Saturday, July 16, 2016

Are you NATIVE?

Even a little? Native American, American Indian?

Have you done your genealogy to find out? Is it important to you to know where you came from? What your  racial combination is? Are you even a little curious?

The results may surprise you.

They were semi surprising to me.

Have always known my father was 99% Native American. Have always known my maternal grandmother was European, 1/2 German, 1/2 Austrian. Her father was from the German family, Nagel, as in the equivalent of an American Dillards, his family founded and owned, Nagel Betten. But her mother..........
OMGoodness, she was an Austrian Duchess who gave up her title to marry the German man she loved. Have been told of her absolutely formidable demeanor. A real firecracker! From the photos I have of her, umm, yeahh, I believe it! I can see the fiery arrogance in her face in the 2 photos I have of her.

My maternal grandfather had an English father, a Scottish/Irish mother. My great grandmother died when my grandfather was just a few days old. She delivered my grandfathers twin stillborn at 7 months gestation and held on long enough for my grandfather to be born. His eyes would often tear up when he would say with regret how he wished he would have known his mother. Grandpa Kendall loved women! All women. He fiercely adored his 5 daughters!
Oh, get me started on my grandfather!
He was the most accomplished man I have ever known. He was very physically strong, tall, well built man with a tender heart, a great sense of humor, an intelligent mind who loved my maternal grandmother in spite of her rough German temper.
He was very calm, always wore a hat. Had very European ways. He wanted to celebrate a 50th wedding anniversary with my grandmother so much, it took 4 major heart attacks before he died. I loved my grandfather with all of my heart, I miss him every day!

He had his hats custom made. I have one of his wonderful hats. Would you like to see it? Maybe I'll show you. *smile*

My paternal grandparents were very stark contrast to my maternal grandparents. I spent more time with maternal grandparents.
They were both Native American and my mother did not have a very good relationship with them. Am not even sure just why.

My mother was a fiery red haired woman with soulful brown eyes.

My father was only about 5'4" with black hair and light grey eyes.

What a combo!

Somehow, I inherited strawberry blonde hair and light green eyes that turn blue when I'm happy, brown when I'm sick and yellow in the sunlight. Most of the time, light green. My hair still tends to show the red color no matter what I do. I don't like the red! Though many guys seem to like it, I like the blonde, not the red.

Have you ever used a Groupon?

I love it!

As much as I know about my heritage, I'm still very curious. A burning curiosity seems to be a cornerstone of my personality.

When Groupon was offering a genealogical test to determine racial composition at a reasonable fee, around $20. which is usually closer to $100. I grabbed it!

The test involved the company sending a sterile swab to swab skin & saliva from inside the mouth cheeks. Why not??????

The kit arrived 2 weeks after ordering and then, I had to wait until it was processed. Could be up to 9 weeks. OH! The suspense.

Finally, the results arrived!

In a family that has 2 - whatever number of children, the children may look completely different or have some similarities. They may have the very same biological parents, yet, inherit similar or totally different genes. Ahhh, yes, the gamble in the gene pool!

I look somewhat similar to my siblings, yet, have always felt that I was very different, an outsider in a family of six children. Maybe, I received very different genes than they did. Unless they, also had a gene analysis, it will always remain a mystery.

Since my youngest sister died in the year 2000, it's not possible to know about all of my siblings. I am so disconnected from them, it will most likely always remain a mystery. I'm very different from them. No better, no worse, just different, have always felt it.


According to the analysis I am ~

52 % Native American
25 % Irish
20 % Scottish
3 % German

If the analysis is true, then, the percentages seem correct to me. Maybe it's all the time I spent with my maternal grandparents plus the near 100% Native American from my father that made me who I am. Learned behavior plays a part, life experiences, factor in.

Isn't it interesting to find out who you, yes, I'm speaking to YOU to find out who you are? To discover why you think the way you think and do many of the things you do?
Genetics and psychology combined with spirituality are all very very interesting.
It's a path to self discovery.

Although learned behavior is a difficult aspect to overcome, it can be done.

I have done it.

Although a person has learned family behaviors such as drug addictions, alcoholism, violent behavior, nicotine addiction, caffeine addiction, even obesity. Those can be overcome, too!

I have done it.

Although I like wine, I know not to go there to excess.

Nicotine is a complete turn off for me, so is knuckle cracking!

No illegal drugs for me.

Although I had become obese, I have totally changed my lifestyle, my life habits. Becoming more lean, more fit with every sweaty, heart pounding workout.
Even since 2012, I have had to buy new clothing, umm, even new undergarments! Ya know you're becoming smaller when your panties don't even fit, any more! My girls didn't shrink. No new bras for me! Hooray! Love that!

Fitness is my drug! Not to excess, yet, for enjoyment.

What I do wonder, is if my inherited genes played a role in my abstinence from nicotine, caffeine, illegal substances as well as curbing alcohol consumption?

When I was expecting my third child, I noticed things about the way I interacted with my 2 children and I didn't like what I saw.
From the MST experience in the time I served in the USAF, I was easily startled, experienced deep depression and anxiety. I also had deep seated trust issues.

Wanting to be the very best mother I could, I went through a full year of deep psychological analysis and counseling.
Best thing I have ever done! I will be forever grateful to the woman who took care of my 2 daughters when I went to counseling. The counseling made me a better mother, a better person. The person I was married to was making me miserable. All that has changed.

So, what part does genetics play in all this?

I have been told many many times how alarmingly intelligent I am although I only have a HS diploma and USAF training in the way of formal education.

Intelligent? Maybe. *smile*
Deeply curious? DEFINITELY!
Adventurous? Absolutely!
Happy & playful? 500%
Energetic & optimistic? 500%
Confident. O Yeahh!

My challenge to you is to ask yourself questions every day!

Ask yourself, why do I like the foods I like?
Why is my favorite color, my favorite color?
Why do I prefer to be near the ocean or mountains or desert?
Why do I do the things I do?

Ask yourself with the curiosity of a child.

See what you find!

Be delighted!

Peace out!

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