Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Today, he is on his way!

Today, a proud day.

A wonderful day.

A day culminating in accomplishment.

A day of triumph!

He has been talking to to me about this for 5 years!

Today, he has moved forward in the most successful way, possible!

Today, my awesome, chik magnet, kind hearted, fire arm loving, intelligent & ridiculously funny son, has taken the Oath of Enlistment at MEPS in Denver, Colorado!

I'm so happy for him, so proud of him, so thrilled for the adventure he is starting.

Every time he became discouraged, I talked encouragement to him. Kept encouraging him, kept telling him what to try, something which might work to get him into the United States Air Force.

Today, he made it, and yeah, I'm so thrilled for him! He is on his way to his own personal adventure.

My heart is so full. 

Happy day!

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