Wednesday, April 29, 2015

An Easy Day

Having a slower pace is what I need once in awhile. Working 3 jobs keeps things moving at a quicker pace. 
Today, only working at the Vision Center for 5 hours freed up the day to focus on fitness. Working 3 jobs with 3 distinct streams of income feels good. It keeps me busy, out of the house. Out there making as much money as I can for as long as I can.

Sleeping in is a rare pleasure for me, these days. Today, I slept in until 0700 then, off to the gym. Started out on the elliptical, 1 hour at a steady level 10 resistance, went 7.5 miles, it was exhilarating!

Back to the main exercise room for a 30 minute strength training class. Love it! Gets me feeling stronger every day! Next, a 1 hour Pilate's class, it focuses on abs, core, balance. The plank pose at the end has been doing great things for me. The class suggests to hold plank 45 seconds. Wimpy! Ha ha! I hold it for 2 minutes, it gives great results!

The StairMaster used to intimidate me until now, it's great for my glutes & legs! 20 minutes is the max time, so, okay, 20 minutes, at a level 10 speed, conquering 78 floors. YESSSS!!!

Came home for a shower. Sometimes I shower at the gym, would rather do it at home.

Today, a series of romantic songs randomly played on my Mp3 player. Not A Bad Thing - Justin Timberlake, We're Going Home - Drake, Let Me Be Your Hero - Enrique Iglesias. Ten Feet Tall - Stephen Wrabel.
These songs put me in a romantic mood. Then, starting my car to drive home, Love Me Like You Do - Ellie Goulding. on the radio.
So, it got me thinking of how much I love romance.

I used to wish for a wonderful strong man to come into my life, a single white guy, who had his life together. A man who would work out with me so as to encourage me in my quest for a higher fitness level. The chemistry, the romance, the passion would be there. However, he would respect my desire to refrain from unmarried sex or even heavy petting. He would respect me enough to refrain from even tempting me to engage is such physical contact..
Love of fitness

For now, I will obtain my romance from the many romantic movies online. Passion from long workouts. Satisfaction from being productive at work.

It's a really, really good day! *smile*

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