Thursday, July 21, 2016

Difficult to be different


Is it different to be difficult?

Knowing that I am a unique person, knowing that most people have difficulty understanding me, it can give life some razzamatazz. :)

In my heart, my intent is benevolent. Very sensitive, I know. Yet, I feel things deeper & differently. I think deeper, even a bit analytical. I am emotional like a girl, often compartmentalize like a guy. It's essential for emotionally positive health.

Events that hurt other people will devastate me. Yeah - yeah, people tell me there is treatment and meds for that. It may be okay for others, I do without meds as much as I possibly can.

So, having been told that I am "different" on many occasions by many neutral parties, my thinking is that it must be true. Mostly, it has been said in a positive context. Mostly. lol.

The down side of that is that I live in a very small town with small minded people who live here. They have lived her their entire lives, they will most likely live here for their entire lives, never leaving very much or for very long. There are people who are exceptions to this rule, a few exceptions, sadly, very few.

Many of these people claim to be Christians. They talk the talk, they don't walk the walk. They seem to think it's not obvious. The truth of who they are is obvious to everyone.

Yeah, I'm a bit POed about a recent event.

In my regular feed, a FB friend of a FB friend had posted a video that appeared in my feed. It was a music video of a popular group performing a song that I hadn't listened to much before.
The song caught my attention, made me feel happy!
I shared it on my FB page. I know who the person is irl who had the video I shared, no big deal.
I go in to FB this afternoon to find he has blocked me!
So rude.
Yeah, so mature, such a good Christian ~ Not.
A conversation or even a FB message would have been courteous.
I'm an outsider in this town, that makes me unworthy of respect, unworthy of courtesy. I don't matter, therefore, no courtesy for me.
It makes him a small minded, insecure little boy.
I feel better just getting that out.

In Austin, Texas or Dallas or San Antonio, I might fit in. I'm a single girl, single by choice. No husband. No boyfriend. No kiddos. I'm very independent, making my way in the world. Many people past the age of 30 have stopped working out or even taking care of themselves. That makes me weird, right there, according to these people. They can't wrap their head around it.
Many people in this town make it their mission to know everybody else's business. The ones who do this know that I work out. On the rare occasions when I have had visitors to my home, people know about it. They ask me about it, too!

Back to being different.

Some things that are different about me ~

I care about other people
Being one who says what she will do, does what she says
Very creative
Very curious
Have lived in several other countries outside the USA
Independent & free spirited
More genuine than most people
More sincere than most people
High energy level
Happy 99% of the time
Will do whatever is needed, within reason, for greater happiness

Unfortunately, these are many qualities that are missing in a large percentage of the population in todays world. The factors of age, race, religion, economic situation, gender, etc have zero bearing.

Many people have seemingly lost the concept of being authentic. They may have 5,000 FBFs and not know even 1/3 of those who are represented by a FBP.
On my FB? At any given time I will have less than 30 FBFs. None of them live as residents in Pakistan or Iraq or China or Nigeria or any other place where people try so hard to get to know an American who lives in the USA. Most of these are catfish. People looking for a victim to tell their sad sad  fake story to. Mostly to extract money, sometimes just for the fun of it out of boredom.
There are as many reasons as there are catfish.

It takes so much time, effort, energy to be fake.

Here's a novel concept.

Be real.

Unless you have extenuating circumstances.

Be real.

In my life, on my FBP, if someone wants to be fake ~
they can be gone.

Ain't nobody got time fo' that!



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