Friday, April 28, 2017

Got Social Consciousness?

As naïve as this may seem, greeting others is, currently part of who I am. It goes against every kind fiber of my being to ignore others, to refrain from greeting them with a smile & occasionally a hug.

It leads to ponder that many people fail to acknowledge other people as human beings. Fail to greet others whether they know them or not.
This is so disturbing, when did this start to happen?

A person who greets others with brief eye contact, a smile, a wave, a hug when appropriate, has become almost a pariah in the world. It goes against the grain of many people to be so cold, yet for the sake of social conformity, they ignore others, both friend & unknown people.
Most people will greet the owner of a dog as well as greeting the dog more often than they will do the same with a fellow human being. Even on a busy day, they will take the time more often to pet an animal more often than they will help another person.

Again, I ask, when did this social cancer begin?

Possibly, like the malady of cancer, it started very slowly, creeping into our lives, spreading so stealthily until it had taken hold of the human race. Some will fight this social ill like they would fight cancer. Most people seem to have given up & given in to the failure to yield so much as the masculine chin lift to another mortal.

The implied idea seems to be that someone who takes the brief second it takes to greet another is too needy, a creeper, someone wanting something. This may be the case, at times, yet, most often, it's simply one person showing courtesy to another.

This may be what is so sorely lacking in todays world. Most children no longer greet their family members nor anyone, when walking into the door of their home.  Nor do they offer a small farewell when leaving, to anyone at all.
In many cultures, this is considered extremely rude.
Guess why?
Because it's very rude!

There are, of course, instances where it's impractical to greet everyone we encounter in our day to day lives, yet, it's an exception, so, should not be the rule.

When a server comes to a restaurant table, they greet their patrons.
Doctors who enter an examining room greet their patients.
Walmart pays people to stand at the entrance to greet shoppers!


It establishes a rapport, a feeling of comfort from the first moment of contact with the individual. It's one being showing courtesy to another, showing that they accede that the other person exists.
This is courtesy.

A well known philosopher has an interesting way of putting this;

"There are no extra pieces in the Universe. Everyone is here because he or she has a unique place to fill. Every piece must fit itself into the big jigsaw puzzle."

With such a simple act as a nod, a wave, a smile or a handshake, it causes one being to accede that the other is an important piece of the destiny of the world in their contribution.

Ignoring another person is to deny the place the other plays in the significance of the world. It's saying, "You don't matter."
It's a nonverbal slap in the face.

There are many theories as to why people have become so desensitized to rude actions, eschewing rudeness toward others.
If you're expecting a rant about the evils of video games, violence in movies, violence in the media.
Sorry, peeps.
Telling you what you already realize would be tedious & boring for both of us.

What is going to happen, here, is, I will issue the challenge. Start greeting others.
It only takes a small moment in your day X 50 - 1,000 or more.

Do you have 2 minutes in your day to be a better human being?
Do you realize that if people began to greet each other again what it would do to make the world a better place?

It takes 3 generations of humans for a learned behavior to change. Starting today, the one simple kindness of greeting others could begin to reverse the apathetic attitudes of harsh treatment of our fellow inhabitants on planet Earth.

Be kind.

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