Wednesday, January 24, 2018

How can you.......

It's one of the most healing, heart warming things a person can do while also it's something incredibly difficult for most.

If you wait around for someone who has hurt you, betrayed you, deceived you, lied to you, stolen from you, cheated on you, backstabbed you, damaged you......
HAH! You got it, I know!

If you wait for the admission of guilt then a sincere apology, you may be waiting for something that, in all likelihood, you will either be waiting a long time for or will never receive.
You may get either or.....or neither.

People rarely acknowledge then admit to their wrongs within themselves, much less to the injured party.


Lawyers are necessary.
Law enforcement personnel are needed.
Florists sometimes profit from it.
Mediators can make a living from it.
Then there's stress eating ~ Ice Cream, Chocolate, Steak Houses

If you listen to iHeart Radio, You Tube Music, good ole AM/FM, you will hear it.
Every variety of pain that a human can possibly suffer from a myriad of life events caused by a variety of situations.
Country music has it's share yet the monopoly is nonexistent!  

When listening to any genre of music, it's as if the music is the life blood of pain flowing out of a wounded heart.
Maybe poetry is the same?
Maybe.  :)

Having been alive long enough I can say that heartbreak, wronging others, being wronged by others, are, unfortunately, part of my life experience.

A favorite phrase of mine is:
"I reserve the right to be wrong."

It's only human to err. 
Here comes the tricky part.

You see, when a person is empathic enough, has a feeling heart, enough to admit to themselves that they have hurt someone, when as well as if they desire to make things right, they become vulnerable.
The other person has the power.
The feeling of vulnerability, rolling over, exposing your belly, as it were. (sorry for the visual) 
It puts the one apologizing at the mercy of the wronged party which is very unpredictable. The other person can choose to accept the apology or reject it.
Either way, it's a less than comfortable position.
At the mercy of another person.

In all truthfulness, it escapes me as to why some people deal with this easier than others. In this tech driven world, it's easier to be unkind to another person with a conflicting viewpoint to your own. The other person may be within a 25 mile radius or on the other side of the planet or an unknown location. Unkind words can be said so anonymously, in haste, never taken back.

Personally? I have received exactly 2 apologies in my life thus far.

How many have I sincerely given?
Too many to count!
Dear readers, I believe firmly in the cleansing power of owning up to a wrong, taking my lumps, then offering a sincere apology.
Often, it's received graciously, a few times it was the other variety.

It was worth the chance I took.

It cleansed my soul.

When my apology was rejected, I simply gave that forgiveness to myself. Though I tried to repent then repair with the other person, if it didn't work, then, I know I tried to make it right.
Knowing I tried, did all I could do although it was rejected is better than carrying that heavy soul burden through life. Too heavy.

Giving that forgiveness to myself for the peace it gives to my heart.

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