Friday, March 11, 2016

To Be Happy

Are you happy? Do you want to be? Do you know how to be happy?
It's something that eludes many people from all races, cultures, socio-economic backgrounds, religions, etc. Only the individual, themselves knows whether they are truly happy....or not. A funny thing, this happiness thaang. Many can have brief flashes of it. They can have whole days of it, or weeks or years, got it? Yup.

It's doubtful that anyone is happy all the time for most of their lives.
If they are, time for a reality check. 
They might be a dog & don't know it! Woof!

Personally, the key to my happiness is in doing nice things for other people. Random acts of kindness, if you will. gives me smiles. I must admit, I am sometimes more selective about who I do nice things for. When doing things for people I don't know, not so much.
When doing a nice deed for someone I know, ooohhhh boy. It's something totally different. It's how I'm wired.
When I know someone, then choose to do something nice for them, it's because they have captured my heart in a huge way!
Opposition in all things.
When someone has that sweet spot in my heart, they have more power than they realize. They have the power to deal a terrible, crushing blow if they hurt me. 
Loving someone is difficult for me, loving with my whole heart, passionately, deeply, so, if they hurt me the pain is so deep, so unbearable, on a scale of 1-10....100. Yup. Sad, hmm?
It's hella difficult to handle. Excruciating.
The way I used to deal with it was to deal a crushing blow (legal methods) to the one who hurt me, so that they feel the same level of pain that they dealt to me. In a way, I suppose I was transferring my pain to them, like an equal reflection in a mirror. Equal pain.

It's wrong, I know. It felt right at the time. It's no longer me.

Having learned & grown beyond that, it's not something I would condone nor would I recommend it.

Better to focus on positive pursuits. Volunteering where it's needed. Fitness! YES!
Creative pursuits such as web design, needlework, origami.
Looking forward to trips to places I have never been.
Then, there are random, anonymous acts of kindness. Random kindness toward selected loved ones. Am much more selective in present day than ever before in my life. It still feels good to give.
It is also an art to learn to receive graciously so others can give.

There is something I have studied for several years, now, it has shown me the way to happiness. It's a normal, natural practice.
Nothing woo-woo, aerie faerie about it, I promise you, m'love!

For those of you who think it's paganism or similar, nope. 
It's a very simple, sweet, healthy practice as most of the best things in life, are.

I'm more spiritual than religious, however, there are passages in the Bible that mention it.
Check it out!

Proverbs 23:7
Mark 9:23
Matthew 7:8

What is this?

LOA or the Law of Attraction

Whatever one focuses on, that is what they attract into their lives. Think positively, it will make a difference in your life. Think negatively, well, enough said. ;)

When a person has difficult experiences, then, they ask, "What else is going to go wrong?" They will surely get their answer, it most likely will be more pain, more suffering.
They asked, they received their answer.
Better to believe, "Okay, that's over, ready for the good stuff, now!"

Turning it around, everyone has difficult events occur. It would make more sense to say," Okay, now, time for things to go well."
Believe it.

The self talk? The dialogue in your head? That's the crucial part.

Start turning it around. Ponder upon the silver lining in everything. You have everything to gain. 
Speak to yourself in your head as if you were speaking to someone you dearly love & wish all love and happiness they can handle! It's common practice in the world to speak negatively.

Negative: Don't be late!
Positive :  See you on time!

Negative: Don't forget!
Positive : Please remember!

Negative: Don't hesitate to call!
Positive :  Call me soon!

Eliminating the words, don't, not and no, as much as possible is a good start. There is so much more to LOA. This is simply the basic principle to get you started on your way!
As I have studied, learned, put into practice, the Law of Attraction, my life began to change. Of course, there are highs & downers like anyone, however, slowly, the highs last longer, the lows are shorter, less penetrating. Through it all, thinking, speaking, acting in positivity brings happiness that carries me through everything.

I began, 3 years ago, finding the silver lining in everything.

Positivity, happiness, love, kindness ~ YEAH ~ Love that stuff!

Think positive, train your self talk, do it, see the difference!

Peace, love & crabs! ;)

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