Tuesday, January 1, 2019

A Challenge & A Promise

If music be the food of love, play on. ~ William Shakespeare

Yes, I know the entire soliloquy. Still, the phrase is sweetly said.

As one who loves music, though, I think I may be tone deaf, music is a powerful influence for me. Most often, I use it to lift me up, to motivate me, to self encourage, if you will.
'Tis far better to have the heights of love, passion, extreme joy, satisfaction, contentment, even  calm moods than it ever is to wallow in misery from past events, present circumstances whatever they are.

Most often, positive music that energizes, motivates, causes ponder, uplifts, is my choice. Although religious music gives me a queasy feeling, this music, though slightly preachy, is the exception instead of the rule as to music that I love. The lessons from positive music (I listen closely to the words) have taught me to make my own happiness within myself. People have their own struggles, they will let you down. Often, when you least expect it.

Michael Mclean is one of my favorite composers!

He composes music that speaks of real life. The melodies put a positive spin on even the lowest points of life. The music artists he chooses to use their voices to record the words and music of his beautiful soul are often less known, still, just beautiful!

The challenge?

In place of a low or sad mood to wallow in, because wallowing begets wallowing, choose to let yourself be lifted up. 
Having had more than my fair share of disasters, sadness, miserable living situations with no one there to help, I had to be my own support. 
I had to be the one to snap myself out of it for many years. 
Going entire months without personal contact, not even a hug from another person, I had to keep going, falling down, lifting myself, falling down, repeat x100, sometimes more.

A small part of my own personal challenges:

A painful divorce, alienation from my children, heartbreak in multiples in the dating world, being T-boned in an accident that destroyed my car. The cop at the scene of the accident told me I was lucky to be alive. 
It left me bruised from head to toe. It led to the discovery of a tracking device placed in the undercarriage of my car. Most likely, the same person who had a spyware program called "Eagle Eyes" installed in my computer to spy on me. 
Add to that, 3 stalkers in Colorado, 2 physical attacks, the deaths of 2 younger siblings.
These are only the tip of the proverbial iceberg.

Please, no pity needed. 

Through it all, I picked myself up, dusted off, kept going, kept smiling. Let myself cry, when needed.

Everyone has ups & downs, it's best to reach for positivity when the disappointments hit.
Hit back with love ~ The strongest force in the universe!

For myself, positive music has been my go to, every time. It carries me to that higher plain. I feel the natural high of all that beautiful serotonin uptake, baby! 

The promise?

This music may resonate with you, it resonates with me.


The more important promise is the one you make to yourself to be kind to yourself. If you are not there, already. Work on yourself to be the person that you could love.
Go and love yourself!

All of us must stand alone in different times in our lives. 

The promise:

I promise you that if you will do the work on yourself so that you are happy with yourself, your life, so content that you, alone, have all that you need to be happy. So content that any other people, situations, things, are only extras. You will be in a more blissful state of mind as you depend on yourself for your happiness.

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