Wednesday, December 7, 2016

How do you see?

Perception can be everything.
Perception can also be tainted by as many factors as there are perceptions. 
For me?
It can be a bit confusing. As a sincere person, I used to believe the best in others, that they were as sincere as I was & still am. That was back when I was a married wifey & mother, living in a protective bubble. 
The realization of this only came to be when I divorced, left the safe bubble I lived in.
As a single girl, I learned that people are less sincere, less honest, less truthful, less benevolent than I had believed. Having heard the phrase:
"There are plenty of fish in the sea."

My response to that is, 
"Umm, yeah, most are barracudas & piranhas!"

I had no foggy clue that guys were so dishonest, so untruthful.

Honesty pertains to emotions.
(such as whether they care or not)
Truthful pertains to facts.
(such as today's date, their real name, their legal relationship status)

Am sure that there are girls who are this way, too, yet, I only dated guys, so, I can only speak my truth about what I learned from those experiences.

I digress.

I saw myself, certainly slimmer than I actually was. I saw myself as that girl who has the qualities all guys say they wish to find in a prospective girlfriend, future wife.
In reality?
When I look at photos from 2012, I'm appalled at what I see! 
Hey, I work very hard at the gym, sculpting my body into a more lean, more toned, more athletic.
I have CERTAINLY made progress!!! People at the gym often give me feedback when they notice my progress. The encouragement is so very appreciated! As I gain muscle, lower my BMI, my legs become more slender, my waist is more hour-glassy (lol), my arms have more muscle, my abs are more toned with more definition.
I see a photo from 4 years ago or 3 years ago and I cringe!

It makes me feel so deflated, so ashamed, wondering, how I could have had such an inaccurate perception of myself!

Of course, I feel good about my progress, yet, the photos just

Everyone needs encouragement. Not Pres Elect Trump! Yet, speaking for myself, I know I need encouragement. 

Another phrase I heard eons ago ~

If you could see who you really are, put aside how the world perceives you, see yourself as you truly are, you might rise up & live closer to your true potential.

This phrase has ingrained itself into my heart, into my character.
Trust, yet, verify. 
With a person, such as myself, who wants to believe the best in others, it's important to also believe that others often have their own selfish agenda.

Seeing others not as the world sees them, yet, who they truly are can be a dangerous frame of mind. When coupled with a trust yet verify caveat, it can be a better way of interacting with others.

The words in a Doug Stone song hit home with me. 
Doug Stone - A Different Light.
Look it up! It's beautiful!

It sums up the way I see other people. Seeing their heart, their spirit, who they truly are. 

It's a beautiful way to experience the worlds people. 

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