Tuesday, March 1, 2016

It's Coming to Get Me!

I'm focused on the now, this present moment. The beauty of mindful, positive living, positive thinking.

The ghost of nostalgia is chasing after me.

First, having to relive some of the traumatic events that occurred when I was assaulted while serving in the USAF. Having to write a detailed account of events, for my appointment with the VA last week. My memory is very, clear, full of detals. Having to write the names of my assailants, approximate dates, places, details. It was painful, difficult, I couldn't sleep, couldn't eat. Just a fun time - not!

Then, thinking about my Uncle Leonard upon his passing. Am still working through that. I WILL work through it.

Now, as much as I love classical music playing while I work.......I didn't realize how much classical music was a part of my childhood. 
It's all coming out of the woodwork tonight, baby!!!!!!
At least, it's coming out of the channel I created on my Smart TV. I didn't select each musical number. I selectd composers, era's, a few genre such as romantic, relaxing, refreshing ~~ r r r.
Much of the music my beloved grandfather listened to, music, my teachers used in band practice, in church choir is playing. Even the beautiful German lullabye my sister used to sing is on there. 
Gute Nacht by Johannes Brahms
My sister has such a beautiful singing voice. It's powerful, sweet and comforting. She definitely got all the music talent in the family.

I sing best when I sing solo ~ so low no one can hear. :)

Getting a triple whammy of nostalgia dropped on me this past week has not been pleasant. It's best to live in the present moment. When spending time dwelling on the past, it held me back from enjoying the present moment which, when it's gone, it's gone. When spending time worrying about the future, it makes a person miss what is currently happening. 
This is my reasoning. 
Staying fully appreciative of now is best for me.
Dwell on the past if you wish, if it brings you happiness, comfort.
Worry about the future if that works ~ worrying only gives gray hair, pimples, wrinkles. Hey, if it's working for you, go for it! *smile*
I'll stay in the present moment.

I do not long for the past, nor do I worry for the future. For, I am supremely grounded here, in the present moment. ~ Tagore

Tagore is an East Indian poet. I listen to everything, especially when I'm struggling, as I am struggling, now. Listening to positive, uplifting readings, helps me coast, fake it until I make it. Deepak Chopra has helped me through many trying times, buoyed me up when I was down, grounded me when, too mesmerized by joy.

Please read this, below, please let these beautiful words roll over your mind, like whipped cream on your tongue.

"The same stream of life that runs through my veins night and day runs through the world, dancing in rhythmic measures.
It is the same life that shoots in joy through the dust of the earth in numberless blade of grass and breaks into tumultuous waves of leaves and flowers." ~ R. Tagore

This is joy, this is zest for life according to Deepak Chopra.


I will

I will be thankful for the lessons taught to me
In the past by my many past mistakes
It's now that defines me

I will have hopeful wondrous joyful bliss
For the possibilities of tomorrow
With absence of expectation

I will stay in the present moment
Sun shining on my smiling face
Warmed without burning

I will myself to look for the joy in every day
I will myself to forgive the past
I will allow the future to unfold
In an opportunity to embrace bliss
I will

~ B~

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