Thursday, March 19, 2015

Fitness Talk

Deal with it

A few days ago I was reading the "unwritten rules" of facebook etiquette. Number 2 was "Don't talk about your workouts, post selfies at the gym or anything fitness related."

Well! They got that right! It really IS a pile of Number 2 ! ! !

Fitness is my main life focus, my passion, my sanity, my lover, my life saver, life changer, entertainment plus, it's just plain good for me! So, yeah. I'll talk about fitness, health, nutrition. Anyone who knows me in person who doesn't want to hear about fitness is out of luck. I'm just getting started. Now that I'm armed with a power juicer, an endless supply of recipes, plus an abundance of fres veggies, LOOK OUT!

You may ask what fuels my passion. Okay, so,maybe you wouldn't ask. here it is, anyway.
I learned a little about how exercise can transform the body when I went through USAF BMT, Tech School, Camp Bullis (experimental program training women for combat). When I went home to Michigan slimmed down, toned up, slightly muscular with flat abs plus more confidence, people were amazed at the transformation. 
I was a painfully shy, skinny, sensitive, mousy little country kid when I left. That changed.

I knew about exercise, I didn't know much about nutrition. It wasn't much of a focus at the time in most of the world. Nutrition & rigorous exercise is everything!

When I married at 22 I was fit,strong, vibrant, full of energy, yeah- yeah, was also full of humorous sarcasm & fire! 
Then, the babies came along. My body bounced back after the first two. Not so much after the second 2, only 18 months apart. I wanted 10 little critters! Am thankful, now, that my ex huzz talked me out of it. Plus, he began to heavily criticize everything I did. I ate to make myself feel better. He tried to control me, I ate to feel better. He began insulting me constantly until it had been 4 years since he had said, "I love you".
My weight climbed higher. It was a vicious circle. he verbally abused me, I ate, then he insulted me more, I ate.

That's how I got to the point of my BMI being at 55. YIKES! He is not to blame. I was a grown, adult, who made choices. Very bad choices out of misery, feeling trapped, ugly, worthless. yet, I made those choices. It's important to realize responsibility for our own choices so it's possible to untangle that ball of string.

So, I began. The first time I got on a treadmill, walking at  a 1.5 speed, I felt as though I was dying. It actually caused me to feel physical pain. My back hurt, my feet were hurting, my knees. I was sweating and my heart was pounding after only 5 minutes.

That is how I started. Ex-huzz began to put me down more, I wasn't going to let him stop me.His verbal abuse escalated. It only made me want to work out even more. He was a very jealous, insecure person. As other men started looking at me again, it caused his verbal barrage to escalate.
No chance I would stop, now. I would throw verbal barbs at him like I had never done before. Told him, "Suck my dick" ooh, that really got to him. He couldn't move me to uncontrollable sobs any longer.

The divorce was final in January, 2007. What a relief! It felt as though I had hit a re-set button on life. It felt as if I were asleep for so long, now, I was springing back to life. There was no one trying to shove me into the mould of who they wanted me to be, who they thought I should be.
Gradually, the changes were occurring to turn back into who I really am! YAY!

I graduated from 1 hour on the treadmill at a 4.4 speed, 15% incline, to the elliptical. 1 hour on the elliptical, 5 speed, level 20 resistance for a solid hour, sometimes going for the 10 minute cool down. I used free weights, used weight resistance, yet, not near as much as I should have. It was a learning, growing, improvement time for both mind and body.

Sometimes I switched it up between elliptical, stationary bike, treadmill or all three for 20 minutes each. From August  2011 - December 2011 life was hell on Earth for me. Not going into details. My counselor said it's best to keep moving forward. I'm still learning.

Circumstances were that I needed to move to Texas,so, I began a plan. I wasn't working out much during "Hell Time". I knew I had to get back to it.

In 2012, I encountered 3 people who I thought cared about me, people who I deeply loved who body shamed me. With all the progress I had made, unfortunately, I allowed them to steal my joy in my accomplishments. I take full lumps for allowing them.

I moved 4 times between May 2012 - February 2013.

When I had my BMI measured after signing up with a local fitness center, It was 29!!!
Last July, it was around 22 - 24. From 55 down to 24, WOW! 
It's way easier to lose weight than it is to lower BMI.

I started a strength training program in October 2014. In December, when I went to Las Vegas, I bought my first backless dress, ever!

DAM! It looked GREAT!  I think I finally got my groove back.

If anyone body shames me, now, it probably wont have much effect on me. 

Still, I consider myself a work in progress. My obliques are showing, my stomach is getting flatter & more firm with time. 
I'm cheating on the elliptical with the StairMaster! 20 minutes, level 8, 72 floors, every day!
Then, a 1 hour Pilate's ~ Ab Sculpting Class, then, 30 minute Power Yoga Burn & Firm.

Do I have a perfect body? Hell, no! I consider myself a work in progress ( said it again! )

Will I get there? HELL YES! 

Just because I want it, so bad!

I might even go back to Personal Training, eventually.

There's your fitness talk!



1 comment:

  1. You are truly motivating me to kick my ass & change everything. You are awesome, Brenda! I wish we could train and get totally fit together!!



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