Monday, July 18, 2016

It Keeps Happening....

It happened again, today!

In spite of my high self motivation to work out, to continue on a path of ongoing self improvement, I'm human. It stings a little bit, just a little, to admit I still need encouragement.

Encouragement is so inspirational to keep going!

Prior to 2 years ago, workouts were confined to the gym.

In the last 2 years, they are home, gym, anywhere that works! You Tube is a great source to keep up with new & fresh workouts to keep changing it up. Have to admit, it does become somewhat stifling to do the same thing every day, so, I change it up every day. The order in which I do cardio then strength training, sometimes doing strength then cardio, throwing Yoga & Pilates in there to keep it going.

Still, I find I can keep going easier when I have encouragement.

Seeing myself every day, I feel stronger, more lean, more toned with just enough muscle, yet, I don't SEE the improvement.

Today, I woke up late, got to the gym, later than usual. Tsk, tsk! I had some trash to throw out, I don't like having the trash dumpsters in front of my house, so, I take it with me & toss it in any big blue dumpster. It's legal, here, in this town.

I parked next to a dumpster to get a big black trash bag out of my car. Not gonna' fib! It was really heavy! Texas guys, for the most part, are gentlemen. Texas people are very nice, mostly.

Struggling a bit to lift the bag, I took a deep breath to hoist it up into the dumpster. A big truck pulled over & a guy who I have talked to at the gym a few times, stepped out to help me. Had not seen him at the gym in 6 months or so. I smiled, no, I admit, I tried to smile! It was more of a grimace from the effort! It was up, over & into the dumpster before he got to me!

Then, it happened, he looked at me.

"You look like a girl who I talked to that works out at Anytime."

I replied, "Yep, that's my gym!"

Then he really looked at my face,"Girrrlll! I haven't seen you in a few months, I didn't recognize you! You look smaller every time I see you! Whatever you're doing, it's working! Keep doing it!"


I smiled, "Just working out & lovin' life, dude! Have a good one!"

He's a Texas gentleman, a really good guy. I appreciated his words.

I need the encouragement. I needed it, today. Packing up the house I have lived in for 3 years while working 6 - 14 hour days on document translation, still working out 1 - 3 hours most days. It gets to be a bit much to handle.

Continuing on my way to the gym, I arrived, parked on the side of the gym. As I got out of my car, a girl who I sometimes talk to was just getting in  her car to leave. I said hello to her. She walked up to me and told me that she had been using the fitness tips I had given her. It was about natural eating and cranking the resistance on the elliptical machine and not holding on to the handles to strengthen abs.

She looked at me, "Ya know, you're an inspiration to me!"

I probably blushed and said, "Well, you're awesome sauce, too!"

She got in her car & left. Both of these people were so motivating, so inspiring to me, today. Just when I needed it the most.

My workout was only an hour, today, I have a lot to do to prepare to move. It was enough to give me a good burn, a good sweat.

Inspiration, motivation, perspiration, 3 great things in life.

They happened for me, today.....again!

Find your inspiration, it's everywhere when you look!

Peace out.

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