Tuesday, April 11, 2017

Have you been duped?

The dictionary definition:

duped: deceived, tricked, hoaxed, swindled.

Yeah, ah s'pose that says it, right there. Ever been duped?

When a deceiver has succeeded in  their craft with their "victim du jour", there is a proven psychological expression on their face.
It's a subtle smile known as "dupers delight."

Conversely, many victims of duping, in gut instinct, many "dupees" develop an expression as if they suspect they have been deceived. Sometimes they will admit it in hindsight. Occasionally, in the moment or shortly thereafter.
It's as if they have a "sneaking suspicion" that they have been conned. A sort of expression as if they have gotten a slight bad taste in their mouths.
Ain't psychology grand? Ha ha!

Although I am a people watcher, a student of people study, I am absent a degree in psychology, though I do believe I could CLEP my way to a degree if the opportunity were there. It's called life experience, Leroy! 

Having lived & learned, I can spot a dupers delight expression, immediately! It's a very subtle smirk, often a charmingly lopsided smile. No teeth showing, so, really more of a facial expression than a smile.  Many people would think it's cute?
Think again.

You may have just been duped by a practiced liar!


  1. I got duped really bad when I was younger... Someone convinced me that he loved me but he didn't. It was all a big ol game.

  2. Players will play. Sometimes you get a good lesson from it!


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