Sunday, March 6, 2016

What would I give....

What would I give to go back to a moment in time
To live it again to change what I did back then
There are rarely second chances or do overs
It's the pin dot sad spots in the heart, the soul, the mind
The memory, the memories of others, the ripple effect
It's the dark that not enough joy can counter nor erase
Not all moments are ones I would change if I could
Some are just so good that I would love the joygasm
Again and again and again in multiples? Yes please.
Please sir, could I have some more, I need some more
My first NDE at 5 years old & leaving my body was surreal
Holding the hand of Jesus as we walked, talked and laughed
I would have gone to the hospital when Grandpa asked me to
He never came home so I missed my chance to say good bye
I would give any price to see him again, to kiss his face
At the music theater job I would have lied to Jackson Browne
I was only 16 yet had to be 18 to go to his bands party
The others lied so they could go & told me I missed a great one
I wouldn't have cornered my pet bunny rabbit, Tiny
He bit me pretty bad so it took 12 stitches & left a nasty scar
I would go back to the day my darling daughter went with me
We were going to bring our doberman puppy home
She was so adorably sweet and so excited, so cute
She was the one who was to give him his name ~ Sammy
I would go back to the time right before my last Hawai'i trip
I would take my Tinkerbell figurine with me to keep it safe
Maybe the person who took it would swipe something else
Something less rare than one of my few childhood mementos
Love Tinkerbell! She's sassy, brave and in love with Peter
I wouldn't've let ex huzz to force me to move to Colorado
It was pure hell to live there pure heaven to finally get out!
After the divorce I would have gone to school right away
Would have skipped dating anyone at all, it was wasted time
Wouldn't have met the one who haunts my dreams, at all
His essence is familiar though I don't know who he is
I know I knew him yet I can't recall just who he was to me
I would go back to the day I sold my boys and wouldn't
Still think about them, Jake & Jeff, my precious yorkies
They are in a good home together with people who love them
Glad I had the photo of them taken in 2011 with me *sigh* 
Going back to Colorado last March to surprise my daughter
THAT was a Kodak moment right there! 
The look of confusion, shock, delight, at the airport was great
Grinning great big just thinking about being there with her
Two days ago my neighbors dog was rolling around in my yard
He's an older big black lab who loves the grass in my front yard
He was just having a blast and I loved watching him enjoying
I don't mind him rolling in my yard, not doing anything else
Don't have a dog, don't need one, I have my neighbors dog to crap in my yard. ;)

Life is good, I'm happy, living in the present moment

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