Saturday, March 14, 2015

Got Sunshine?

Spring is definitely on its way!!

Felt very strong, very positive when I stepped outside this morning.  The air was so warm, the birds are singing.  Warm air brings something I notice at this time of year.

The smell of dog shit is in the air. 

All the months of the air being so cold, so crisp. People in this town have so many dogs! Having 1 or 2, I can understand. Most people, I noticed have 5 or more.  A lot of dogs means a lot of dog shit. People walk their dogs or let them run loose or they just get loose as dogs, sometimes, do. So, dogs eat, then, they shit all over everywhere. It freezes during cold weather, not much smell. As the weather warms up, the smell of dog shit greets me as I step out the door for my morning workout. 
Usually, there's no dog shit on my lawn, none on my driveway. Maybe I have been fortunate. Maybe they know who my landlord is. He's a very influential man in this town, maybe even the dogs know not to mess with him, figuratively. Just kidding.

Warm weather is my favorite. I hate snow, I hate ice, I hate cold weather. Love sunshine, love the birds singing, flowers blooming. Even the intense heat of  Texas summers is wonderful to me.
Heat is heavenly, to me. The hotter, the better. Love it hot!!!
The sweet pink rose bush in my front yard is budding, already. I look at the rose cuttings for sale in the stores. From cultivating roses for so many years, I know that when a rose cutting is growing, starting to produce buds, the new chutes are red. It has to do with the growth hormone that causes the new chutes to be red.  I want a fragrant rose species. It has to give back to me if I'm going to go to the work of taking care of it.  I see these red chutes, it feels like, how in the silent language of plants, they are crying out to me to buy them, save them. Like a whimpering puppy in a kennel. Please! Save me! Take me home, love me!!!!
Oh! I want to! I want to buy all of them and if I could, I would. Thoughts of buying one or 20 & grabbing a random Mexican guy to plant them for me go through my mind. That's a lot of enchiladas.
If I can't have gardenias or tuberose, roses will suffice.
Being a romantic, soft woman at heart, is tough in this world. People tell me I seem strong. OH YEAH! Brenda really has it together, Brenda has it going on, so strong.
Strong because I have to be. The alternate choices would be self destruction. I handle my biz. Take care of body (have to work the body) the soul (positive thinking) mind (avoid A-holes, constantly embrace change, embrace new ideas, learning!)

If I could have it the way I want it?
 I would be sweet, loving, giving with everyone. I could love everyone without reservation. They would love me in return, without reservation, never taking advantage nor taking for granted.
The world is not like that. It's a nice fantasy. That's all it is, pure fantasy. I know this.

So, I embrace the sweet springtime. 

Take time to smell the dog shit.

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