According to the feeling I have toward religion, I believe I am spiritual, yet, not religious.
Having seen so much hypocrisy in so many who claim a religion or to be religious, better to keep my frog out of that show.
Not my circus, not my monkeys. Ha ha!
These are simply the musings of the fast paced, deeply probing, kind & compassionate, sexual, sensual, humorous conglomeration that's between my ears.
In the world I have seen tele-evangelists claim to have a deep & personal experience with living for the Lord only to find that they are just as sinful & practicing the evils of the world even as they condemn the same practices.
Husbands who claim to be "Christian" even as they seek out sexual gratification with women who are not their wives.
Grown adults who turn their back on their mothers & fathers who sacrificed their time, love, care , energy & resources for 18+ years. They inflict pain upon their parents who put up with all of their foolishness then the terror which every parent knows, during their child's teenage years. Yet, they go to church every Sunday, forgetting all of the Sundays their parents took them to church whether the parent was sick, had been up all night.Oh, yes.
Such hypocrisy.
Women who wear a cross around their neck as they pass judgment on others for acts which they think are secret, yet, are entirely visible to the world.
Am I perfect?
Hell, no, ha ha! Yet, I strive to be the best person I can be.
I won't claim to be religious, yet, I will say that I'm spiritual.
The spiritual experiences I have had have fortified me even while it feels as if I am living through hell.
There is a presence who comforts me.
Some would call it the "still small voice."
Some would say it's the Holy Spirit.
Some would say I'm a bit "out there."
All I know is that it leads me every day, comforts me, encourages me.
It has been with me since the age of 5 years of age, when I had my first NDE ~ Near Death Experience.
Maybe it was there before that time? It is my earliest recollection of the presence of a spiritual protector.
On March 1, 2017, I began moving from a place where I was ashamed to be living in, a real dump, with unsavory characters around me. The support which I receive was cut back by $500. monthly by the ex-huzz. It forced me to move IMMEDIATLY or face financial destitution.
Ex huzz has been living high since the divorce, he didn't need the money he took from me. He did it out of spite, just because he can.
Did he care that the mother of his children was harmed by his actions?
Did my children even care?
My youngest does, 1 out of 4. I suppose. She showed that care in her actions.
Having moved from one dwelling to another, it served to show me that I still...STILL, have too much stuff!
Leaving Colorado, I rid myself of half of all that I owned. Since moving to Texas, I have rid myself of half of what I brought with me.
Moving from one dwelling to another is a great eye opener to show me just how much I can get rid of, to do without. I sold all but 2 of my suitcases. Who needs 6 suitcases??? Ha ha!
Apparently, I did.....or, at least I THOUGHT I did!
I made a large box donation to a worthy cause, today.
I'm down to *ONE* suitcase.
The spiritual experience, while preparing those items for donation was an "aha", moment.
Stay tuned!
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