GO! I shared with her some knowledge that had helped me. 
It seemed to make her feel better!

I saw her facial expression change from discouraged, to encouraged. I told her that half of the struggle with getting into healthy shape is in her eating habits. I told her that I stick to lean, natural protein & raw veggies more than anything.
I shared with her the bold move that I made, when I took everything out of my pantry, cupboards, refrigerator & freezer that was unhealthy.
I took the foods, snacks, candy, etc & gave to a food bank, gave to friends who wanted it or just tossed it in the trash on trash day!

One of the bennies of being single & living alone is that I can control just what comes into my home, as far as food is concerned!

I shared with her how I had gauged my progress.

It's my hope that she continues what she's doing to get to a healthier physical condition.

If I helped her, even in a small way, that makes me so HAPPY!

Random acts of kindness, known or unknown, my friends, it's a joy in life!




  1. Love this and thank you for the compliments Brenda! Hope you are having a wonderful day my friend!

    1. Doing fine, dear friend! It's the most wonderful time of the month. Military Payday! The holiday that happens 12 times a year!



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