Tuesday, January 23, 2018

Learning Lessons

People are all put on this beautiful earth at the same time for good reasons. To be there with each other, for each other! To make babies! To celebrate life.
We're here to learn from each other!
Those who hurt others, abuse others, that's on them.

I love to learn from others & have been fortunate to have known some varying unique individuals! People with skills!
Spiritual gifts
Fitness skills
Fashionista skills
Language skills
Organizing skills
Hunter skills

The list can go on and on! Indeed, I have known some very skilled, very talented, very generous people. People who were generous with their knowledge, their time.

This may be following at the tail end, yet, it's by far, the most important to me.

As a person of heart, of spirit, many of these skilled people have opened their hearts to me. That really means the most to me. 
From personal experience, it's with a hesitancy that trust happens.

Easier to give help, rarely finan, yet, it happens. I won't send money to scammers. If a person keeps their wits together, scammers are relatively obvious to detect.

While serving AD USAF I met a Native American Chaplain who taught me so much! When no one else had ever encouraged me to find then strengthen my spiritual gifts, he did this for me.
What followed, were some of the most beautiful experiences of my life.
Regretfully, peeps, those are too precious, too personal to share on a public blog opened to the whole world.

Fitness skills! Having been so fortunate to have a few sessions with a few different personal trainers.
Guy PTs, Girl PTs!
I'm an amateur, so, every bit of fitness information I could soak up in our sessions was great! I've been affectionately dubbed a "Chatty Cathy" by a few PTs.  :)
Had to learn to curb it, remember their valuable lessons.
Push harder, talk less! 

Fashionista skills! 
This fashionista blessing has come from people of varying age ranges, most of them in their teens, 20s, low 30s. It's less of an age thing, it's simply the way it played out.
What matters most to me is the person themselves, less about an ageist attitude. People are people are people. Age is irrelevant.

Language skills!
Having been a part of & connected to the military life for most of my life, it has been my good fortune to meet so many people from all over the world! People of cultures different from mine. People who speak many languages including Amerikanische, as my acquaintances from Deutscheland call it.
Languages & cultures which are so different from my own fascinate me.
In fact, vocal inflections, vocal variances fascinate me. Often, when a persons voice captivates me, it's difficult to focus on what they're saying! 
One of the many quirks that I draw from simply being human.

Organizing skills!
When I first arrived in Texas, the 4th home I moved to then stayed in for 3 years, was new, beautiful, had very limited storage. I searched on the net for a professional organizer.
The organizer was so cool! Completely upfront about what she would do, her fees, etc.
This girl was worth 10x what her fee was. She talked as we worked, taught me so much. 
It was a very edifying experience.

Hunter skills?
It may or may not be what you think. :)
In my experience, there are more hunters than I have usually seen when I lived in other places. Guys in Texas rodeo a lot so it's common to see guys and girls walking around wearing functional not decorative spurs on their boots. 
It's also fairly common for guys and girls to walk around stores in town in hunting gear.
The guy who does the handyman work for my Landlords is a really nice guy. He's also a successful hunter!
He loves to hunt, he has family & friends who hunt. 
Deer, doves, boar ~ they are serious hunters!
When there's an abundance of quarry, people run out of freezer room for their meat.
I was the happy recipient of some excess venison steaks!
Tonight, I have already had my total calorie intake.
Tomorrow night? Oh dear!
Venison steak!
Oh dear ~ deer!

Have to love a guy who's a successful hunter! 

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