Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Ready For Take-Off!

Hang on!

Hello, again!
Those of you who have ever been through the painful end of a long term relationship may be able to relate to this blog post.
If not, sit back, read, learn. ;-)
When a LTR ends whether it was mutual or one sided, it's quite painful.
It was me who wanted it to end, I paid for it financially and sooo many other ways. It was devastating. Being emotionally, financially, socially and spiritually derailed was only the tip of the jagged, cold ice-berg of the pain.
Being totally alone for the first time in my life was anxiety on steroids. Yup, really, that painful!

It has been 8 long, difficult years since then. Have tried so many things to get life back on track. FINALLY!
It seems to be coming together. 
Physical Fitness has returned! 
Can finally sleep at night without sleep aid, well, not in pill form ~ ;-)
Working 3 jobs keeps me busy enough, it also gives more financial freedom. Not much more, yet, a little more. It dawned on me today, as I was finishing up at my second job. This is what motivates workaholics. Working a lot keeps the mind focused on work, no drama. Working a lot gives so much reward! The reward it gives beats the shit out of a drama filled relationship!

Now, there is a new possibility on the horizon that my dream job may come to me, soon. Not saying much more. However, it feels exciting to think about, dream about!

There should be some word about this within 3 weeks!

Better than any of this, things feel more normal, now. better than normal, actually. Am free to be who I really am, who I was born to be, to progress to be better with time.
In time, even grass becomes milk. Hopefully the future will be more creamy smooth.

Laters, baby.

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