Wednesday, July 27, 2016

It's Truly Optional

Many people see it as inevitable, unavoidable, no way out of it.

Au contraire

It's optional.

Many believe it's unnecessary to fight it, dislike it, deny it. To do so, goes against biology, goes against who people are as human beings.

However, the attitudes in most of the world truly stink toward it. The attitudes deny all people of enriching experiences which can better them in so many ways. People have been fed the false attitude toward it by the media and, guess what?
They have been duped into believing it.

Of course, the same can be said for the attitude toward everyone NEEDING sexual intercourse akin to NEEDING water, food, air, etc.
Nope. Ya will still live without sexual interaction.
I'm living proof. 
Wanting sex, needing sex, gave males too much control, too much power over me.
No bueno.
The solution?
Stop wanting it until I am married.
FYI - Am not looking.
Problem solved.

No, the ignorance I speak of is the attitude that people have to become incapacitated as they move on through time. Getting old is optional.

People give up on life for the same reason they fall out of bed. They need to be farther into it.

When a person keeps the burning curiosity alive in themselves, they continue to learn, to grow, to change. When a person continues to seek out experiences that are new, very different to them, they keep their minds sharp, functioning well.

Here's another aspect of it.
Mind-Body connection.
When a person stays physically active, getting a minimum of 1 hour of heart pounding exercise EVERY day, it keeps the mind & body strong.

Yet, another aspect!
You wanted more, right? Admit it! HAH!
When a person keeps themselves thinking positive, finding reasons to laugh to smile, to feel the giggles of the soul, it makes the most impact of all.

When a discomfort arises, as they do, in life, find a way to get back to comfort. Sometimes, it's simply necessary to wait for the discomfort to pass. Similar to getting over a cold or waiting for the pain of a paper cut to cease.

In time, even grass will turn into milk.

Other ways to take care of the body which ultimately supports health in the mind is to get a minimum of 7 hours of sleep, every night.
Body needs rest to repair while sleeping.

Also, water, water, water, water. That's a big key.
People develop brain fog, tooth decay, constantly spit (EW! YUCK!) because they're dehydrated.
Lacking enough water.
The brain, by itself, uses approximately 3 tablespoons per hour to function at its best.

The process of moving on through time can be a fun ride when exercising, eating healthy, refraining mostly from tobacco - pharma - negativity, getting enough sleep, drinking mostly water.
Becoming "old"?
Define "old".
Carefully. LOL!

Define "old", not as the world defines old. The view of advanced age which is so skewed by the media, is false.
My darling, youngest daughter, tried to tell me that getting old is inevitable. Well, she tried. Ha Ha!

I know better.

When divorcing the ex huzz, it felt like I had been sprung from a prison, like I had hit a reset button on life. A new lease, if you will. It felt as if I began the process of growing younger, feeling younger every day. 
I began to put BACK into practise those actions which I, naturally knew to be healthy, which he had stripped me of, slowly as my spirit was trampled upon. Devalued, disrespected, crushed.

I began to eat much more healthy. Also, something else that even surprised me became interesting.

Prior to that, I had never set foot in a gym.


Beginning the journey back to health, strength, slimness, happiness, turning back to who I really am.

As my body became more and more lean, I became happier, gained my curiosity about life back. Gaining back, all that I feared was lost to me, forever.
Oh, the insomnia was more pronounced, yet, after nearly 10 years, I have even begun to conquer it!

Yoga & Pilates have played a role in my return to well rounded health.

People who don't know me think I am around 35. Sometimes 45.
My age is none of anyone's business.

Only when people are being rude, do they ask.

When someone asks another person, who they barely know, their age?
It tells me a lot about them.
They have given into the media duping.
Poor, rude, little sheeple.

I will move on through time, with an intact burning curiosity. Continuing to become more lean, stronger, drinking enough water, getting enough sleep, thinking positive, showing love & compassion for those who need it.

Peace out!



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