Saturday, March 14, 2015

Be real

Flakes are so annoying

Today, I feel so much better. I got through it on my own as I usually do. O yeah, a few people who knew I was going in for a minor med procedure said, "I'll be over to check on you" also "Can I bring lunch to you".

Never happened, no shock.

Words spoken with no action behind them makes a person look weak, flaky, false.

For this reason, I don't believe peoples words now. I listen politely, I say "thank you", then, I wait & watch to see if they back their words up with actions. Sometimes they come through, more often, they don't. Only believing when I see it has become kind of a self protective practice. 
There is a woman from my past to thank for teaching me to not be a flake. She called me out a few times. It stunned me. Slightly pissed me off. She was right. That is probably what it was that caused me to go through such a gauntlet of emotions to finally face the flake that I was. Yup, mm hmm, I admit, I was a flaky person. 
Oh, she was waaayyy harsh on me. 
Maybe it's what I needed. A harsh, cold, slap in the face wake up call! She def delivered. We were friends for many years. I even named one of my children after her. Eventually, her harsh disapproval of my life choices ended our friendship. During my divorce, as well as for a few years after, I was emotionally, spiritually fragile. Love, support, kindness & understanding was what I needed the most. She kept delivering harsh judgement. It was time to let the friendship go. That, in itself, was nearly as painful as the divorce.
Still, I love her with all my heart. 
The friendship is cooled, the lessons learned remain. Whereas I felt, sisterly love, fascination, admiration with a touch of fear toward this incredible woman, now, I feel deep fondness, gratitude, understanding, still a touch of trepidation at how fierce she could sometimes be.
We have lost touch, yet, I know how to find her. She would welcome me with love, sweetness plus a touch of fierce, yet, I know when to let go. 
The desire for the friendship is gone, the lessons learned remain.

When I love, I love with my whole heart. When I say something, I fully mean it. Say what you will do, then do it! Say where you'll be, then be there when you say you will unless there is a very preventative factor as to why not. Then, let those who are expecting you, know why you can't be there. Try to re-schedule if possible. 
It's a simple concept.
Many fail to recognise, then, practice this.
When receiving a gift, let the other person know you received it, express your delight, your gratitude to them. In person if possible. By phone call is second best. SOMETHING!
Another simple concept people often fail to practice.
During my 2 days of recovery, I had a lot of time to think, can ya tell? Ha ha, yup - yup!

Finally, I can go to the gym, hit it hard. 2 days of not working out makes me bitchy. Working out makes me feel happy, alive, strong, calm. Gets my excess energy out. 
I have SO MUCH energy!
Really, I thought my energy level might dissipate as I moved on through time ( I refuse to say "became older"). Ha ha, no chance!
I seem to be picking up speed with time.  More energy now, than ever! Love it! My body has changed shape with time, hard workouts, strength training. Re-gained flexibility from doing  an hour of Yoga every morning, then an hour in the evening. 
People have said, "You can't get your pre-baby body back!" O YEAH????
Watch me!
When I hear this, I think, "Maybe YOU can't, I abso-effing-lutely am doing it!"


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