Thursday, March 31, 2016


Eons from it.
That's me.

When something is weighing heavy on my mind, sleep is impossible.
I binge watch Victorias Secret Fashion Shows. I'm 100% straight. It's more of a glamour & beach fix than anything. 
Whipping up a huge batch of Quinoa, mix a bit of minced garlic, a little basil, lemon, olive oil. Voila. Protein & fiber!
I clean, organize, do some sewing. 
It's 3 am!!!!
OMG! Nick Jonas is reffing the volleyball game to 
Salt & Peppa ~ Push it! Can't leave the VS Swimsuit Show 2016, now!
Just one of my many imperfections.
I pick at my finger cuticles when I'm stressed, my fingers are a mess, right now.
My feet are naturally very dry, scaley, peeley. Yuck!  I have to baby them or deal with the pain of cracked skin. 
My feet on crack. UGH! 

So, every day, I have to soak them for 30 minutes in warm water, pumice the dry skin off, slather my legs & feet with coconut oil. Shh!
Used to gain weight easily until I figured out what to do to lose weight & keep it off. My weight has been going down steadily since 2010. It's easy, now that I have my physiology figured!

I talk in my sleep. Sometimes, I wake myself up, wondering who's in the room, talking. Scares me, then, I realize & laugh!

Fitness obsessed, that's me! Oh, I realize that it's not everyone's thing, it's definitely MY thing! I want it so bad! Fitness will be my obsession until I get to my goal. 6 pk abs. I want it & slowly, I can see the muscles emerging. Anyone or anything that threatens to get in the way of this goal will be gone from my life. I have a support my fitness practice or GTFO attitude.
Could be considered a flaw, I don't care, I'm THAT serious.

Have been told that I'm a multi-faceted person, which makes me very hard to figure out. Most people want to put other people in a neat little box. Figure them out. They become very frustrated trying to figure me out. Guys cannot figure me out. They become extremely frustrated. When a guy can't figure me out, he tries to make me be what he wants me to be. That has an even higher failure rate. 
It takes a very strong, confident guy for him to maintain his confidence with me. Weak, insecure guys are in abundance. Strong, confident, alpha males are a bit more scarce.
Weak, insecure guys will disappear like the cowards they are.
Alpha males? Have to piss them off REALLY BIG, for them to go away. So predictable. 
Mr. 2012? I made sure to piss him off HUGE. It hurt to do that, yet, I could tell he would string me along if I didn't. It was self protection. Pissed him off on purpose, he went away permanent.
So predictable.
Just to be sure, I tempted him with a way back, he was a no-go!
Mission Successful.
He will stay gone.
It hurt a lot to do that, it was necessary.

I'm not high maintenance. I'm high value. Will never settle for a weakling male again,they're too insecure to stand the passion!

I would rather be in the gym, on a hiking trail, on a horse, in a museum. ANYWHERE, just not a shopping mall or store. Have never been much of a shopper. I know what I want, I go in, I get it and I leave. Am not much of a clubber, though I DO know how to dance, have a good time. When I DO drink, I drink at home, so, yeah, bar hopping has always been a bummer for me.
Rather be at home safe, sound then, falling asleep!

So, if hating shopping & not wanting to drink in public makes me boring, then, I'm a boring person who loves being at home.

Just because I'm anti-shopping, doesn't mean I'm anti-girlie.
Love my girlie side. I have thigh highs in 8 different colors & textures. Different color corset & garter panties with silk stockings. Love my 4" - 6" heels. Silky skirts, slilky blouses. Most of the time, I'm in gym clothes or jeans & T Shirt or jeans & silky blouse.
Just love an occasion to break out the skirts, stockings & heels.

Here comes the multi facet.

I don't like make up, I wear very little make up. Even if I have to shower, wash & do my hair, makeup, it usually takes me 20 minutes, 30 minutes, tops. My hair is long & getting longer all the time! Not so quick & easy to style. :)  I set a timer so that I don't over primp, over fuss. I don't own much makeup. 
As opposed to the expensive department store face creams, I prefer natural skin care. Regular honey makes a great face wash. Coconut oil is a good face cream, body lotion, foot lotion.
1/2 cup coconut oil + 1/4 cup unsweetened cocoa powder does amazing things as a face exfoliater & brightener.
Essential oils are the best perfume. Not much needed. Less $$.

So, that's me, flaws, warts & all.

Told ya, I'm genuine.


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