Tuesday, April 25, 2017

Spin The Body

Fellow TRXers have been urging me to join the SPIN class happening right after TRX.
Oh yeah, just shoot me, right here! Right now!


Exercise the life out of me!

Pretty great way to go, I have to say!

I'm all about fitness.
As in, the pop phrase that floats around the net:
"Once you see results, it becomes an addiction!"

Yeah, baby! I'm seeing results. Have been seeing steady results for the past 12 years. Even as recent as 1 year ago.
Avoiding having my photo snapped like avoiding hair in my quiche is the usual modus operandi I live by for various reasons.
Relax, peeps, scroll back to previous entries if you're curious.

Sometimes, it's okay to give in, let someone snap the chat. :)

Of the few pics from a year ago, there is definitely a difference. Clothing fits more loosely, even fits differently on my body than it did a year ago.
Mm Hm.
Loose on the waist, tighter on the bootay. Yezz.

It was time to change the fit shizz, to shizzam! Well, today, my body was shazzammed into a sweaty mess.


Having tried many new fitness practices & liked them, it was time to try SPIN Class!
New You!

The class seemed so challenging, so intimidating yet, with a great group leader, energizing music, I knew I would try it. It was simply a matter of time as well as timing!
Putting the house back together with creative organizing takes a lot of physical, emotional, even spiritual energy.


Having devoted as much energy as possible (that is what's left over after workouts) to moving, now getting the house organized & feeling more like home.
Last thing on my agenda, peeps!
Dragging my sore carcass out of bed by 10 am to go through morning practice & get to TRX by 1120 am took a lot more effort than it seemed to most people.
As in, it looks easy to most people. Ahh, yeah, there's Brenda, she's always at the gym, meh, no effort, she's here every day!



Most people who are devoted to fitness will tell you that getting to the gym is 3/4 of the battle. Maybe 1/2 of the battle on a good day. For the REALLY devoted gym slicks, 1/4 the battle. :)

Most days, for me, it's 1/4 the battle! Motivation to workout is a bit easier for me from the way I structure my life.
So many years that I devoted to others has paid off. Working out is all about me, pushing my body to see just how much I can take. The time, the effort, the decision is all mine, all about me!

Using this time to strengthen, tone, sculpt & make my body more lean takes a lot of energy, a lot of time!!
Baby, I'm worth it!

The one drawback to SPIN (yes, back to it!) is the sore tushie. Sore glutes, sore glutes, sore tailbone, lower back.
Okay, more than one!
The pay-back?
Right after SPIN, I had a body burn like I have not felt in......let's say.......a minute or 2! Also, I felt a tightening in my lower abs.
Peeps, I confess, I gave it less than 100% ~ Maybe tomorrow?
That's a strong MAYBE!

(dang, my buttinski hurts!)

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