Monday, July 25, 2016

Doing the right thing...*sigh*

It's sometimes more of a challenge to do the right thing, sometimes less of a challenge.
Sometimes being a bit naughty is called for.
Just sometimes!

Mostly, I do the right thing. It generally feels better, leaves me with fewer regrets, gives me more self confidence, a better feeling.

Basically, my character is the same as it has always been.
My beloved grandfather taught me very well. In the past there were more opportunities to choose the wrong thing. Maybe because I lived in a Liberal state, in a larger, more populated area. For the most part, I did the right thing when faced with the many dilemnas. The poor choices I made, taught a very valuable lesson I will use every day!

Sorry, if you were ready for a long diatribe. It may or may not happen, this time. *smile*

I moved to Texas in May 2012 for various reasons. It was a nice change, a good decision for my life.

Life was definitely different. It was also very lonely, very isolating as I healed, grew, evolved!

In early 2013, a temptation presented itself that I'm very happy I passed up. It would have been a disaster, plus, it would have been wrong on so many levels.
A 20 yr old friend of a relative found me online. He began messaging me. His age had nothing at all to do with my reluctance. The emotional pain it would cause my relative, finding out, was enough to stop me.,, 
He was only in Texas for about 6 months, wanted to spend some time with me. 
Wine me, dine me, 69 me. Yupp.

I resisted.

Online is a funny thing.

I'm single and though I'm not actively looking, occasionally, I do get a serious nibble. 
At the end of 2013, a guy I had dated briefly, in Colorado, messaged me. He was ready for a change and told me that he had "come into" a large amount of money. He had become tired of the way so many girls were so fake, so promiscuous. He asked me if I would like to have him move to Texas so we could "take up where we left off".

Umm, nope. If it didn't work the first time, it most likely would not work the second time. 
Crises averted. :)

In early 2014, I was just leaving work, it was raining hard. A guy who had just been to the bank to withdraw what looked like  a WAD of $100s. was running to his car. As he stuffed the wad in his back pocket, one of the $100s slipped out and was getting soaked by the rain.
Everyone can stand to get an extra $100. Even me.
I grabbed it and was running after him, yelling. The rain was loud, wet, cold.
I slipped & fell on the wet pavement, the owner of the money was in his truck with the door closed. He was starting his truck, preparing to leave. The thought DID go through my mind to keep the money.
I couldn't do it!
He had rolled back out of the place where his truck was parked.
I ran up, knocked on the window, he put a pistol up to the glass! Kinda funny, actually!
He lowered the window.
I told him he had dropped the money and handed the soggy $100. to him. He took it, with a smile of gratitude, thanked me.
Ya know, I gave up $100., I felt like 10 million!

It was the right thing to do.

There have been other opportunities, it makes me feel happy to say, I made correct decisions.

Do some good in the world.

Feel the happiness from it!




  Someone you love is someone who Once was very special to you Touched your heart your soul your mind Helped you to be the one to find Someo...