Thursday, July 14, 2016

What do you think?

The internet can be an interesting place. People can be whoever they wish to be. It's great cover.
It's also a haven for married guys, trolling around for sex or whatever they're trolling for. A haven for married girls, too! A haven for trolls of all sorts.

If your feelers get singed easily, it's best to stay away from You Tube, social media, etc. Under the cloak of anonymity, there is often, a dagger. People can be quite snarky, quite unkind as it's quite difficult to physically locate the person and, often, it's a waste of time. Finding them would require questionable legality.

In short?

A waste of time.


I am the same, in real life - irl - online, on the phone. Being careful about my verbiage online, unless I would say it irl, saying it under anonymity, being the same is how I live.

On occasion, when trolls came out, I gave as good as I got.

Over time, having learned to not waste my time, I reply to a negative comment, once. If/when the negativity continues, I simply block the troll. Feeding the troll only gives them thrills. No need.

What about being a kinder, wiser person, online?

What about being a more kind, more wise person irl?

Novel concept, there, Skippy.

As time moves forward, as it always does, evolving ever forward into a better person is a better way to be. As I receive negative judgments from people who don't know me, that's all it is. The negative self image people have of themselves, causing them to pass condemnation on others who they feel they are superior to.

Learning to leave these trollers to themselves is better. Blocking has its purpose, making use of it is an effective tool.

The person I was yesterday, I am no longer. Allowing myself growth, change, becoming a more understanding, a more compassionate person as I progress on my path is the key!

I ask again, what do you think?

What you think is yours, yours alone.

Here is a variation on that theme:

Opinions are like belly-buttons. Everyone has one. The only person it makes a dent in is the one who has it. Yupp.

It's my Birthday, today, I'm feeling fantastic. Gifts & phone calls have been coming in all since yesterday, there's a dinner with friends, tonight.

I look better, feel better, am happier than I was 15 years ago. With my healthy living practices and daily workouts? With the joyful progression & changes in my life which happen constantly?
I feel as if I'm growing younger!

Hope you all reading this can feel the joy in yourself today.

Life is good!


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