When you think of buttermilk what comes to your thoughts?
When I hear the word "buttermilk", I think of endless summer days, the wind in my hair, happiness, sunshine on my face.
The sensation of coarse hair whipping over my legs & sometimes getting a strand in my lips.
Buttermilk is that one horse I will never forget.
He belonged to the family who bought the acreage from my daddy when I was around 10 years old. The husband & wife had a horse for them & 2 ponies for their 2 children. The wife didn't have the time to ride, Buttermilk needed exercise.
He was a palomino gelding, just 15.2 hands or 5 feet at his withers (base of his mane). He was very smart, a little bit stubborn. He would trot if I let him, yet, he had the pleasurable gait of going almost without a trot, right into a canter. He did this automatically, seemed to enjoy it.
Thus began my love for horses. I learned a lot about myself with him. He was the best teacher I ever had & no one like him since.
I have been riding off & on since I was 5 years old. Nothing fancy. Not a cutter or a barrel racer or a rodeo babe.
Just a girl who loves horses, wishes with all her heart for a horse of her own.
When people ask me what my dream for my life is, I tell them.
A sweet 2 - 3 bedroom home in a warm climate, close enough to a warm ocean to go to the beach every day that I wanted to. A horse of my own and 1 or 2 dobermans.
The next question is usually:
Don't you want a man in your life?
My answer?
He would have to love horses!
Friday, April 28, 2017
Got Social Consciousness?
As naïve as this may seem, greeting others is, currently part of who I am. It goes against every kind fiber of my being to ignore others, to refrain from greeting them with a smile & occasionally a hug.
It leads to ponder that many people fail to acknowledge other people as human beings. Fail to greet others whether they know them or not.
This is so disturbing, when did this start to happen?
A person who greets others with brief eye contact, a smile, a wave, a hug when appropriate, has become almost a pariah in the world. It goes against the grain of many people to be so cold, yet for the sake of social conformity, they ignore others, both friend & unknown people.
Most people will greet the owner of a dog as well as greeting the dog more often than they will do the same with a fellow human being. Even on a busy day, they will take the time more often to pet an animal more often than they will help another person.
Again, I ask, when did this social cancer begin?
Possibly, like the malady of cancer, it started very slowly, creeping into our lives, spreading so stealthily until it had taken hold of the human race. Some will fight this social ill like they would fight cancer. Most people seem to have given up & given in to the failure to yield so much as the masculine chin lift to another mortal.
The implied idea seems to be that someone who takes the brief second it takes to greet another is too needy, a creeper, someone wanting something. This may be the case, at times, yet, most often, it's simply one person showing courtesy to another.
This may be what is so sorely lacking in todays world. Most children no longer greet their family members nor anyone, when walking into the door of their home. Nor do they offer a small farewell when leaving, to anyone at all.
In many cultures, this is considered extremely rude.
Guess why?
Because it's very rude!
There are, of course, instances where it's impractical to greet everyone we encounter in our day to day lives, yet, it's an exception, so, should not be the rule.
When a server comes to a restaurant table, they greet their patrons.
Doctors who enter an examining room greet their patients.
Walmart pays people to stand at the entrance to greet shoppers!
It establishes a rapport, a feeling of comfort from the first moment of contact with the individual. It's one being showing courtesy to another, showing that they accede that the other person exists.
This is courtesy.
A well known philosopher has an interesting way of putting this;
"There are no extra pieces in the Universe. Everyone is here because he or she has a unique place to fill. Every piece must fit itself into the big jigsaw puzzle."
With such a simple act as a nod, a wave, a smile or a handshake, it causes one being to accede that the other is an important piece of the destiny of the world in their contribution.
Ignoring another person is to deny the place the other plays in the significance of the world. It's saying, "You don't matter."
It's a nonverbal slap in the face.
There are many theories as to why people have become so desensitized to rude actions, eschewing rudeness toward others.
If you're expecting a rant about the evils of video games, violence in movies, violence in the media.
Sorry, peeps.
Telling you what you already realize would be tedious & boring for both of us.
What is going to happen, here, is, I will issue the challenge. Start greeting others.
It only takes a small moment in your day X 50 - 1,000 or more.
Do you have 2 minutes in your day to be a better human being?
Do you realize that if people began to greet each other again what it would do to make the world a better place?
It takes 3 generations of humans for a learned behavior to change. Starting today, the one simple kindness of greeting others could begin to reverse the apathetic attitudes of harsh treatment of our fellow inhabitants on planet Earth.
Be kind.
Thursday, April 27, 2017
Can we be friends?
Yeah, baby, I'm going there!
Are you ready?
Go with me, if you wish.
Stay where you are.
I don't give a #2 if you stay or join me! Ha ha! Yupp. Because, we're just friends, riiight?
If you have ever been the one to dump someone or the one being dumped, you have probably either said this or had it said to you.
Can we be friends?
If you have had significant feelings for the other person or you were aware of the other persons caring for you, this is one of the most cruel things one person can say to the other. It's also, unfortunately, very common.
Then there are equally cruel derivatives:
We need to take a break.
I need a break.
I think we should see other people.
I'm trying to be honest with you.
We promised we would be honest with each other.
Saying the odious phrase, "Can we still be friends" is like saying;
"Hey, your dog died, you can still keep it, pet it & pretend it's still going strong!"
In my personal experience when I have broken up with a guy, attempting to stay as friends, TO ME, this meant:
*Moving on, not calling him late at night or on his Birthday or holidays or ever.
*Getting rid of the "special clothes" I wore that he liked (Burning them works best)
*Taking a short vacay to "cleanse myself", to make new memories that don't involve him.
Again in my personal experience, the "guy version" of staying friends with an ex gf seems to go like this.
*Staying friends for when he needs an emergency BJ
*Calling or texting her a few weeks or months later "just to check on her. (this is actually very sweet)
*When he hits a "dry spell" in dating or becomes lonely, asking her on a friends date, type, thing.
Staying friends keeps the door open to come back if he wishes to, when he realizes he messed up.
Having had guys come back into my life months, weeks or even years later, I believe that round #2 can work. It can.
Only if, however, both people have matured, grown, changed, along with the "whatever it is" that caused the breakup before.
It can be different only if the 2 people are different. Best thing to do, in that instance, is to NOT talk about what happened before. Stay on a platonic level, minimal physical contact, until it's discernible to both what the other person's intent is.
Other than that, can we be friends?
(evil grin)
Saying the odious phrase, "Can we still be friends" is like saying;
"Hey, your dog died, you can still keep it, pet it & pretend it's still going strong!"
In my personal experience when I have broken up with a guy, attempting to stay as friends, TO ME, this meant:
*Moving on, not calling him late at night or on his Birthday or holidays or ever.
*Getting rid of the "special clothes" I wore that he liked (Burning them works best)
*Taking a short vacay to "cleanse myself", to make new memories that don't involve him.
Again in my personal experience, the "guy version" of staying friends with an ex gf seems to go like this.
*Staying friends for when he needs an emergency BJ
*Calling or texting her a few weeks or months later "just to check on her. (this is actually very sweet)
*When he hits a "dry spell" in dating or becomes lonely, asking her on a friends date, type, thing.
Staying friends keeps the door open to come back if he wishes to, when he realizes he messed up.
Having had guys come back into my life months, weeks or even years later, I believe that round #2 can work. It can.
Only if, however, both people have matured, grown, changed, along with the "whatever it is" that caused the breakup before.
It can be different only if the 2 people are different. Best thing to do, in that instance, is to NOT talk about what happened before. Stay on a platonic level, minimal physical contact, until it's discernible to both what the other person's intent is.
Other than that, can we be friends?
(evil grin)
Tuesday, April 25, 2017
Yes, I can be naughty
I know how to be naughty.
Doesn't everyone?
Well, where's the fun in that!
Usually, I'm the girl next door. Law abiding citizen, moral, strong values, smiling most of the time.
Since I moved to this small area in 2012, I have learned to hold my cards closer than I ever have. In this small town, if ya step out of line even a little? Everyone will find out about it & will never forget it. Nor will they let the perpetrator of such acts, forget. Bringing it up to the person's face, mostly behind their back, at most opportunities for a loooooooong time!
The small area with small minds who mostly love to gossip & have viewpoints well past their "sell by" date is a bit tough for me.
The upside of this?
The people are mostly surface friendly, some are a bit deeper. After moving here in December 2012, I can only call one person my friend. This may speak to my trust issues as much as a it speaks of small minded attitudes.
As a result, I KNOW when to let the WILD OUT! Vegas, baby!
I also know to keep this wild heart in its' rib cage most of the time!
Let your wild thang out from time to time, it's good for you!
Doesn't everyone?
Well, where's the fun in that!
Usually, I'm the girl next door. Law abiding citizen, moral, strong values, smiling most of the time.
Since I moved to this small area in 2012, I have learned to hold my cards closer than I ever have. In this small town, if ya step out of line even a little? Everyone will find out about it & will never forget it. Nor will they let the perpetrator of such acts, forget. Bringing it up to the person's face, mostly behind their back, at most opportunities for a loooooooong time!
The small area with small minds who mostly love to gossip & have viewpoints well past their "sell by" date is a bit tough for me.
The upside of this?
The people are mostly surface friendly, some are a bit deeper. After moving here in December 2012, I can only call one person my friend. This may speak to my trust issues as much as a it speaks of small minded attitudes.
As a result, I KNOW when to let the WILD OUT! Vegas, baby!
I also know to keep this wild heart in its' rib cage most of the time!
Let your wild thang out from time to time, it's good for you!
What is it like to be a guy?
Having been a girl during my entire existence, I can only speak of my experience of what it's like to be a girl.
This experience is different for all girls. So, yeah, my experience of femininity will be different from the next girl.
Having been told that, as an individual, I am VERY different from other girls in my tastes, energy level, creative thinking. That's a good thing (I hope! *smile*).
A wicked sense of humor combined with a desire for adventure combined with an innate feeling of being ~
Desire to be kind to others. When choosing to be kind, I am kind to myself, first, then, kind to others.
I'm being extra kind to my stomach. Late last night, I decided to try the cheese spread from an MRE pouch.
It expires in June 2018, it said, safe for consumption, it said. UGH!
Personally, my experience in being a girl is about having the hard wired desire to love & be loved.
Am sure guys have this, too. In my experience, guys have more of a desire to screw & be screwed. It doesn't make them bad, it makes them human males, hard wired to spread sperm. It's not my desire, yet, hey, it's the way it is.
I tend to steal covert, admiring glances at guys who trip my trigger.
To me, the femme experience is in loving the soft sweet feeling of creating beauty & romance in my home to make life a bit nicer.
Loving, what can be considered the feminine arts of cooking to please myself & others, sewing, organizing, cleaning, dancing!
Scented candles (usually herbal, earthy scents such as balsam, lavender, jasmine or any combo that isn't too floral, doesn't smell like food!)
Soft lighting from Himalayan Salt lamps.
Upbeat, positive music in the air!
Plenty of natural light!
Then, there's the sexy, dramatic black & red in my bedroom.
Love it!
In my day to day life, I'm in gym clothes. Yoga pants & T Shirts.
I love the opportunity to rock some street clothes such as jeans & silk blouses, soft T Shirts.
Occasionally, a dress, or skirt, short, mid length or long.
Fine with me!
Silky thigh highs & heels ~ 5" - 6.5" ~ love those, too! I don't get the occasion to wear them as much as I would like.
Maybe that will change? idk
In the new home I'm setting up (house warming April 29th!) I am setting my fitness corner up with weights, resistance bands & my ballet bar. This will be a first for me. I'm excited about it!
That, to me, is another aspect of what it means to be a girl.
To be strong, healthy, fit, to take care of my body just as I take care of my skin, hair, feet & hands!
I'm strong, soft like a girl, not as strong as a guy, yet, I can most definitely take care of myself when it's needed.
What is your experience as a girl?
What is your experience in being a guy?
Share in public if you wish, share in a private message,
if you wish.
I'm curious!
This experience is different for all girls. So, yeah, my experience of femininity will be different from the next girl.
Having been told that, as an individual, I am VERY different from other girls in my tastes, energy level, creative thinking. That's a good thing (I hope! *smile*).
A wicked sense of humor combined with a desire for adventure combined with an innate feeling of being ~
Desire to be kind to others. When choosing to be kind, I am kind to myself, first, then, kind to others.
I'm being extra kind to my stomach. Late last night, I decided to try the cheese spread from an MRE pouch.
It expires in June 2018, it said, safe for consumption, it said. UGH!
Personally, my experience in being a girl is about having the hard wired desire to love & be loved.
Am sure guys have this, too. In my experience, guys have more of a desire to screw & be screwed. It doesn't make them bad, it makes them human males, hard wired to spread sperm. It's not my desire, yet, hey, it's the way it is.
I tend to steal covert, admiring glances at guys who trip my trigger.
To me, the femme experience is in loving the soft sweet feeling of creating beauty & romance in my home to make life a bit nicer.
Loving, what can be considered the feminine arts of cooking to please myself & others, sewing, organizing, cleaning, dancing!
Scented candles (usually herbal, earthy scents such as balsam, lavender, jasmine or any combo that isn't too floral, doesn't smell like food!)
Soft lighting from Himalayan Salt lamps.
Upbeat, positive music in the air!
Plenty of natural light!
Then, there's the sexy, dramatic black & red in my bedroom.
Love it!
In my day to day life, I'm in gym clothes. Yoga pants & T Shirts.
I love the opportunity to rock some street clothes such as jeans & silk blouses, soft T Shirts.
Occasionally, a dress, or skirt, short, mid length or long.
Fine with me!
Silky thigh highs & heels ~ 5" - 6.5" ~ love those, too! I don't get the occasion to wear them as much as I would like.
Maybe that will change? idk
In the new home I'm setting up (house warming April 29th!) I am setting my fitness corner up with weights, resistance bands & my ballet bar. This will be a first for me. I'm excited about it!
That, to me, is another aspect of what it means to be a girl.
To be strong, healthy, fit, to take care of my body just as I take care of my skin, hair, feet & hands!
I'm strong, soft like a girl, not as strong as a guy, yet, I can most definitely take care of myself when it's needed.
What is your experience as a girl?
What is your experience in being a guy?
Share in public if you wish, share in a private message,
if you wish.
I'm curious!
Spin The Body
Fellow TRXers have been urging me to join the SPIN class happening right after TRX.
Oh yeah, just shoot me, right here! Right now!
Oh yeah, just shoot me, right here! Right now!
Exercise the life out of me!
Pretty great way to go, I have to say!
I'm all about fitness.
As in, the pop phrase that floats around the net:
"Once you see results, it becomes an addiction!"
Yeah, baby! I'm seeing results. Have been seeing steady results for the past 12 years. Even as recent as 1 year ago.
Avoiding having my photo snapped like avoiding hair in my quiche is the usual modus operandi I live by for various reasons.
Relax, peeps, scroll back to previous entries if you're curious.
Sometimes, it's okay to give in, let someone snap the chat. :)
Of the few pics from a year ago, there is definitely a difference. Clothing fits more loosely, even fits differently on my body than it did a year ago.
Mm Hm.
Loose on the waist, tighter on the bootay. Yezz.
It was time to change the fit shizz, to shizzam! Well, today, my body was shazzammed into a sweaty mess.
Having tried many new fitness practices & liked them, it was time to try SPIN Class!
New You!
The class seemed so challenging, so intimidating yet, with a great group leader, energizing music, I knew I would try it. It was simply a matter of time as well as timing!
Putting the house back together with creative organizing takes a lot of physical, emotional, even spiritual energy.
Having devoted as much energy as possible (that is what's left over after workouts) to moving, now getting the house organized & feeling more like home.
Last thing on my agenda, peeps!
Dragging my sore carcass out of bed by 10 am to go through morning practice & get to TRX by 1120 am took a lot more effort than it seemed to most people.
As in, it looks easy to most people. Ahh, yeah, there's Brenda, she's always at the gym, meh, no effort, she's here every day!
Most people who are devoted to fitness will tell you that getting to the gym is 3/4 of the battle. Maybe 1/2 of the battle on a good day. For the REALLY devoted gym slicks, 1/4 the battle. :)
Most days, for me, it's 1/4 the battle! Motivation to workout is a bit easier for me from the way I structure my life.
So many years that I devoted to others has paid off. Working out is all about me, pushing my body to see just how much I can take. The time, the effort, the decision is all mine, all about me!
Using this time to strengthen, tone, sculpt & make my body more lean takes a lot of energy, a lot of time!!
Baby, I'm worth it!
The one drawback to SPIN (yes, back to it!) is the sore tushie. Sore glutes, sore glutes, sore tailbone, lower back.
Okay, more than one!
The pay-back?
Right after SPIN, I had a body burn like I have not felt in......let's say.......a minute or 2! Also, I felt a tightening in my lower abs.
Peeps, I confess, I gave it less than 100% ~ Maybe tomorrow?
That's a strong MAYBE!
(dang, my buttinski hurts!)
Saturday, April 22, 2017
My home smells more like a home!
It's been a challenge, chere readers.
Truth be told, it's been a lot of work, time, frustration, yet, I'm prevailing! During all of March & the first 10 days of April, I have been working at getting the new place I moved into, to feel more like home.
Today? Making major effort to stride into a more settled, more organized home.
To celebrate, I made a late dinner for myself & a buddy who dropped by, smelled the food cooking. Roast turkey, home made wheat bread, fresh, lightly saute'ed spinach!
He showed that he doesn't know me very well with the statement:
"I didn't know that you were such a great cook!"
I'm a regular Susie Cream Cheese! Love to cook!
People often remark ~
"Brenda, you would be such a good wife!"
(shh! don't tell! ha ha!)
They have no idea of my multiple talents, my boundless passion, my overall Domestic Goddesse skills!
Once in awhile, my skills need outlet, so, I have to release the beast! Let her come out to play!
Right now, my home smells like roast turkey, home baked bread & the lavender oil burning in my Lampe Berger.
That smell?
Pure bliss!
Truth be told, it's been a lot of work, time, frustration, yet, I'm prevailing! During all of March & the first 10 days of April, I have been working at getting the new place I moved into, to feel more like home.
Today? Making major effort to stride into a more settled, more organized home.
To celebrate, I made a late dinner for myself & a buddy who dropped by, smelled the food cooking. Roast turkey, home made wheat bread, fresh, lightly saute'ed spinach!
He showed that he doesn't know me very well with the statement:
"I didn't know that you were such a great cook!"
I'm a regular Susie Cream Cheese! Love to cook!
People often remark ~
"Brenda, you would be such a good wife!"
(shh! don't tell! ha ha!)
They have no idea of my multiple talents, my boundless passion, my overall Domestic Goddesse skills!
Once in awhile, my skills need outlet, so, I have to release the beast! Let her come out to play!
Right now, my home smells like roast turkey, home baked bread & the lavender oil burning in my Lampe Berger.
That smell?
Pure bliss!
Friday, April 21, 2017
What do you REALLY want?
Do you know what you REALLY want from life?
Do you want the colloquial "All American Dream"?
The dream spouse, 2.5 kids, a big house with a white picket fence, a large income to give you a comfortable life?
Certainly, this is a common dream life, yet, it's not what everyone wants. It would be quite boring if everyone wanted this. There might not be enough dream spouses or big beautiful homes for everyone......or would there?
The one truth that remains is that there TRULY IS enough for everyone to have what they want.
The problem?
Roadblocks such as:
Hormones in overdrive
Natural disasters
Drug Addiction
Unforeseen events such as traffic accidents
Financial Dishonesty
The Greed of Others
The list can go on forever. Can these events & conditions really stop a determined person?
The answer is: Sometimes
It takes a great deal of emotional energy, time, physical energy & determination to keep going after a setback occurs.
Hello, I'm the Queen of being set back!
I keep going. When one thing doesn't work, I try something else, which may work or may not. Plan A has failed, go to plan B! Then C, then D. then...........
And so, on.
So many times, I thought something was going to work, only to have it fall apart before my eyes. The horror of disbelief was a crushing blow, every time.
Being knocked down, I got up.
Oh, I shed my tears, had my scrapes, dealt with a broken heart many times, dealt with depression, even went without food in order to pay bills.
I'm still here!
I'm still smiling, still trying different things until I find that which works. It may work for me for a short time or a long time. Days, weeks or years.
I will ride that mustang to the end of every trail, then ~
I will blaze a new one!
Keep going!
Do you want the colloquial "All American Dream"?
The dream spouse, 2.5 kids, a big house with a white picket fence, a large income to give you a comfortable life?
Certainly, this is a common dream life, yet, it's not what everyone wants. It would be quite boring if everyone wanted this. There might not be enough dream spouses or big beautiful homes for everyone......or would there?
The one truth that remains is that there TRULY IS enough for everyone to have what they want.
The problem?
Roadblocks such as:
Hormones in overdrive
Natural disasters
Drug Addiction
Unforeseen events such as traffic accidents
Financial Dishonesty
The Greed of Others
The list can go on forever. Can these events & conditions really stop a determined person?
The answer is: Sometimes
It takes a great deal of emotional energy, time, physical energy & determination to keep going after a setback occurs.
Hello, I'm the Queen of being set back!
I keep going. When one thing doesn't work, I try something else, which may work or may not. Plan A has failed, go to plan B! Then C, then D. then...........
And so, on.
So many times, I thought something was going to work, only to have it fall apart before my eyes. The horror of disbelief was a crushing blow, every time.
Being knocked down, I got up.
Oh, I shed my tears, had my scrapes, dealt with a broken heart many times, dealt with depression, even went without food in order to pay bills.
I'm still here!
I'm still smiling, still trying different things until I find that which works. It may work for me for a short time or a long time. Days, weeks or years.
I will ride that mustang to the end of every trail, then ~
I will blaze a new one!
Keep going!
Spiritual or Religious II
The prior post went long for the pass, lol. For that reason......here is part 2!
When I say I "prepped" my donations, I mean that I wiped them down, washed & checked them for any personal items. Any personal information left clinging to the items.
When I went to Las Vegas in 2014 with a female acquaintance, it went less smoothly than planned.
Have you ever heard that the test of a friendship is to take a trip with someone.
It headed south after day #1. The person had 3 emotional meltdowns within 24 hours.
Yupp, a lot of fun. Umm, NOPE!
Upon packing to check out of the hotel (I got out as quick as I could!) I couldn't find the expensive corkscrew or the 2 silver wine stoppers I had brought with me. I figured, I'm just going to get outta here!
Away from Ms. Meltdown before the next show!
Upon returning to Texas, I searched through my luggage for the corkscrew & wine stoppers.......no joy!
They were not there.
I figured that Ms. Meltdown had thrown them in the trash out of spite. Also, missing were the scrumptious scented lotion & body spray from Bath & Bodyworks which I had bought for the trip.
I decided that it was better to forget about them, to move forward.
I still had my sexy black backless dress & my white silk blouse from the hotel gift shop. Those were REALLY awesome!
On Tuesday, I was feeling discouraged, a bit melancoholy.
It's hard to be so alone in the world. Usually, I can handle it just because I have to.
There are some very depressing aspects in life for me, atm.
~The way 3 of my 4 nchildren ignore me, show a lack of love or caring toward me.
~ The way so many people have this expecatation that I must be defective because I won't cave in to the "couple up" mentality.
~ The energy it takes to JUST KEEP GOING!
It becomes too heavy to bear at times.
I was cleaning the suitcase I had taken to Vegas, when I felt something heavy.
The last time I saw my corkscrew, wine stoppers, lotion & body fragrance spray was December 29, 2014.
I felt the comforting voice say to me, "All will be restored to you. All that you want in life will come back to you."
This comforting message has been said to me since 2006!
I believe that with every restoration of any sort, the encouragement is there.
It's happening.
As my body responds to the TRX workouts, cardio, yoga, weight training, clean eating. The body I had at 19 is becoming more visible.
Finding new & innovative ways to bring extra cash in is helping.
Slowly ridding myself of "stuff" which no longer serves me.
It's all happening, just as the still, small, encouraging voice tells me, it will.
Will Prince Charming show up to complete the picture?
Stay tuned!
When I say I "prepped" my donations, I mean that I wiped them down, washed & checked them for any personal items. Any personal information left clinging to the items.
When I went to Las Vegas in 2014 with a female acquaintance, it went less smoothly than planned.
Have you ever heard that the test of a friendship is to take a trip with someone.
It headed south after day #1. The person had 3 emotional meltdowns within 24 hours.
Yupp, a lot of fun. Umm, NOPE!
Upon packing to check out of the hotel (I got out as quick as I could!) I couldn't find the expensive corkscrew or the 2 silver wine stoppers I had brought with me. I figured, I'm just going to get outta here!
Away from Ms. Meltdown before the next show!
Upon returning to Texas, I searched through my luggage for the corkscrew & wine stoppers.......no joy!
They were not there.
I figured that Ms. Meltdown had thrown them in the trash out of spite. Also, missing were the scrumptious scented lotion & body spray from Bath & Bodyworks which I had bought for the trip.
I decided that it was better to forget about them, to move forward.
I still had my sexy black backless dress & my white silk blouse from the hotel gift shop. Those were REALLY awesome!
On Tuesday, I was feeling discouraged, a bit melancoholy.
It's hard to be so alone in the world. Usually, I can handle it just because I have to.
There are some very depressing aspects in life for me, atm.
~The way 3 of my 4 nchildren ignore me, show a lack of love or caring toward me.
~ The way so many people have this expecatation that I must be defective because I won't cave in to the "couple up" mentality.
~ The energy it takes to JUST KEEP GOING!
It becomes too heavy to bear at times.
I was cleaning the suitcase I had taken to Vegas, when I felt something heavy.
The last time I saw my corkscrew, wine stoppers, lotion & body fragrance spray was December 29, 2014.
I felt the comforting voice say to me, "All will be restored to you. All that you want in life will come back to you."
This comforting message has been said to me since 2006!
I believe that with every restoration of any sort, the encouragement is there.
It's happening.
As my body responds to the TRX workouts, cardio, yoga, weight training, clean eating. The body I had at 19 is becoming more visible.
Finding new & innovative ways to bring extra cash in is helping.
Slowly ridding myself of "stuff" which no longer serves me.
It's all happening, just as the still, small, encouraging voice tells me, it will.
Will Prince Charming show up to complete the picture?
Stay tuned!
Spiritual or Religious?
According to the feeling I have toward religion, I believe I am spiritual, yet, not religious.
Having seen so much hypocrisy in so many who claim a religion or to be religious, better to keep my frog out of that show.
Not my circus, not my monkeys. Ha ha!
These are simply the musings of the fast paced, deeply probing, kind & compassionate, sexual, sensual, humorous conglomeration that's between my ears.
In the world I have seen tele-evangelists claim to have a deep & personal experience with living for the Lord only to find that they are just as sinful & practicing the evils of the world even as they condemn the same practices.
Husbands who claim to be "Christian" even as they seek out sexual gratification with women who are not their wives.
Grown adults who turn their back on their mothers & fathers who sacrificed their time, love, care , energy & resources for 18+ years. They inflict pain upon their parents who put up with all of their foolishness then the terror which every parent knows, during their child's teenage years. Yet, they go to church every Sunday, forgetting all of the Sundays their parents took them to church whether the parent was sick, had been up all night.Oh, yes.
Such hypocrisy.
Women who wear a cross around their neck as they pass judgment on others for acts which they think are secret, yet, are entirely visible to the world.
Am I perfect?
Hell, no, ha ha! Yet, I strive to be the best person I can be.
I won't claim to be religious, yet, I will say that I'm spiritual.
The spiritual experiences I have had have fortified me even while it feels as if I am living through hell.
There is a presence who comforts me.
Some would call it the "still small voice."
Some would say it's the Holy Spirit.
Some would say I'm a bit "out there."
All I know is that it leads me every day, comforts me, encourages me.
It has been with me since the age of 5 years of age, when I had my first NDE ~ Near Death Experience.
Maybe it was there before that time? It is my earliest recollection of the presence of a spiritual protector.
On March 1, 2017, I began moving from a place where I was ashamed to be living in, a real dump, with unsavory characters around me. The support which I receive was cut back by $500. monthly by the ex-huzz. It forced me to move IMMEDIATLY or face financial destitution.
Ex huzz has been living high since the divorce, he didn't need the money he took from me. He did it out of spite, just because he can.
Did he care that the mother of his children was harmed by his actions?
Did my children even care?
My youngest does, 1 out of 4. I suppose. She showed that care in her actions.
Having moved from one dwelling to another, it served to show me that I still...STILL, have too much stuff!
Leaving Colorado, I rid myself of half of all that I owned. Since moving to Texas, I have rid myself of half of what I brought with me.
Moving from one dwelling to another is a great eye opener to show me just how much I can get rid of, to do without. I sold all but 2 of my suitcases. Who needs 6 suitcases??? Ha ha!
Apparently, I did.....or, at least I THOUGHT I did!
I made a large box donation to a worthy cause, today.
I'm down to *ONE* suitcase.
The spiritual experience, while preparing those items for donation was an "aha", moment.
Stay tuned!
Having seen so much hypocrisy in so many who claim a religion or to be religious, better to keep my frog out of that show.
Not my circus, not my monkeys. Ha ha!
These are simply the musings of the fast paced, deeply probing, kind & compassionate, sexual, sensual, humorous conglomeration that's between my ears.
In the world I have seen tele-evangelists claim to have a deep & personal experience with living for the Lord only to find that they are just as sinful & practicing the evils of the world even as they condemn the same practices.
Husbands who claim to be "Christian" even as they seek out sexual gratification with women who are not their wives.
Grown adults who turn their back on their mothers & fathers who sacrificed their time, love, care , energy & resources for 18+ years. They inflict pain upon their parents who put up with all of their foolishness then the terror which every parent knows, during their child's teenage years. Yet, they go to church every Sunday, forgetting all of the Sundays their parents took them to church whether the parent was sick, had been up all night.Oh, yes.
Such hypocrisy.
Women who wear a cross around their neck as they pass judgment on others for acts which they think are secret, yet, are entirely visible to the world.
Am I perfect?
Hell, no, ha ha! Yet, I strive to be the best person I can be.
I won't claim to be religious, yet, I will say that I'm spiritual.
The spiritual experiences I have had have fortified me even while it feels as if I am living through hell.
There is a presence who comforts me.
Some would call it the "still small voice."
Some would say it's the Holy Spirit.
Some would say I'm a bit "out there."
All I know is that it leads me every day, comforts me, encourages me.
It has been with me since the age of 5 years of age, when I had my first NDE ~ Near Death Experience.
Maybe it was there before that time? It is my earliest recollection of the presence of a spiritual protector.
On March 1, 2017, I began moving from a place where I was ashamed to be living in, a real dump, with unsavory characters around me. The support which I receive was cut back by $500. monthly by the ex-huzz. It forced me to move IMMEDIATLY or face financial destitution.
Ex huzz has been living high since the divorce, he didn't need the money he took from me. He did it out of spite, just because he can.
Did he care that the mother of his children was harmed by his actions?
Did my children even care?
My youngest does, 1 out of 4. I suppose. She showed that care in her actions.
Having moved from one dwelling to another, it served to show me that I still...STILL, have too much stuff!
Leaving Colorado, I rid myself of half of all that I owned. Since moving to Texas, I have rid myself of half of what I brought with me.
Moving from one dwelling to another is a great eye opener to show me just how much I can get rid of, to do without. I sold all but 2 of my suitcases. Who needs 6 suitcases??? Ha ha!
Apparently, I did.....or, at least I THOUGHT I did!
I made a large box donation to a worthy cause, today.
I'm down to *ONE* suitcase.
The spiritual experience, while preparing those items for donation was an "aha", moment.
Stay tuned!
Thursday, April 20, 2017
Simple Life, Happy Life
It's so easy to live when life is simplified.
The difficult task is deciding to simplify, how to discern what to let go of. Things are only things.
Cluttering up living space with things to dust. Things to be owned will begin to own you when they cease to serve a purpose.
The Konmari method started by a Japanese woman is sweeping the world! Marie Kondo is doing a wonderful service while raking the cash in all over Japan, all over the world!
Her method is simple. Guys are doing it, girls are doing it. Even children are doing it.
She recommends going category by category, Clothes & wearables such as hats, shoes & including purses, wallets, too.
Other categories are kitchen, living room, bathroom. The last is papers. Anything paper. Photos, letters greeting cards, magazines, newspapers, etc.
The last category hangs many people, as these items tug at the heart, rouse emotions, really get to many people.
It was less difficult for me, as I have rid myself of a lot of this already.
She recommends that, when going through each category, pick each item up, one by one, hold it in your hands, maybe press it to your heart, see if it sparks joy for you.
She calls it the "spark joy" feeling. durr.
The category which was hardest for me was clothing. I get emotionally attached to clothing. Shirts & dresses I wore to certain events or when spending time with people who I loved & still love. It was a tough one for me. Still, pressing forward, I did it!
Some items I will always keep are:
The Tinkerbell lucite figurine (replacement) from a box of Captain Crunch cereal when I was 5 years old.
The baby blanket my mother wrapped me in to bring me home when I was a newborn.
The hand carved French mahogany sewing box & accessories which was given to me by a beloved client's daughter after her mother passed on.
These are treasures which still bring me joy when I look at them, feel them, touch them. The baby blanket is of very good quality, given to my mother, by her sister, Elaine, when I was born. It's still in very good condition.
Living with more quality vs quantity, clutter & dust is a happier existence for me.
It brings it home that having more meaning in life is a more sincere way of living. That's me! Sincere, genuine, striving every day to be the most authentic person I can be.
Most days I make it, sometimes I fall short, yet, I'm always striving.
The difficult task is deciding to simplify, how to discern what to let go of. Things are only things.
Cluttering up living space with things to dust. Things to be owned will begin to own you when they cease to serve a purpose.
The Konmari method started by a Japanese woman is sweeping the world! Marie Kondo is doing a wonderful service while raking the cash in all over Japan, all over the world!
Her method is simple. Guys are doing it, girls are doing it. Even children are doing it.
She recommends going category by category, Clothes & wearables such as hats, shoes & including purses, wallets, too.
Other categories are kitchen, living room, bathroom. The last is papers. Anything paper. Photos, letters greeting cards, magazines, newspapers, etc.
The last category hangs many people, as these items tug at the heart, rouse emotions, really get to many people.
It was less difficult for me, as I have rid myself of a lot of this already.
She recommends that, when going through each category, pick each item up, one by one, hold it in your hands, maybe press it to your heart, see if it sparks joy for you.
She calls it the "spark joy" feeling. durr.
The category which was hardest for me was clothing. I get emotionally attached to clothing. Shirts & dresses I wore to certain events or when spending time with people who I loved & still love. It was a tough one for me. Still, pressing forward, I did it!
Some items I will always keep are:
The Tinkerbell lucite figurine (replacement) from a box of Captain Crunch cereal when I was 5 years old.
The baby blanket my mother wrapped me in to bring me home when I was a newborn.
The hand carved French mahogany sewing box & accessories which was given to me by a beloved client's daughter after her mother passed on.
These are treasures which still bring me joy when I look at them, feel them, touch them. The baby blanket is of very good quality, given to my mother, by her sister, Elaine, when I was born. It's still in very good condition.
Living with more quality vs quantity, clutter & dust is a happier existence for me.
It brings it home that having more meaning in life is a more sincere way of living. That's me! Sincere, genuine, striving every day to be the most authentic person I can be.
Most days I make it, sometimes I fall short, yet, I'm always striving.
Wednesday, April 19, 2017
New addiction
Hello, to you, out there in the world!
Being ever vigilant for anything new & I do mean anything, anyone, anywhere!
Having a great love for adventure, I am always on the lookout for something new to try out, someone new with a different perspective from mine. New people, new foods, new combos of past items, as well!
Glamour Magazine has been a go-to for me for a long time. As in, hmm what's fresh & new! It offers an opp to keep up.
There were recipes in past mag issues that just jazzed me, right in the tongue, lips & taste buds.
Just a couple of examples:
Engagement Chicken (self explanatory!)
Complexion Soup (Carrots, chicken broth, ginger ~ yes, please!)
Recently, I found a combo that is so yummy I have to have it as often as possible. It helps that it's so simple, so completely natural & packed with Vitamin Y! (The yummy vitamin!)
Actually, I confess, I am a Vitamin C junkie! I tend to gravitate toward lean natural protein & anything loaded with vitamin C!
Oh, I love my key lime pie, love my pasta, yet, those, in moderation so as to have a healthy, supportive diet for my fitness goals.
This recipe is so easy, quick to make.
Are you ready?
1 mango, pitted, peeled & cut into bite size pieces
1 avocado "......")
1 fresh lime
Combine mango & avocado, squeeze a wedge of lime on top.
I'm addicted.
You're welcome!
Being ever vigilant for anything new & I do mean anything, anyone, anywhere!
Having a great love for adventure, I am always on the lookout for something new to try out, someone new with a different perspective from mine. New people, new foods, new combos of past items, as well!
Glamour Magazine has been a go-to for me for a long time. As in, hmm what's fresh & new! It offers an opp to keep up.
There were recipes in past mag issues that just jazzed me, right in the tongue, lips & taste buds.
Just a couple of examples:
Engagement Chicken (self explanatory!)
Complexion Soup (Carrots, chicken broth, ginger ~ yes, please!)
Recently, I found a combo that is so yummy I have to have it as often as possible. It helps that it's so simple, so completely natural & packed with Vitamin Y! (The yummy vitamin!)
Actually, I confess, I am a Vitamin C junkie! I tend to gravitate toward lean natural protein & anything loaded with vitamin C!
Oh, I love my key lime pie, love my pasta, yet, those, in moderation so as to have a healthy, supportive diet for my fitness goals.
This recipe is so easy, quick to make.
Are you ready?
1 mango, pitted, peeled & cut into bite size pieces
1 avocado "......")
1 fresh lime
Combine mango & avocado, squeeze a wedge of lime on top.
I'm addicted.
You're welcome!
Tuesday, April 18, 2017
Then & Now!
There is a lot to be said, explored plus questions answered in genetics. Things that people do without realizing that it's a mannerism which has been passed down for many generations.
Do you know your family tree?
Have heard it said that some West Virginia family trees grow straight up.
Do you ever wonder how family members contract diseases associated with tobacco usage, yet, have never lived with tobacco users nor been a tobacco user in their entire life?
Do you ever see a family with children who are so different from each other, they look like they couldn't have come from the same parents? Yet, they did.
Genetics can be very fascinating!
According to the family knowledge passed to me by my mother, aunts, maternal grandmother, etc, my maternal great grandmother was a formidable enigma to be reckoned with! She was feisty, strong willed, alarmingly intelligent with a quick wit & a sharp tongue.
According to my relatives, she was also an Austrian Duchess.
Gee whiz, skippy, I am nothing like her! ;)
She gave her royal title up to marry the man she loved. Yeah, I would do that, too. She had (according to genealogy records) seven children to raise when her husband, Herman Nagel died. He had bought a large home for her, so, she moved her children into rooms together, then, rented the rooms to boarders.
She did what she had to do, did what she could do.
She was a survivor!
My grandmother was second youngest, her baby sister died as an infant.
My maternal grandmother was beloved by all, her husband insisted on it. He loved my grandmother so much, he insisted that she be treated with respect. My mother was the youngest of his 5 daughters. After my mother was born my grandmother announced that she would have "no more of that" much to my grandfathers sorrow. This meant that Grandpa got his own bedroom and Grandma had her own bedroom. She was also very feisty, stubborn as well as being considered "very opinionated" by those who knew her.
I saw her soft side, I believe, more than most people did. She indulged me with giving me treats, she and my Grandfather. They would dress me in cute little dresses, grandpa would braid my blonde hair, then they would take me to their Senior Citizen parties.
She also would fly into rages, tirades, during which my Grandfather would look at me, smile, hold his index finger to his lips as in. "shh". Still smiling, he would, very inconspicuously reach up to turn his hearing aid off.
Then, every time Grandma took a breath, he would say,
"Yes, dear."
It would be surprising if my mother, my aunts, my sisters or I turned out to be docile little wallflowers.
All of us are passionate, adventurous, strong women with survival skills. Not as opinionated as Gr.Grandma Nagel, Grandma Kendall or even my mother, yet, it seems to be in our genetics.
Two of my maternal Grandmothers sisters did something that women born in the 1800s just did not do. Going into a man's world to start a business, together.
They struck out on their own to become successful business women. They worked together, they argued, they shared a home which they bought for themselves. They refrained from marrying. From the photos I have seen, they look to be well to do, if you will.
I have seen several photos, yet, only have one photo of each in my possession.
To add a bit of description to this photo, I was visiting in Utah, when I was based at Edwards AFB, CA. The visit left me with a bit of free time. I went into one of those photo studios that dress their subjects in clothing from a different era for their photo session.
I may get the names of my great aunts incorrect, however, I believe the one on the left is Gr. Aunt Amelia, on the far right is Gr. Aunt Edna. In the center?
C'est moi!
When I had my photo taken, I had no knowledge of the photos of my Gr. Aunts. When I was looking through photos, one day, I found the photos of my Gr.Aunts, then the one of myself. It gave me the idea to put all 3 together.
Purty cool!
Do you know your family tree?
Have heard it said that some West Virginia family trees grow straight up.
Do you ever wonder how family members contract diseases associated with tobacco usage, yet, have never lived with tobacco users nor been a tobacco user in their entire life?
Do you ever see a family with children who are so different from each other, they look like they couldn't have come from the same parents? Yet, they did.
Genetics can be very fascinating!
According to the family knowledge passed to me by my mother, aunts, maternal grandmother, etc, my maternal great grandmother was a formidable enigma to be reckoned with! She was feisty, strong willed, alarmingly intelligent with a quick wit & a sharp tongue.
According to my relatives, she was also an Austrian Duchess.
Gee whiz, skippy, I am nothing like her! ;)
She gave her royal title up to marry the man she loved. Yeah, I would do that, too. She had (according to genealogy records) seven children to raise when her husband, Herman Nagel died. He had bought a large home for her, so, she moved her children into rooms together, then, rented the rooms to boarders.
She did what she had to do, did what she could do.
She was a survivor!
My grandmother was second youngest, her baby sister died as an infant.
My maternal grandmother was beloved by all, her husband insisted on it. He loved my grandmother so much, he insisted that she be treated with respect. My mother was the youngest of his 5 daughters. After my mother was born my grandmother announced that she would have "no more of that" much to my grandfathers sorrow. This meant that Grandpa got his own bedroom and Grandma had her own bedroom. She was also very feisty, stubborn as well as being considered "very opinionated" by those who knew her.
I saw her soft side, I believe, more than most people did. She indulged me with giving me treats, she and my Grandfather. They would dress me in cute little dresses, grandpa would braid my blonde hair, then they would take me to their Senior Citizen parties.
She also would fly into rages, tirades, during which my Grandfather would look at me, smile, hold his index finger to his lips as in. "shh". Still smiling, he would, very inconspicuously reach up to turn his hearing aid off.
Then, every time Grandma took a breath, he would say,
"Yes, dear."
It would be surprising if my mother, my aunts, my sisters or I turned out to be docile little wallflowers.
All of us are passionate, adventurous, strong women with survival skills. Not as opinionated as Gr.Grandma Nagel, Grandma Kendall or even my mother, yet, it seems to be in our genetics.
Two of my maternal Grandmothers sisters did something that women born in the 1800s just did not do. Going into a man's world to start a business, together.
They struck out on their own to become successful business women. They worked together, they argued, they shared a home which they bought for themselves. They refrained from marrying. From the photos I have seen, they look to be well to do, if you will.
I have seen several photos, yet, only have one photo of each in my possession.
To add a bit of description to this photo, I was visiting in Utah, when I was based at Edwards AFB, CA. The visit left me with a bit of free time. I went into one of those photo studios that dress their subjects in clothing from a different era for their photo session.
I may get the names of my great aunts incorrect, however, I believe the one on the left is Gr. Aunt Amelia, on the far right is Gr. Aunt Edna. In the center?
C'est moi!
When I had my photo taken, I had no knowledge of the photos of my Gr. Aunts. When I was looking through photos, one day, I found the photos of my Gr.Aunts, then the one of myself. It gave me the idea to put all 3 together.
Purty cool!
Sunday, April 16, 2017
Heart of Gold
Being kind, being compassionate, is a natural state of being for me. Yeah, as corny as it sounds, I'm the genuine one who enjoys being nice.
At times, it's necessary to be a bitch, yet, it's unenjoyable for me. In todays world, there are predatory people, both male & female, people of all races, religions, ethnicity etc, who look for easy targets to exploit. Those people can be someone you don't know or ones you do know. Often they are your own family members. Their purposes for exploiting you can be for money, sex, emotional gratification or any number of a smorgasbord of anything that serves them.
At times, it's necessary to be a bitch, yet, it's unenjoyable for me. In todays world, there are predatory people, both male & female, people of all races, religions, ethnicity etc, who look for easy targets to exploit. Those people can be someone you don't know or ones you do know. Often they are your own family members. Their purposes for exploiting you can be for money, sex, emotional gratification or any number of a smorgasbord of anything that serves them.
An easy target is someone who is TOO nice. Being nice is about being nice to yourself, first, as in, refraining from letting others take advantage. Then, nice to others, while discerning predatory from friendlies. :)
In the past, I was too nice, then, I became downright bitchy.
Present day? Having struck a balance between the 2, I have a heart of gold while refraining from being a pushover.
I'm a lover, not a fighter, however, I will fight for what I love.
Saturday, April 15, 2017
Would you put it in your mouth?
Your mouth is the gateway to your health, present & future. If you could see, acknowledge how any substance affects your health, present & future.
Would you put it in your mouth?
Would you put it in your mouth?
Some substances such as tobacco products : Cigarettes, cigars, chewing tobacco.
Other harmful substances to your body:
Methamphetamines, excess alcohol, caffeine.
Common harmful substances:
Excess sugar, excess salt, processed foods, fat-free foods full of chemicals.
The list is long!
Every time you put anything in your mouth, you are either feeding disease or fighting it.
Staying clean here, did you go dirty on me?? ;)
Some of the best substances to put in your body, using portion control are:
Lean, natural proteins:
Chicken breast
Turkey breast
Nuts & seeds such as walnuts, cashews, peanuts.
Nuts & seeds such as walnuts, cashews, peanuts.
Some excellent sources for beautiful skin:
Sweet Potatoes
Citrus such as oranges, grapefruit, mango, pineapple, kiwi
Berries such as: Strawberries, blueberries, raspberries, blackberries
Eating these foods unadulterated by excess sugar or salt will change your life!
Eating as natural as possible such as eating everything fresh as in NOT from a can or a package will benefit you greatly.
For the sake of brevity, this is an incomplete list. Having spent the last 15 years studying this, I wanted to share.
Be well!
Friday, April 14, 2017
Doing what I love, it must be showing!
It's a Friday night. Beautiful balmy night in North Texas.
After returning from dinner at Olive Garden with friends, I felt a restlessness which could only be soothed by a workout!
There was only 2 guys in the gym.
No worries, I could take 'em! LOL!
I started with a Sans Barre Yoga workout. Ahhh!
My strawberry blonde hair has grown longer so that I have to braid it pulled forward over my left shoulder. It keeps my hair out of the way when I do weighted squats on the Smith Machine.
Tonight, I wore my USAF PT Shirt ~ wings on my back! black yoga pants, a hot pink sport bra, puma trainers & black sport socks. During Yoga, I strip down to sport bra & yoga pants, it's easier. Alone, in the exercise room in the back, I feel free, focused on training my muscles to lengthen, strengthen. Improve balance, form & graceful movement.
Feels so freeing, serene, loving it!
After Sans Barre, Yoga Booty!
Helps to be a cutaay with a bootaayy!
It was time to walk it out, get on the tread. I like balance, so, if I'm walking at 3 mph, I'm at a 6 incline. At a 4 mph speed, an 8 incline. OCD? Maybe! To me, it's balance.
The 2 guys were not around. I put my earbuds in, great music. The soundtracks to the 50 Shades of Grey movies. Great tunes! Dancing on the tread, crabwalks, etc.
Hey, I was into it!
20 minutes & 1 mile in, the hotter guy of the 2 looked like he was saying something to me.
Scared the helloutta me!
He looked like he wanted to say something to me. I took my earbuds out.
"Nice to see a beautiful woman who enjoys her workouts!"
Yupp, ha ha! Doing what I love.
Friday night fitness! Yowsa!
After returning from dinner at Olive Garden with friends, I felt a restlessness which could only be soothed by a workout!
There was only 2 guys in the gym.
No worries, I could take 'em! LOL!
I started with a Sans Barre Yoga workout. Ahhh!
My strawberry blonde hair has grown longer so that I have to braid it pulled forward over my left shoulder. It keeps my hair out of the way when I do weighted squats on the Smith Machine.
Tonight, I wore my USAF PT Shirt ~ wings on my back! black yoga pants, a hot pink sport bra, puma trainers & black sport socks. During Yoga, I strip down to sport bra & yoga pants, it's easier. Alone, in the exercise room in the back, I feel free, focused on training my muscles to lengthen, strengthen. Improve balance, form & graceful movement.
Feels so freeing, serene, loving it!
After Sans Barre, Yoga Booty!
Helps to be a cutaay with a bootaayy!
It was time to walk it out, get on the tread. I like balance, so, if I'm walking at 3 mph, I'm at a 6 incline. At a 4 mph speed, an 8 incline. OCD? Maybe! To me, it's balance.
The 2 guys were not around. I put my earbuds in, great music. The soundtracks to the 50 Shades of Grey movies. Great tunes! Dancing on the tread, crabwalks, etc.
Hey, I was into it!
20 minutes & 1 mile in, the hotter guy of the 2 looked like he was saying something to me.
Scared the helloutta me!
He looked like he wanted to say something to me. I took my earbuds out.
"Nice to see a beautiful woman who enjoys her workouts!"
Yupp, ha ha! Doing what I love.
Friday night fitness! Yowsa!
Thursday, April 13, 2017
I Can Feel Him
Day after day, night after night, moment by moment, my spidey sense tingles.
The feeling persists. I feel him out there, thinking about me, wondering about me.
It's not my stalker, he is gone. YAY!
Maybe it's because I'm in such a secure place in my life that I am just as content with a man in my life or without. Either way, I'm happy. Being more realistic, less naive yet still, the positive, happy more realistic girl than I used to be. Life is peaceful, no drama allowed. Only love, only peace, only the sweet spots of life.
It's him. I feel his essence around me. My intuition tells me that he wants to contact me, to come back into my life. To feel the way I made him feel, once again I made him feel so admired, respected, loved.
He wants to do things right, this time.
Do you believe in second chances? He does. I do.
What would I say to him?
Take it slowly. Please be gentle with my heart. Welcome back, welcome to the new "Us".
He has learned, grown, matured, become a better person since that time which seems so long ago yet I remember it like it was yesterday, he remembers it as if it was yesterday, too.
Since that time, I believe that I am the improved version of who I was. My stalker is gone, my life has become more stable. Having grown, changed & become a better person in so many ways, he would be even more intrigued than he was before.
New & improved Brenda!
I know that I look better, feel better & have become more spiritual than I was even 5 years ago.
Maybe it's all the hell I have been through, having been forged in the hell like fire to come out purified, stronger.
Gone is the vengeful nature which I so despised in myself. Learning, growing & maturing will do that.
Come back to me.
Wherever you are.
Whoever you are.
The feeling persists. I feel him out there, thinking about me, wondering about me.
It's not my stalker, he is gone. YAY!
Maybe it's because I'm in such a secure place in my life that I am just as content with a man in my life or without. Either way, I'm happy. Being more realistic, less naive yet still, the positive, happy more realistic girl than I used to be. Life is peaceful, no drama allowed. Only love, only peace, only the sweet spots of life.
It's him. I feel his essence around me. My intuition tells me that he wants to contact me, to come back into my life. To feel the way I made him feel, once again I made him feel so admired, respected, loved.
He wants to do things right, this time.
Do you believe in second chances? He does. I do.
What would I say to him?
Take it slowly. Please be gentle with my heart. Welcome back, welcome to the new "Us".
He has learned, grown, matured, become a better person since that time which seems so long ago yet I remember it like it was yesterday, he remembers it as if it was yesterday, too.
Since that time, I believe that I am the improved version of who I was. My stalker is gone, my life has become more stable. Having grown, changed & become a better person in so many ways, he would be even more intrigued than he was before.
New & improved Brenda!
I know that I look better, feel better & have become more spiritual than I was even 5 years ago.
Maybe it's all the hell I have been through, having been forged in the hell like fire to come out purified, stronger.
Gone is the vengeful nature which I so despised in myself. Learning, growing & maturing will do that.
Come back to me.
Wherever you are.
Whoever you are.
Invisible or visible?
It's becoming more prevalent with time, in my life, anyway. A friend's parent once told me of this. I found it interesting, yet, gave it little thought.
In a society which praises youth, youthfulness, is more forgiving of stupidity in those under 30 years of age, I see it very clearly.
At times, I feel myself becoming invisible.
Oh, I am far from the stereotype which is foisted upon my peers as well as, in ignorance of the damage they do, the claiming of it by those same peers.
Some people "move through time" while others just become old, aged, obese, popping pills to try to keep afloat. A change of the life habits which makes them ill would be better, yet, big pharma & doctors would become irrelevant if people did that.
Many people of all chronological levels, races, economic persuasions, genders, etc., have stopped listening to me, personally. As if my age makes whatever I have to say, irrelevant.
I work out, stay current with trends, world events, local events, am 100% healthy. Yet, I notice many people around me have begun to ignore me when I'm speaking.
It's as if I were invisible or not speaking at all.
Slowly, I am becoming invisible, just as my friend's parent told me about. I notice this same behavior toward any person who is past the age of 40, who is most often single, has no great amassed property, no financial wealth, who is absent any elevated professional status.
I notice this.
It's rather disturbing, rather sad that those in their teens & 20s, with less life experience, less good judgment, more ageist behaviors, are revered. Then, while those over the age of 30 years or 40 years, are ignored, sometimes even ridiculed behind their backs.
Where is society headed?
Wherever it's going, I will go my own way, showing courtesy, respect, honor & paying attention to all.
Age truly is only a number, I'm a fighter who is willing to go my own way, regardless of the status quo.
In a society which praises youth, youthfulness, is more forgiving of stupidity in those under 30 years of age, I see it very clearly.
At times, I feel myself becoming invisible.
Oh, I am far from the stereotype which is foisted upon my peers as well as, in ignorance of the damage they do, the claiming of it by those same peers.
Some people "move through time" while others just become old, aged, obese, popping pills to try to keep afloat. A change of the life habits which makes them ill would be better, yet, big pharma & doctors would become irrelevant if people did that.
Many people of all chronological levels, races, economic persuasions, genders, etc., have stopped listening to me, personally. As if my age makes whatever I have to say, irrelevant.
I work out, stay current with trends, world events, local events, am 100% healthy. Yet, I notice many people around me have begun to ignore me when I'm speaking.
It's as if I were invisible or not speaking at all.
Slowly, I am becoming invisible, just as my friend's parent told me about. I notice this same behavior toward any person who is past the age of 40, who is most often single, has no great amassed property, no financial wealth, who is absent any elevated professional status.
I notice this.
It's rather disturbing, rather sad that those in their teens & 20s, with less life experience, less good judgment, more ageist behaviors, are revered. Then, while those over the age of 30 years or 40 years, are ignored, sometimes even ridiculed behind their backs.
Where is society headed?
Wherever it's going, I will go my own way, showing courtesy, respect, honor & paying attention to all.
Age truly is only a number, I'm a fighter who is willing to go my own way, regardless of the status quo.
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