Wednesday, April 12, 2017

Fun facts!

Everyone has 'em!

Would you be confident enough to share yours?

Here are some of my incomplete list, have to leave a bit of mystery, after all!

~ 55 % Native American (AND proud of it!)
~ Thinking in other languages comes as naturally to me as speaking in other languages besides English!
~ I have a permanent Brazilian & it doesn't mean I'm Hispanic!
~ After being tied to an Asian guy for too long, when I DO rarely date, has to be a white guy! No more Yellow Fever for me. No Jungle fever, either!~
~ I'm constantly changing. My bedsheets used to be only white, now, I have black bedsheets.
~ My favorite color is white, sometimes green, it changes all the time.
~ 12 years ago change frightened me, now? I live for it!
~ I do one thing each day that scares me.
~ Once spent the night on AF1 ~ shhhh!
~ I have no prob getting naked in clothing optional places.
~ Picking my cuticles is a bad habit I have recently conquered!
~ Certain male names JUST DO IT for me. Like NIKE! jp
~ Sharp intuition is a mixture of blessing & curse
~ When I think in English, everything will rhyme, all the time!;)
~ Writing in calligraphic style comes naturally to me
~ Recently, I found a way to make my hair grow twice as fast, naturally & it costs nothing, takes very little time.
~ Eating cilantro gives me deja-vu, so does the odor of a nail salon
~ Animals usually love me, I love most of them, too
~ Though I seem very strong & tough, I'm just as scared, just as vulnerable as anyone else, yup, ha ha. I'm a cream puff. :)
~ Grudge holding by others is a major turn off for me

So, there it is.

What are some of your idiosyncrasies or fun facts?????

Share, if you dare in the comments section!

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