Sunday, July 17, 2016

The Way

Have you lost your way?

Have you gotten into a deep abyss of anything?

Can you see a way out?

Do you know a way out?

When & if a way out is offered will you recognize it?

When recognizing it would you take it?

It's a very difficult aspect of life. Most people don't recognize at the time when they are sliding down into a situation which will have an unhappy outcome. Unfortunately, these situations wear the alluring, tempting, tantalizing, seductive disguise of ~

A dang good time!

The very embodiment of the road to hell paved with the pebbles in the shoe. At first, the sensation is a bit different yet tolerable. It even provides a bit of entertaining sensation for those with high tolerance. Eventually, the pebble has dug it's way into the skin, causing a realization that the pebble should have been discarded immediately. It seemed small, harmless. Life was going on, the pebble was an innocuous presence.
Until, it began to burn like fire as it dug its way in.

Have you had this experience?

The analogy can be applied to many situations.

Weight slowly adding to the body. With every over indulgence the body's excess weight climbs, it becomes so excessive, without the person realizing until one day it's so out of control it seems to be an insurmountable task to lose it. Exercise which once was easy, becomes painful. It seems so overwhelming, many people give up.

I have been there, my friends, don't give up!

A relationship begins with a very smart, attractive person. It grows and grows, lasting 6 months and then, something changes. The person who claims to love you begins making unkind remarks then apologizing later. A month or so later, they make the remarks without apologizing later. A few months later, they change it up, making snide, unkind remarks, then laughing about it, telling you, you can't take a joke. It's not very funny when it hurts.
Yet, remembering that the person was so much fun, so sweet, so loving at first. It seems like if you wait long enough, if you fix yourself, the original person will return. Except, the original person was not who they were, ever. Yet, you wait and wait. The weeks go by, months, sometimes even years. It only becomes worse, until one day you look in the mirror at a sad, haggard, unhappy, prematurely aged person you have become. Talking to the person has no effect, counseling, nothing. According to them, YOU are the one with all the problems, they are happy, doing just fine, so, you must fix yourself to please them.
The only thing that can be done to save yourself is to leave.
To extricate yourself for your own sanity.

I have been there, too, leaving was the best thing I ever did!

Money is an essential part of todays world. The golden rule applies. The one who has the most gold can make the rules that please them, that benefit them. A concrete fact of life in 2016.
This is why I am currently making such drastic changes in my life. The people in this small town I'm in will not accept or care about me or do much to help me get ahead. So, I'm making changes to cut my living expenses in half. It's for greater freedom, greater happiness. My church family is there for me, for which I am deeply grateful!!!!
Life is meant to be enjoyed!
I intend to enjoy!

You might ask; So, what is the way?

The way for you is what works for you.

It may be different for me, different for you. Different for everyone else. The frustration in life is to endeavor to find what works for you. The joy in life is those "AHAAA!" moments when you find that, which will help you through your own personal dilemma. That which will resonate with your spirit.

For me?

I lived from the age of 4 years to 18 in the same small town. The same house. Most of the same people from K - 12. As a result, I feared change of any sort. For a small town skinny & shy girl from a dysfunctional family, having a desire for adventure is a monkey on the backside! Always niggling.

Entering the military, where change is constant, helped me find my way to overcoming the fear of constant unknown changes. Constantly being thrust into the unknown.
It gave me adventures, for sure!
It also gave me an appetite for change. An appetite for adventure, new places, faces, anything new is exciting to me!!!

Training in the USAF was really a shaping of my personality. It gave me the self discipline to be self motivated, proactive, filled me with a fearless attitude toward adventure.
In present day, I create my own adventures. The opportunity used to show up, it used to find ME.
Now, I must get out there to find it!

Sometimes I find my adventures online, not going to reveal my sources of adventures TYVM.  ;)

Sometimes I find my adventures at the gym. Changing up my workout to form new muscles. Yes, exploring the great indoors!

Making these big changes to reduce my cost of living, I'm hoping to find some adventures in Mexico, maybe Italy! I'm seeing the doors open up to me and it's thrilling!

The way is there for you, you simply need to find it. Whatever your heart desires is out there wanting you to find it. It may be an attractive mate, it may be a vacation to a location you have dreamed of visiting. It may be in building a stronger, healthier body. It may be simply taking a course to expand your mind.

THE WAY is out there, my friends, it's waiting for you to find it. Start looking. Look inside your heart & mind. Look for it online. Look for it in the beauty of nature. Pay attention, when it calls you. There's a song in your heart, you will hear it if you're listening. It's begging to be heard by you, only you!

Get out there & find it!


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