Monday, March 23, 2015

Hello Buddies! 

Meet Jack!

Last night was, umm, interesting. Kinda fun, revealing.

My 3 buddies arrived at 5 pm. 2 buds, 1 new guy. They arrived to my door at 5 pm to the aroma of fresh baked bread, garlic & chicken, mmm!

Since I have gone up a level in my quest for greater health, my Jack LaLanne power juicer is sitting on the butcher block table in my kitchen where there used to be a bamboo arrangement. When Jesse stepped in, he looked at the juicer, asked what the heck it was! 

OMGoodness! he asked so he durn well was gonna find out, ha ha! I grabbed some ginger root plus a 1 lb. container of carrots from the fridgie. Cut the carrots plus a 1.5 " section of ginger, powered ol' Jack up & juiced those babies! The guys were looking at the carrot & ginger juice pouring out of the juicer in a steady stream with combined 'tudes of amazement mixed with what looked like, O Lord! hope she won't ask me to try that shizz! ROFLMOO!!

Too late.

Asking them who's going first, there were no volunteers. I poured a little into a demi crystal taster cup, the first one took it. The look on his face was priceless! A total eww yuck moment!
I busted up laughing as I poured & handed the second cup to Cali guy! His reaction was masked quite well, yet, I could see right through him. Next, was Jesse. He threw it back like a tequila shot then smiled. HAH! he was such a champ!

Slowly I let the guys off the hook.

We sat down, Cali guy said the blessing on the food then one poured the lemon water into wine glasses. Each took a turn spooning the pesto chicken & tortellini Alfredo onto their plates. I sliced the warm bread, only an hour old. As they dug into the grub they gathered, I heard their murmurs of extreme culinary pleasure. Jesse looked at me, "OMG! How did you make this! How did you become such a great cook?" I told him, I had a catering service for 5 years. Cali guy smiled, "Ah, that explains it. The food not only looks good, it has presentation appeal!" 
Now, that was an ah-may-zing  compliment!
These 3 guys, sitting around my Pier 1 bistro table, laughing, talking, joking, sharing stories, were a little slice of heaven on Earth, last night.
Doing nice things for others feels so good, so natural to me. Cooking to please others is an extreme pleasure for me! 
Since I'm mainly juicing, I boxed up the chicken tortellini for Jesse to take home, then the bread for the other 2 guys. They were such great company, loved having them over.

The evening was almost perfect!

All good things.....

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