Saturday, January 20, 2018

Bloody Intuition!


What is it, you ask?

It's a spidey sense of a sort that alerts when something feels a bit "off ". Someone or something may feel different than usual or different than it was an hour ago, a week ago or the last time a person or place was visited.

Animals have it to varying degrees.
People have it to varying degrees.

Hollyweird has distorted it, along with other things, so much, that many people don't understand what intuition is. Intuition operates similar to the muscles in the body. 
It's there, the more it's believed in, the more it's exercised, the stronger it becomes.

In all truthfulness, pinpointing why some people have it stronger than others escapes me.

All that can be explained from a personal POV is having it as strongly could be because it's listened to then followed.......well mostly.
There were times, unfortunately, that I ignored it or allowed others to tell me it was incorrect, there was a painful lesson learned.
Listen to your gut instinct!

Today, I went about my usual day. Rise from slumber, into gym clothes, check sales & emails online. Get whatever is needed from the grocers, get to the gym for a workout. 

Cruised to the local grocery store, selecting some tasty veggies, some salmon for my after workout meal, I saw that all checkout lanes were busy except one. Hoping there would be a speedy cashier I headed over there.
The cashier was a high school student, who had been working there for, oh, I don't know how long.
He was always friendly, joked around just the right amount while still being efficient.


There was a noticeable change.

In recollection, the change seems to have happened 2 weeks ago. I shrugged it off, knowing that the world revolves around everyone with their various life events.
Whereas before, he was smiling, joking. When I approached, there was no smile, no "Hey, how are you?"
Just flat.
Not even eye contact.
Intuition tells me that it's the same old same old. The gossip that goes around in a small town.
Majority of the people in this town don't know me.
They know what the gossip is.
They probably believe it.

I could feel, FEEL, that something must have reached the ears of this cashier.
It makes me feel a bit sad that the cesspool of gossipers in this small town, who claim to be oh so Christian. They have such boring lives that they must say negative, untrue things about people they don't know, to feel holy, to add a giggle to their existence.

It's my intuition kicking in.

People can say that nothing has changed, people can be wrong, I reserve the right to be wrong, to admit to a mistake, then, to apologize.
Following intuition is more accurate.

It's obvious that some negative gossip reached the guys ears by the way he didn't smile, didn't greet me as he did before. His eyes had a flat, dead look. No eye contact, either, when I looked at him. He looked behind him twice, making eye contact with a couple peers, the looks they shot back at him, said it all.

I doubt I'll be going to that store very much. When I do? I'll choose a different cashier even if I have to wait a bit longer to check out.

He will probably feel relieved, I will feel less discomfort.

Sometimes, it sux to have sharp intuition!!!!!

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