Monday, April 20, 2015

S.W.A.G. !!!


SWAG! ~ To me? This means

She Wants A Gentleman

What is a gentleman? Can only speak for the definition I endorse.
Personally, my preferences run toward a more masculine man. He's all guy, confident, still kind to others, honest about his feelings, truthful in facts he discloses about his marital status, his intentions toward others. Since I am a single girl, it's especially important that he treats women with respect, honesty, truthfulness. 

It's especially important, to me, that he is the type of good man who will be faithful to his wife, his girlfriend, basically, the relationship in his life. Cheaters are the worst variety of abusers among males.
They abuse a woman's heart, doing such damage, she may never completely recover.

"One definition of a COWARD is a male who awakens feelings of love in a woman knowing he is not free or not willing to let himself love her in return." ~ Unknown

A gentleman (personal definition)

Kind to animals
Faithful to his girl
Takes care of himself ,mind, body, spirit
He's  accomplished much, yet, stays humble
Takes care of his children no matter what his relationship is with their mother
Works hard, plays hard, knows when to let loose, when to rein it in
He can rock a business suit as good as he can a military uniform or T-shirt & jeans (for me?ESPECIALLY a military uniform! :)
Profanity is just a presence in life, he can still express himself, verbally without dropping F-bombs, any other bombs, lol!

Now, many people may say that his type of man doesn't exist. Au contraire! He does!
I have met several, in fact, just met such a man just yesterday, that's April 19, 2015.

In my dreams!


Just playin' !

I met him yesterday. There was a meeting at work. It ended at around 8 pm. I was really exhausted, I felt like hell, looked, worse, am sure of it. All I wanted to do is go home, take a hot shower, go to bed! Then, got a message on FB from a cool girl I work with, that I had left my cell phone at the meeting. UGH!
It was not far away, yet, I had to go back to get it. When I am extremely tired, I do tend to lose things. Sue me.

I went back, got the phone, drove home, thanked my co-worker, then, I noticed something strange. My street is very quiet in this small town where everyone knows everyone. An F-250 silver truck kept driving past my house back & forth on my street.
As a single woman, living alone, am quite private, i don't allow people to visit inside my home. It causes alarm to me when someone who I don't know comes to my door. Or even when anyone does if they have not called or texted me beforehand.

Am also a single woman, living alone who keeps a charged taser at all times. :)

I stepped out onto the front porch to see what the driver of this silver truck might be doing.
Within a couple minutes, he pulled into my driveway! I stepped inside, grabbed the taser, held it behind my back.
he came walking up to me telling me he was sorry to bother me, that he had driven up to Graham for a business meeting the next day & he was a little lost.
I used to just believe people right off the bat. I'm an honest person, I used to think that others could be believed just as I can.
have remained honest, truthful, yet the many lies told to me by both males & females have caused me to be less trusting.

When he stepped into the light of my porch at 9:30 pm, I could see that he was quite clean cut, around 5'7", brown hair, blue eyes. Probably around 32 - 35....and smelled so clean. A really hot guy!


The wind direction was conducive, I have a very sensitive nose!

He told me the place he was looking for. After telling him where it was, he stopped for a moment, looked at me, asked if I was a doctor. I was still wearing a lab coat from the meeting. I told him what I do for work, asked him if he needed a doc.
He grinned, shook his head to say "no".

He then asked if I wanted to get a cup of coffee with him, because he was not tired enough to sleep. 
My first question to him was,
"Are you married or otherwise attached?"
He grinned again.
"Ma'am, I'm a happily married, faithful husband & father, just not tired enough to sleep. A beautiful woman is much better company than a TV."


I got in my car, had him follow me to the bed & breakfast he was staying in. He checked in, carried his luggage in, then followed me to a lit parking lot where the cops patrol regularly, I still kept my taser with me.

Had him follow me to a well lit parking lot that the cops patrol regularly. He came over to where I was parked next to him, opened the door to sit in the front passenger seat with the gear shift between us. Being seen with a guy in public would get people talking about me. I like to fly slightly below the radar.
We talked for a few hours.
I talk too much, am working on my listening skills. It was easy to sit back, listen to his voice. He told me about his life, including his wonderful wife, his 3 little boys, the business he is working so hard to build. Not sure why, it gave me some deja vu although he and I had never met before.
There was plenty of mutual attraction, no doubt, yet, he was a gentleman, it's to be respected.
Finally, at 1 am, I had to go home to sleep. It made me feel so happy to have met such an honorable man.

It gives me hope. NOT hope of finding a man to share my life with.
That ship has sailed.

Hope that, amid all the pressure for guys to cave in on morals, responsibility, fidelity. There are still good, decent, real men of character, out there in the world.

S.W.A.G. for the other women out there who are searching for him.

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