Tuesday, February 7, 2017

Kiss it Goodbye

There are elements of truth in everything. Many agencies use this to their advantage. Tell lies with kernels of truth in them, the lie seems more believable. 
What if there is more than a kernel even though it's still a lie. Even more believable.

Playing the " what if "  game, today. *smile*

My daddy was annoyed by the "what if " discussion. He would pipe up with "What if pigs flew outta mah ass!" Smart alec that I am & was, even as a child. I would answer him with, "Daddy, what if it was ponies or puppies?" He would whip his leather belt off & the "what if" game ended badly for me.

Astrology fascinates me, I believe less in it as an absolute, more as having 50/50 truth.

My birthday is July 14, Bastille Day in France, this makes my Sun sign as Cancer.
Being a true Cancerian Girl, the description describes me nearly 100%. Look up Cancer Astrological Sign in a dictionary, my photo will most likely be right next to it! JK!

According to the description of Cancerians, they hold on to anything, everything, anyone & everyone. They have a hard time letting go. It's something I have struggled with all throughout my life. Around 10 years ago, I conquered the "holding onto things" characteristic. 

Recently, I conquered the "holding onto people" curse. 

This is something I have been working on in the course of bettering myself. I still had photos of people who I still care deeply about who are no longer in my life, who have not been in my life for 8 - 10 years. I loved looking at their photos. It was somehow comforting to me.

In reality, it was holding me back.

This morning, the work to let go of people, paid off. If I had the photos in hard copy, I shredded them, saying good bye, blowing kisses, wishing them well. They are out of my life, their pictures are gone, the love I feel for them stays in my heart. It's the way I am. 

Afterward, I went to each of my electronic devices to delete the photos then, delete them permanently. 
Going forward is healthier, better.
You could say I should have done this a long time ago, yet, I wasn't ready, wasn't there, quite yet.

Maybe, it's because of working with this AWESOME personal trainer, 1 hour of killer training M - F.
My body is changing, I can FEEL the changes! My abs feel tighter, my glutes are already a bit higher & more defined.

As my body changes, it seems, my mind is changing, too! I was a bit stuck in a fitness rut, needed some drastic change. These workouts are definitely changing me.

This morning as I was blowing kisses, wishing well, giving blessings upon people I still love very much, I felt my heart change, felt my mind change. Also, I felt my countenance change. Felt it in my soul.
Perhaps this gives credence, for me, anyway to ~

Heal the body, heal the mind!

1 comment:


  Someone you love is someone who Once was very special to you Touched your heart your soul your mind Helped you to be the one to find Someo...