Tuesday, December 6, 2016

Underestimated, Misunderstood

If you're thinking this may be a pity party for one, shared with every reader......nope. It ain't that!

It's come to a bit of discovery for me, that many people tend to let their own egos & insecurities cloud their perception of situations & other people.
This is pure ignorance personified.

Maybe even a bit-o-bliss?

So, yeah, I may be speaking of a bit of personal experience. Having noticed this in other people as being falsely judged as well, it's unfortunate that it's more common than I once thought.

Cases in point:

My dear, dear friend, Janice, is way more than she appears on the surface. She has a beautiful cherubic face, looks very French. She is one of the most kind people I have ever met. She is also very smart, witty, analytical. She's also very open minded, yet, not in a Liberal Agenda way. Open minded, yet, her brains aren't falling out because of this.

My equally dear friend, Anita!
She is a one of a kind. Emphasis on the word "kind". She is so very compassionate, yet, NEVER mistake it for unintelligent or weak. She is so smart, served in the USMC, analytical, great curiosity, she constantly amazes me with her ideas & abilites.

Good things tend to happen in 3's!
(Am somewhat skeptical of this, yet, whatever's clever!)

People tend to underestimate me a lot. Specifically, today!

Natural tech skills make it easier for me to problem solve internet, web site & issues with computers. Alas, formal, academic training has eluded me. 
Getting my skills, knowledge & experience has all been OJT.

Having designed web sites, solved tech issues, having an easy time figuring new tech devices, elimination of virus infection ~ cake!
Because of the absence of academic training or certificates, people underestimate what I'm capable of. 
Today, at the library, I can tell that their virus protection is woefully inadequate. The library manager might have a college degree, yet, she seems to be tech knowledge poor.
I tried to explain to her what is happening with her weak, out of date, virus protection.
She took a look at me:

Tight black Yoga pants
Cute pink, fitted T Shirt
Teal green zip up hoodie
Non-designer black gym shoes

Probably has the opinion that I'm too lacking in knowledge to know anything. Probably also opines that because I'm obviously over 21, I am without tech savvy.



So, yeah, I gots skills, dammit!

Owing to rich life experience, I have so many skills that many people have no clue that I have.
This is far from  bragging, it's factual. Listing those skills would sound narcissistic!
I DO have amazing tech skills, though! 

It's my wish that more people will stop with age discrimination.
It's my wish that more people will put aside their pre-conceived notions of others when their own ego & low self esteem cloud their perception.

It's my wish to have a pleasant evening with a friend, dinner & a movie!



  Someone you love is someone who Once was very special to you Touched your heart your soul your mind Helped you to be the one to find Someo...