Wednesday, July 13, 2016

Isn't it Romantic?

Isn't it so soul touching wonderful?

Romance can involve 2 people or it can simply be one person with a romantic way of living. A guy or a girl. I'm a girl so this will be framed in a female perspective.

If flowers have not been sent to me, I will buy some flowers for myself. Just because. Just to put some love in my day for me.
Could be roses, could be tulips, could be red, white & blue!

Someone once told me that I don't just walk, that I glide, that I flow like water with the bounce of jello. Mmkay.
I'll accept it as a compliment, she was a sweet friend. When I have watched my daughters walk, they walk the same way I do, so, I could see what was meant. Graceful. Genetics are so cool!

Tending to think in a romantic way as I do, things of a romantic nature make me wistfully happy. When seeing a social media post of a romantic nature, it makes me feel happy for the 2 people.  The happiness reflected in their attitudes toward each other is contagious, it draws an "aww" from me!
The clothes that I like tend to be silky, flowy, soft on my skin. Soft colors or soft color combinations or a combo of red & black sometimes.
Love some sparkle, it feels like wearing magic! Romantic!

Don't tell.
Don't laugh
I think in rhyme.
Writing poetry comes easily to me. You might say I have a somewhat unfair advantage in my ability to compose poetry.
I can write poetry about anything, any time of the day.

Love and joy with sunshine and roses
The lilt in the words a lover composes

A wonderful talent, n'est ce pas?

Romance can be found in music, movies, nature, water.

Romance can be created in the mind & movements of a persons body. Dance, walking, hand movements, a smile, a wink a song!

Romance can be found in artwork, photography, the sound of a beloveds voice.
Oh! Don't get me started!
I'm a lover of the sound of a guys voice! Linguistics are fascinating to me. I can be infatuated with a guy on the sound of his voice, alone. His voice, vibrating on the sensitive tissue of my tympanic membrane. OMGoodness!

So, you see, I'm a very romantic girl with a positive outlook on where, when & how romance can be found.

Find the loving romance in your life, absorb it, enjoy it.

Romance yourself, in private, of course.

Peace, love & romance, peeps.



  Someone you love is someone who Once was very special to you Touched your heart your soul your mind Helped you to be the one to find Someo...