Saturday, March 5, 2016


It's more than an astrological sign.
More than a sign of disease.
A terrifying aspect of life, even in 2016.
Just became a little more personal.

Self diagnosis is known for being riddled with inaccuracy, false paranoia, in fact, everything about it is false. Too close to be objective, too close to be very accurate.
I'm not sure of it. However, I have been watching this small spot of red on the bridge of my nose. Right below where my sunglasses would rest. I have used facial moisturizers that contain spf 50 for many years. They are only labels, no guarantees. I eat very healthy, very natural. Organic, as often as I can. Exercise ~ a lot. Partly out of sexual frustration, partly out of need, partly out of desire to progress in physical fitness. I had a 6 pk when serving in the USAF, I can have it, again. YES.

It's happening in the time it should. It takes time, work, self discipline in the kitchen. I know this. As sure as I know my Native American heritage of strength, perseverance, yes, I know this.
But, this is something different.
Having progressed physically, the body is still subject to disease, conditions, illnesses, injury, death, as all are subject to immortality.
So, I am concerned, Wakantanka, with the red spot on the bridge of my nose. Wakantanka is the name of great one. He without one. Heavenly Father is male.

Yeah, sounds like I have just set the feminazis back a century. LOL

His name is not spoken.

Like Italians, proud of their heritage. Like all others who mention their heritage. This is my heritage. 1/2 Native American. Squaw is a very insulting term to NA. Akin to cunt in English. Now, you know. You know why NA took offense to that word being used to refer to their women. NA mothers, wives, daughters, sisters, etc.

Having concern with this small spot on the bridge of my nose, I have turned to what I know. Have been to holistic healers, NA Shamans since 2007. The Shaman in Oklahoma referred me to NA chanting, cold pressed basil for one week. After that, if there is no change, I'll have to make a trip up to Oklahoma to see him.

I love to go see him. Entering his home is a deeply spiritual experience. It's easy to feel the spirits of all the Shamans who have preceded him. He is humble, great in his own rite.
It is best to be humble, rather than embrace the darkness of the feminist movement, I know this. I know that to be masculine is holy. 
It's natural to me, to love men.
Yes, it's natural to me, to love all that is male as I am female. I will embrace it, never concern myself with Caucasian views. I am 1/2 caucasian, look more caucasian, my heart is a warrior woman's heart. More NA than caucasian. I love males, especially the ones with warrior hearts. Takes one to love one. *smile*

Going to commune with my shaman is a positive experience, every time.

He encourages me, always, on my path, on my journey. Everything.

With my practice of celibacy, my love of technology. My link with past, present, future. Truth. Falsehood. Uncertainty.

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In fact, I encourage your comments.


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