Saturday, October 20, 2018


Yupp. It's a real thing. If CBD gets good results, I'm game!

Nootropic: A cognitive enhancer. A supplement that improves cognition functions. Improves focus, creativity & memory in healthy individuals.

Recently, nootropic usage caught my attention. 

Yup, ha ha! You probably know where this is going.

Having a basic nature of being curious about everything, I want to take it for a spin. I want to see what these are all about, what they might do for me. I already have a fantastic memory, very creative thinker, my focus could be better.

Let's see if it can be even better!

These nootropics are similar to the idea of a smart drug in the movie Limitless with Bradley Cooper, except, obviously, a watered down supp.

I'm very healthy as in on a scale of 1-10, I'm a 9.

The 2 supplements which are touted as effective by reviewers are: 

Neuro-Peak (Said to be very strong)
Neuro Ignite (for every day usage)


My lil beauties arrived in my mail box today. I'm so excited, hiding it would be a falsehood!

The plan is to try them out, starting Monday.

Stay tuned.  


  1. Nootropics are real discovery for those who wants to make their brains smarter. I prefer to use Modalert , especially when I have too much work.



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