Sunday, March 27, 2016

~* Spiritual Gifts *~

It would be a wonderful phenomenon if everyone has spiritual gifts. 
I would like to believe that everyone does have spiritual gifts or at least the potential to have these wonderful gifts. 
I don't know.
It's not something that most people will speak of openly. No. It's something that should be shared sparingly, selectively. Shared only with those who will understand the sacred nature of what is being entrusted to them. The way that any form of intimacy should be instead of the putrefaction of physical sexual interaction which is a sad fact of todays world. Yes, the sharing of ones spiritual gifts is just as sacred as the sharing of ones sexuality, sexual gifts.

Only you, as an individual, know which spiritual gifts you have. By the same token, only you can discover them, can strengthen them. 
Just as it's only you who can work your muscles to develop & strengthen them. Yup. It works like that. You'll never know until you do some soul searching to discover, then some obedience to whatever you're being prompted to do, to strengthen those gifts which you, individually, posess.

What is a prompting?

Good question.

I can only tell you how it feels to me.

Sometimes, the promptings come to me as a clear message in a dream. Sometimes, as a peaceful intuition, a stirring in my heart as to something I need an answer about. Sometimes, as to something that I should do, not knowing why, yet, knowing that doing as the intuition tells me to do is important. 
Obedience, I believe, is the first law of Heaven.
Having had too many negative experiences with people who claim to be Christians as well as negative experiences with organized religion, am not religious, nor do I claim any religion.

So, I'm very spiritually in tune, yet, not religious.
Following these promptings is a part of life for me.

I consider myself average in looks, yet above average in kindness, intelligence, self confidence. Creativity, too! I'm approached a lot by guys for whatever purposes they have in mind. Even in this small town, approached a lot.

There's a cool guy at the gym who I have talked to a few times. I didn't think much of it. My focus is on fitness.
He told me he wanted to learn more about yoga, so, we have been going through some yoga classes together. Last Wednesday, he asked me if I would go out with him sometime. It caught me off guard.
I really looked at him, hot guy, nice eyes, great smile. I asked him, don't you have a wife? kids? a girlfriend? He said "nope".
I told him I had to think, would talk to him at Saturdays yoga workout. He smiled, said, "I hope you'll say YES."
On Friday night I was really thinking about him, about how much I enjoyed our yoga workouts together. A voice spoke to me very sternly, 
"He has a wife and a child, stay away from him."
That was a bit shocking.
Saturday, he came in, to get ready for yoga. I didn't want to ruin the class, so, we started, got through the class. While sitting on the mats in lotus, he looked over at me. 
"So, what time can I pick you up, tonight?" 
Me ~ "Dude, I am twice your age!"
"I don't care, I like you!"
Me ~ "You're married and you have a child with her."
"She's in San Antonio, haven't seen her in 6 months."
Me ~ "Sorry, I can't. Have a good one."

I left, feeling relief at dodging a bullet.

At least he didn't deny once he was caught. UGH! Are all married guys liars? Cheaters? Players?

The message from my spiritual gift was correct, I was glad I believed, then followed the message of the prompting.

That was only the most recent prompting, telling me something to help me in life. Protecting me from harm.

There have been many other messages delivered to me, to send money that wasn't asked for to my youngest daughter or a friend. I follow those promptings.

They give me peace.

I wish you peace, too.


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