Saturday, March 21, 2015

Too Smart?

Is it possible to be too smart?



How are you this moment? Sit back, it's a wild ride, but only if you like being wild, do you???


I like being wild. I would be wild and free every moment that I live & breathe if that were socially acceptable. When wearing a lab coat, taking care of patients, it's not acceptable. Stupid colloquialism ~ a time & place for everything.~  Stupid, although, the more' that humans who want to fit in, in the human world, must adhere to.

Wild!  Even the word conjures images, feelings of excitement in my brain. Running on the beach, nekkid, laughing, singin', kicking the ocean waves. Not so sure the other people would appreciate this, would probably get arrested. So, when I go to the beach, I walk along on the shore, picking up seashells, sand dollars, letting the incoming waves wash over my feet. In my mind, I can be as wild as I wish!
Get down wit cha bad thelf!

I can think of many ways to be wild, this is a G Rated blog. Feel free to be wild in your own mind, just don't get arrested, 'cause I won't go in to post bail for you!

So, by now, you can see that I have a very creative, expressive, playful, sexual mind.

Have always been very very curious, creative. Some people say I'm very smart, some have told me I'm TOO SMART. 
Is it possible to be too smart? If a persons smarts are used in the right way? Focused, channelled in a constructive direction? Used in their profession, relationships, used to enrich their own life as well as the lives of others?
I briefly re-connected with a guy I dated at 16 a few years ago. He told me that guys don't like it when a woman is "too smart". There that phrase is again. He told me that when a woman is too smart, she sees right through his bullshit, calls him out, makes him be accountable for his B.S.
That's me! I definitely call people on their B.S. If a guy doesn't dish out, he's fine, yet, we live in a imperfect world.
He also told me that it takes a very confident guy to be able to spend time with me. Well.......durrr!
Guess this is why Alpha males appeal to me. Not just any Alpha, a certain type. There are very few of that certain type.

Added to being smart, I am very intuitive. Am not bragging. Everyone has intuition, the "gut feeling" felt about anything. Can be positive, can be negative, usually, it's correct. There are exceptions. It can be off at times, swayed by chemistry with another person, money or alcohol. heh heh
Started fine tuning my intuition at a very young age without realizing it. The times I ignored my intuition or allowed it to be blurred by the fore said elements, it was disastrous! Have had many many spiritual experiences that are too precious to me to share with anyone in a blog.

Add to this, a burning curiosity. Curious about everything. Being single, alone, free to explore.........OMGoodness, I have explored a lot! If something or someone catches my attention, I check it out. Sometimes it's just a little surprise, sometimes it's BIG!!!
It's part of who I am, so, I keep doing it, exploring. 
Yes, I get a jolt of excited pleasure when I discover something super groovy - bust up in a brief excited giggle! A genuine, bona fide "AHA" moment. People have told me it looks like sparks in my eyes when someone has witnessed one of these moments. Dam straight!

So, yup, gonna recap!


Oooooo Guys! Be scared! Be vewy fwightened!

Now, go be wild, just don't get arrested!

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