Wednesday, December 14, 2016

How to Find Anything

When you lose something in your ___________
(fill in blank with whatever)

Have you lost something such as keys? documents? jewelry? meds?
shoes? favorite shirt?
When losing said item did you turn to your mom? wife? shack up gf? aunt? grandmother? female roomie?
to see if they could help you find it?
Most often they could find it for you or at least assist you in finding it. 

There's a sneaky little anatomical trick that these amazing finders of stuff, have, that not everyone has.
It's called a yoo-terr-us. AKA a finding organ!
Not just a finding organ, it usually works the best when it's a finding organ which has birthed a child or two.

This is also known as a proven, functioning finding organ.

Have you ever wondered how these magnificent creatures can find just about anything you have been looking for, yet, could not find?

Mystery, solved.

You're welcome.

Now, stop laughing & get back to work!

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