Friday, March 27, 2015




I'm lovin' it!

The phrase  has new meaning, a new sort of RING to it for me! Now.

Yeah, I admit, there was a time when I took way too many hits from the Big Mac! The whopper slugged me around, too! Not to mention the supremely unhealthy burrito supreme. Maybe that's a new twist on the name?

Big Mac = Big Gut
Whopper = The lie you tell yourself that the calories won't count it you wash it down with a diet soda!
Burrito Supreme = Burrito that is supremely unhealthy!
Dairy Queen = Guaranteed to help you grow to the size of a Queen size mattress!
Red Lobster = Red Monster with everything fried, gooey, enough to make you look like a monster when you keep eating there too much.

I remember getting a queasy feeling when carrot juice was mentioned. Something seemed very unnatural about putting the words "carrot" + "juice" together.
Just as disgusting sounding as "cucumber" + "juice"! Ew. Ew. Ew!

I am now eating those words. No. I am drinking them ! Ha ha! Since getting my power juicer, I am absolutely loving this!
My obesity genetics are very strong. Very prevalent. My mother struggled with obesity for most of her life. My younger sister, Julie, was 4'11", 685 lbs when she passed on before her 33rd Birthday. She died on my 40th. Happy Birthday to me. :(
My 3 brothers struggle with obesity, my older sister has slightly different genetics so her struggle is somewhat easier. 
Family members say, "Brenda is skinny, she's lucky." Bullshit. Brenda isn't THAT lucky, ha ha! 
Working out every day into a stinky, sweat drenched, quivering mess isn't about luck. It's hard work! Motivation, dedication, determination to beat the obesity genetics. I'm doing it!

Over the past 11 years, I have done a ton of research to find what works to preserve my health, to sculpt my body back to where I know I can be. Finding not just what works, finding what works for my body, my own unique physiology. A real challenge!

It's not so much about being skinny. It's about being healthy, strong, lean, fit, active!
A sexy beast!
A fox in fox clothing!
A lean machine!
A gym angel!
A cutie with a booty!
A lass with a great....

I think I should stop! You get the picture!

When a co-worker told me about the benefits she received from juicing, I was inspired, intrigued. When something catches my attention, I believe it caught my attention for a reason.
That reason is, I must investigate! Sometimes it gets me in a bit of trouble. So what. :)

So, I started juicing. Some of my favorite combinations are:

4 Cucumbers, 1" ginger root
1 lb carrots, 1" ginger root
1 package baby spinach, 1 bell pepper, 1 apple

A few years ago this sounded nasty, yukkie gross to me!

Today, I was at work when one of my favorite people came by. I had not seen Sarah in 3 months. She was really excited about beginning to juice! She told me that from our phone conversations, she became inspired to start juicing.
Then, she stepped back, took a look at me, asked me if I was dating someone. That I definitely looked different.
She told me I had more "glow" in my skin, that I looked as if I had taken off 20 lbs. She knows how to thrill me!
I told her I had been on a juice fast for 2 weeks. On my 5'3" frame, losing 10 lbs makes a big difference. I had felt different, stronger, more energetic, more focused. Wasn't aware that I looked different. Ahhhh, Sarah. So good for me!
Feeling physically good does not always amount to feeling emotionally and/or spiritually good.

As much as things are going right in my life, I battle with depression. A pervasive feeling of deep sadness. A feeling of being completely alone in the world. Isolated. It's my personal demon.

Sarah is a wonderful person, gives great hugs! I needed those hugs, being beaten down a lot lately. Anxiety over my upcoming trip. Cold-orado is my least favorite place, yet, it's important to go.

Sarah's hugs brightened my whole day. I hope she starts to love juicing as much as I'm loving it. Depression is tough to conquer, however, it's better to not have to conquer depression AND obesity.

More Juicing = No Obesity
More Hugs = No Depression

I'll keep juicing, maybe one cure will take care of both, eventually!

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