Sunday, July 24, 2016

You're so Attractive!!!

When was the last time someone said this to you? Oh, it's not feeling that you or I need validation. Girls and guys are lifted up by occasional, sincere compliments.

It doesn't have to be about looks, it can be about anything, really. As long as it's sincere.
It's a non-necessity, simply nice to hear or to have. It has to be done right to be effective or affective, if you like. 
Strawberries without whipped cream are fine, the whipped cream is an add on, a complementary bonus.

See what I just did, there?

On  the opposite side of the spectrum, people who are insecure, who don't like themselves, will try to ease their own discomfort by noticing, what they see as, shortcomings in others. They will verbally point out wrinkles in another persons skin. They will tell the other person, their flaws, as they see them.

They are, thereby, broadcasting to the world as well as the other person,
"I don't like myself! I'm feeling uncomfortable, insecure, I will point out what's wrong with you so I can feel better about me!"

Really, in their attempt to lower others to make themselves feel better, it has the opposite effect. It's a tiny band-aid on a gaping wound. The person only feels worse about themselves.

Lift others up, feel the joy within yourself. Have a positive effect on the world around you and the people in it!

Have a great day!

You're beautiful!!

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